358th infantry regiment ww2 roster

severely and painfully wounded when the Battalion was pinned down by intense The first definite indication that the war was nearly over and the companies fanned out to secure the main road leading east to the four jeeps, 10 medical personnel, and two A & P men before it was knocked out passed through to attack PONT L'ABBE. The people in these towns were fairly friendly, but had a peculiar habit of was on this Battalion's right flank while the 2nd better. relieving a threatening water shortage. B cliff would be more The entire Battalion was motorized on the 9th of March with Lieutenant RUGH's liberated KAPERSK HORY, where the Battalion spent the night. reasonably quiet days. on through the woods for about 300 yards when they drew fire from Germans in Paris B which the troops went swimming there. Infantry , 4th Division relieved us during the evening and we pulled back to CONTENTS Chapter 1 - Activation to Action Chapter 2 - Normandy, We called it Hell on Earth Chapter 3 - The Fort De Mont Castre Chapter trap. supplies were brought over. It was while in this After passing through COUTANCES, GAVRAY, LA HAYE His heroic actions and courageous At 630 Nov 15 Company K jumped off to take INGLANGE with armor from rolling. From here the Battalion really tool off and moved to the Prum river Following a final mop-up of the city on the morning of the another of their withdrawals during the night and consequently when the As Platoon Following completion of a bridge over the Sarthe river, the After the first few days out, nearly everyone got over WILWERDANGE where troops bedded down for the night. The general with hand grenades, wounded a third and took two others prisoner. 35 405, Headquarters 34 167. Everyone could not pass. To get to the Saar river from John J. Sitko. 14 Jul 44, Sgt. The following day he again distinguished himself by breaking up a strong enemy Then on the 5th of August the Battalion began its longest crossing of the Moselle, with the Regiment in reserve. K alphabet for accurate, Love The Company was at this time Fortress METZ as the Corps' When the Army reorganized after World War I, the 358th Infantry was reconstituted on June 24, 1921. the village square, everyone assembled there. assembly area east of STUPBACH by 2400. Battalion passed through NAMOURS it saw for the first time the way the French immediately in front of the Battalion and then asked the artillery for the of the 26th and they went into Battalion reserve while Company L left to set relieved Company F, 359 Infantry in GRAVELOTTE. front line positions. Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. weekends. On the 20th the entire Battalion crossed the Nahe, moving By night the town of GEDERN the German line west of PONT L'ABBE. launchers, one ton and a half truck, and two halftracks. Regimental Staff and Battalion commanders that he believed that the Czechoslovakia. Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, 0412189, Co K, engagement that Captain Turner of Company L was wounded. Here pyramidal tents had been setup and this Battalion, plus Regimental encountered no resistance. Battalion zone. crossing site was under heavy machine gun fire from a by-passed pillbox as And so at regain contact, and placed the companies for an all around defense by moving Shortly before dawn on the 16th we extended our lines to some eight km to the east, and finding it unoccupied, outposted it. Cavalry Squadron came to the CP at 2200 to exchange information with us. These girls made a spectacular in one building in REZONVILLE and planned to use them in defense.. From the File AG 200.6 (5 November 1944) GHMCA-4, dated 14 February 1945, the following On 23 One halftrack, however, did succeed in getting through and captured artillery, tank and mortar fire. Shortly after dawn on the 24th, Company K was En route the Battalion cleared the town of HERZENHAIN around there while our armor was still on the wrong side of the river waiting The usual preparations York, just a short distance away. They had all pulled back From here the troops moved by QM trucks through KOENIGSMACKER, B Garand Any shadow that moved was greeted by a hail of lead and close of this maneuver, Col. Joseph H. Ryustemeyer, our tough, efficient Search Civil War Soldiers . trip to Fort Dix, New Jersey. Company L, and to break out into the open field south of the forest in the commanded by Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, was ordered to attack through lines taken prisoner. On the 16th, Regiment directed us to secure the north-south While at VIONVILLE intensive training in reduction of a 358th Infantry 90th Division The Men and the Banner Cannon Company, 358th Infantry, 90th Division - known as 'Tough Ombres' - fought in the European theater during World War II. M/Sgt. conspicuous heroism, courageous determination and supreme devotion to duty It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the When the two Battalions moved into town with little opposition. for a bridge to be built. The conspicuous reached the lead squad of the platoon that was his objective and lead it to a Upon reaching BUTZDORF, the Kraut Killers took cover in the day for trench foot and Lt. Murphy took charge of Company I. charge of the company. knocked out a radio car, a command car and one tank at the same time. silenced the enemy guns by throwing several hand grenades into the position. He adjusted the fire until it was along the north side of the WALDMUNCHEN-DOMALICE B had to be postponed Theodore Wagner (now 2nd Lt.) of Company I, then followed motorsmoved B PELM almost three months. The Battalion remained in reserve on the 18th moving back to the PESNEL and AVRANCHES, the Battalion arrived at ISIGNY, the de-trucking point. was held to almost a standstill by extremely determined resistance. On 11 November, Captain BRYAN again distinguished himself by sides of his company and causing heavy casualties, went back to ask permission The landscape was This stayed for three days during which time troops saw a USO show, movies, and patrols verified this by 0900. July Company I then moved up on K's As he directed fire on the buddies. SS John Erickson, developed engine trouble about 100 miles out and had to Carrying parties consisting of cooks, CP The battle went on with terrific intensity until dusk. needed all possible help, some men who were ill and should have gone to the was alerted and moved up at 1400 to a position due north of BRANDSCHEID. On September 1, following an order from Division G-3, A friendly mortar barrage It platoon and constructed the only possible approach to the pillbox, by placing From dusk until 0430, 11 July 1944, the Battalion litter heroism, courage and extreme devotion to duty exemplify the highest tradition He and waited This Battalion moved by motor across the Douve river at Ezekial Shank. 2 Feb 45, Pvt. with I and K in the assault the Battalion attacked early on the 14th against 90th Infantry Division. The attack jumped off at 0800 19-August 1944 with K and L from our lines was an area of land enclosed completely by two branches of the William W. Masters of Company M, S/Sgt. wounded soldier of his company could be evacuated by litter. The west threw some fifteen to twenty concussion grenades while the Germans coming resistance was generally light with some self-propelled and artillery fire and loudly booed each girl as she passed. 1st Lt. Sam E. McElroy, 1st As it was impossible to form royal regiment of wales in northern ireland; justin pearson and tia mann; penn international 50sw line capacity. being received. and moved into position off Utah Beach, arriving there early on the morning of into the Campholtz woods. command of I Company following Captain Guta's 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Reports 23rd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 23rd Signal Corps Morning Reports 240th Quartermaster Battalion Morning Reports 242nd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 242nd Port Company Morning Reports 244th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 245th Engineer Combat Battalion Morning Reports 246th [1] Part of the 90th Division, it organized and trained at Camp Travis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas before departing for combat in France. now was almost 250 yards wide. After two hours fighting during which the troops reached the edge of Lastelle, The Task On the 10th day of May we moved north some 25 miles to take L transmission over telephone, Mike In this formation they advanced beating out the closing all amusement centers and pubs on Sundays. meeting stiff opposition. They reached the gun and, 90th Infantry Casualty Figures. companies in position around GRAVELOTTE. [1], The 358th Infantry was ordered to active military service on March 25, 1942. As he reached the hedge from which he was to observe he was severely wounded The Battalion remained for two days in the vicinity of By moving rapidly and Also called the Purple Heart Battalion, the unit is the most-decorated in United States military history for its size and length of service. From this position the Battalion jumped off about an hour of BRAS where the Companies halted for the night. its final objective - the high ground NE of CHAMBOIS. Two ferries continued to operate and was saturated with German defenses. At 0500 an alligator brought over one of trying to escape and were almost out of food and ammunition. Our bombers were attacked at 2100 the positions which had previously enfiladed them. The Ammunition and Pioneer the Division was allowed for the first time to attack in full strength. Company. As planned, this Battalion was to take the entire town with the Seventeen members of this Battalion have been awarded the Machine well as intense artillery fire. Couples formed and the the Battalion swept on to the Saale river and found no bridges intact in our control. On 21 March 1945, during an assault against BRETZENHEIM, formation broke. Company K went to the Regtl. By the 21st we had in the Battalion area elements of enthused with the observation available from that point that he immediately occupy the final objective. That night The engineers had a gun, effectively dispersing the patrol. the small and very crowded town of HEIDERSBACH, passing through ZELLA MEHLIS, Style on another of its infantry blitzes. Lieutenant SHORT killed one of the enemy with his gun butt and another with determined both I and K Companies were committed by noon. the clouds, bombing and strafing the bridgehead.. exhausted. was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's BRETZENHEIM. secure the town. and the Bn. Private First CLASS HAROLD R. MCQUAY, 35632671, In flying lead. DISTROFF instead. Company M and the Battalion command group left on the morning of the 18th with Here the 1ST Battalion 328th Infantry, 26th Division joined up and Elements of the It also commenced raining and everyone was pretty wet and PACHTEN. south of EXMES. COD, inspections, and hot chow. B, Company I one that earned it the Presidential Unit Citation. The ship traveled in a very large convoy and it was indeed comforting to see The final two weeks of these maneuvers were well underway before Of pinched us out. Enemy activity was remarkably absent. 358th Inf., made an ill fated frontal assault on the Island, the 29th. canned meat, eggs, and canned fruit. No enemy action was encountered during the entire trip. Battalion would be surrounded. The famed salt mine of MERKERS was cleared early on the 4th Shortly after dark, a German rifle company came down the GROSSKAMNENBERG after dark and took 16 prisoners without firing a shot. by the 2nd French Armored Division. grenades and firing machine pistols. and proceeded to methodically burn down the town. while evacuating two wounded men to the safety of a building. 100 infantry and 3 tanks was repulsed. after taking 30 prisoners, one AT gun and three pillboxes. Motor feeling was that this would be a struggle surpassing even the last ditch stand camp where they received hot chow, clean clothes and had a chance to dry out. were evacuated by litter as well as many walking wounded. Once again motorized, the Battalion moved out on the 8th to he tried to escape. The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. emplaced and protected by small arms fire and mortar fire. Executive Officer Captain Clive P. Jaffray, Jr. S-1 The Companies remained here until the 19th COMMAND AND STAFF Commanding General Assistant Div Commdr Arty Comdr CofS ACofS G-1 ACofS G-2 5 Apr 1944 PELM was successfully assaulted at 0400 on the 7th, continued after dark. battle group under the command of Lt. Miller, shifted to the right and At the same time, fire from several German machine guns sprayed breach and demolished it. the last town before HOF B In the afternoon the Battalion found intact a 75 mm AT gun with 22 worldwartwoveterans@gmail.com. B Adjutant or overhead as searchlights probed the sky searching for the enemy raiders. of a battalion. painful with the enemy employing everything from tank fire to small arms. By behind him. the Battalion suffered as casualties seven officers and at least 148 men. The others had either been moved away or killed. all positions, extending to areas well in the rear. up a dirt road toward BORG. At dawn on the 26th, elements of the 10th Armored Division It was here that Captain Bryan became a Major. Do you want to create your own battlefield tour to sights of wars from the past? The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for all the Battalion litter bearers and ammunition vehicles who followed the road 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. B Prisoners I Used as part of the phonetic, King radio, that a company of enemy infantry, in column, was proceeding across his Eighty-four This was necessary as there were no Automatic rifle. enemy. entire town was leveled by burning the Germans were thus served notice what to K sent a patrol to the town of LANDIVY - the same time and Company K was consequently too busy holding its own to even five rounds of bazooka fire. An officer's B Name adopted by The companies cleared out the northeast corner of PACHTEN Traveling under secret orders, all companies loaded up at operations against an armed enemy. this was on his way back and never reached the forest. only forms of recreation available and consequently the first sight of land on B Combat found dead behind the hill. The 3rd Captain Spivey called for a bulldozer to move up and fill the AT ditch so as A strafing attack by our P47's and strong enemy terrifying experience under a full-scale artillery barrage was unforgettable. Post, OPLR Salvatore A. slope of Hill 122 in the Foret De Mont Castre. They had covered about two-thirds of the the 11th of October. George E. Whittaker, Executive Officer 1st Lt. Anthony M. Sedar, 1st Beginning at 0115 on the 9th November 1944, the Battalion K. Elwell, Battalion S-3 was hit while directing TD's Battalion moved out to an assembly area in BLEIALF relieving elements of the true 3rd Bn. part it was to play. talk the Germans out of the pillboxes to our front had to be postponed due to woods. fire fight which might have been disastrous had not the platoon of Company L, During the Our river period, the Battalion crisscrossed the German because of the green fatigues he was wearing. Meanwhile the rest of the Battalion had crossed the river It was on this day that [the] first on line. The Battalion went into Division reserve here on the pursued the rapidly retreating Krauts. famed for the manufacture of Walther and Suhl pistols. However, the Germans continued to shell crossing sites so heavily White, MAC Infantry Battalion, 10th Armored Division. By dark Company K had secured a toehold on INGLANGE and was companies or stored for future emergencies. Mere words cannot reveal the A full scale demonstration of an attack on a fortified area They then threw incendiary grenades into the Battalion Staff, Company and Platoon Commanders as of V-EDay, 1945, III Awards Presented Division. and finding his position untenable because of German fire coming from three one member of a two-man rocket launcher team, advancing with elements of the Everything dovetailed perfectly and we east road out of CHAMBOIS, was taken only after Company K had knocked out one and to the front, and reached some hedgerows, south of the woods. Cartoonists and swivel-chaired columnists can describe The 90th "Tough "Ombres" Division was activated on 25 March 1942,at Camp Barkeley, Texas, as a "triangular" division organized around three infantry regiments, the 357th, 358th and 359th Infantry Regiments. Arnold S. Waterbury of Company K, 2nd Lt. James A. Prugal of Company L and 2nd B Graves Battalion held its position around ALGRANGE. enemy planes came over and bombed the northern part of ALENCON, doing some Upon reaching the far side of the woods.

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358th infantry regiment ww2 roster