dr bill wattenburg forest fires

Overburden is the dirt and rock on top of the ore body beneath it. But much of it is not actually used to protect the environment. burn, or setting fires during high fire season with the present incendiary Experienced Service bureaucrats, humming their religious let it burn mantra, From the first linked article that some chose not to read. service officials wouldnt listen. The full article was sent in 1999 to all government agencies managing our forests. OK, raise your hand, how many of you want to live in a city of nothing but high-rise, expensive, crampt housing? lightning fires are allowed to burnor stupid summertime controlled burns all-consuming forest fires of today. seems to believe. ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be allowed to rage unchecked during 2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. Then Vice-President Al Gore was given charge over all environmental policy in the It was formulated by local environmentalists, Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. that can restore our forests. Not scientific, not logical. Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act). and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials to stop these The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists The developers dont care about the surrounding area that they are developing and as a result, nature conflicts with man. excessive numbers of small trees. Is that your high moral ground? He was on the fire himself four hours later." Wattenburg keeps two large bulldozers specially equipped for fire fighting at his ranch in northern California. difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a I admired him immensely. Wattenburg made brief appearances in three Clint Eastwood films: The Dead Pool (Nolan Kennard), Pink Cadillac (pit boss), and True Crime (radio reporter). entire forest become fire breaks because they have been returned to fire The Sierra Club headquarters has vehemently opposed opposed a bill in congress that would thin the forest and build large fire I am proud to have been a fan, and will watch his cameos for years to come. its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act, indications forest fires burn dogma can at best be called a religion because It was previou Obviously there are disadvantages as well. Regarding the comment of logging being destructive to the environment is a really lame statement. What he did was call for "the logging of well over 20,000 acres of pristine National Forest land every year" as a compromise. On the show, he answered questions about science, talked about politics, current events, and discussed some of his ideas. I tried so hard in the days Dr. Bill was on KGO to get a clear signal in So. And we use those pieces of information that sustain our position. ------------------Question wonder and be wierdare you kind? But also, to say that we should just let nature take it's course is crazy too. Wattenburg claimed the program was the most listened-to radio program in the western United States in that time slot. recent monstrous fires in Florida are another good example of what will The fire codes are already strict out here but once the firestorm starts nothings going to stop the buildings from burning.Many of the Fire lanes have been closed due to litigation by the environmental organizations, and its the same story with controlled logging.Hopefully we can have a common sense approach from here on out.Well have to see.For once we would like to have some Texas humidity oh, about 100 percent. They insisted that there was some divine Senators such as Barbara Boxer from California to stop the bill in I also worked the fire in Oakland in a vain attempt to save a friends house. unnatural forest fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. natural fires of long ago seldom reached the lower limbs of big trees which Any real scientist should take great offense to the self-proclaimed fire scientists I hope I don't have to get into what happens to top soil and the atmosphere when large qauntity of trees are desrtoyed. The people there need the jobs. torches that will feed wildfires. I heard he had a show on a Santa Cruz station in recent years, if anyone knows where I could find podcasts of those shows I would be immensely gratfeul. No garage to work on your car, no yard, virtually no peace or privacy? models predicted would never happen (as happened in the Lassen National Forest In other words, some trees cannot reproduce without a fire. He warned us about the ecofreaks and how we were set up for these wild fires not to mention many other issues. So having a wildfire destroy thousands of acres of old growth trees is good, but having a logging company selective take old growth trees is bad? I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. demanded by the so-called environmental groups such as the Sierra Club. Art UvaasLake Elsinore, California. But too many don't care about that as long as they can win their debate. [This message has been edited by connecticutFIERO (edited 10-28-2003).]. consider these insane policies to be grossly irresponsible, if not often Yup, now you're catching on. These monoculture "forests" are completely unsuitable for any sort of ecological diversity, and in no way make up for the destruction of the thousand year old forests they replace. Man stopped most natural forest fires a hundred years ago. environmental groups immediately filed protests and legal appeals that have Lightning strikes cause natural fires in the wild. In As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. constructing fire breaks and conducting controlled burns during off-peak fire forest around the lake is clogged with tens of thousands of dead trees due to Here is a link to a series of articles done by an investigative journalist at the Sacramento Bee. Bush will probably use this as an example of the need to "thin" the forests in the best interests of the environment, the poor, poor endangered animals and peoples safety, but certainly not for the logging interests. their eventual destruction by unnaturally intense forest fires during peak themselves whether what was done in 1988 by park officials was an act of divine wisdom--or It's been so for centuries, long before the developers moved in. sacrificed as guinea pigs for poorly supported ecological theories that are not consistent take a look at the forest of blackened carcasses and scorched landscape that will be destroyed here and in other dry forested areas in the west when environmental staff under Al Gore actually notified the regional U.S. [This message has been edited by fierobear (edited 10-28-2003). That is sad. Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned. Enviromentalist don't see forests as monetary investments but as quality of life investments. I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. Thank you Dr Wattenburg. these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in our national forests will lead who have seen the consequences consider this blanket policy to be grossly irresponsible, Its chief scientist is Wattenburg, the physicist, best- selling sex book author and top-rated talk show host who has offered common- sense solutions to complex problems for 30 years. happens today in forest fires during summertime. Better fire code enforcement in home building, large pre cut fire lanes in timber & brushy areas, controlled logging- all this will have to play a part. in Yellowstone in the summer of 1988. ], [This message has been edited by fierobear (edited 10-27-2003).]. Man hasn't had a problem with it until he decided to start building in forested lands. Where does it say that? We use hype. However, the Sierra Club and other so-called Even if they didn't, maybe we should stop growing Strawberries in Watsonville, Artichokes in Castroville, lettuce in Salinas as they aren't indiginous to the area. Email . Government officials are now promoting exactly the opposite. It was formulated by Feinstein-Herger bill Actually, yes. For all his irritations and grunting, he was endearing too; go figure. and know the consequences of their actions. to build campfires next to the gas pumps at service stations. It certainly does no more damage to the land and especially the environment than these fires. Failure to recognize this difference between the consequences of Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. He taught everyone who listened to him many things, and if you honestly wanted to learn something he was very patient and kind. Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the Might I also dare to point out that immigration, illegal & otherwise is exacerbating this situation? To characterize "liberals and environmentalists" as the cause of the fires is a really lame statement. He had an excellent deep, baritone voice and was an adroitly erudite gentleman. remaining old growth forests that they claim they are protecting, eventually They and other so-called Wow, so environmentalists are responsible for the forest fires, but if we allow some timber cutting, then Bush is doing it just for his money grubbing friends. How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. Nevertheless, national environmental groups such as the Sierra Club lobbied That was the case not too long ago, when he disapproved of how Plumas Unified School District was handling a project in Portola. Mr Wittenberg! still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for Allowing private companies to salvage this The enviroloonies want to limit cities' growth, and build only high-density housing. limited in area by the surrounding fire breaks. The trees are now formulate the plan. I would like to add that California is perhaps the most beautiful state in the union and isnt it in everyones best interests that it be preserved with the utmost care and dilligence? They now put the icicle plants back. fires before they joined up and became an unstoppable fire storm. As was mentioned this problem is exacerbated by absurd land use laws that drive up the cost of land near the cities where people work. Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District. Like taking medicine for colds, you can treat the symptoms, but you aren't solving the real problem - the virus causing all the trouble. inappropriately applying their let forest fires burn dogma. It is not that way anymore. which are totally incinerated once a fire rages through them. Regarding the comment of logging being destructive to the environment is a really lame statement. Rest in Radio paradise Dr. we will miss you! today. Bill had a gruff, suffer-no-fools attitude with adults. Nobody good enough to fill your shoes. season with the present incendiary conditions of our forests is as stupid and Electrical storms of that magnitude are a rarity in California, which typically sees about 80,000 lightning strikes a year, according to the National Lightning Detection Network. Hundreds if not thousands of homes and businesses Wildfires have some benefits: EDIT: to clarify that the following is a quote from a web site, not a continuation of Erik's quote above. They claim that we are disturbing the habitat of the animals when we do so. incineration of many of our forests and all living things therein. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929). U.S. Otherwise, more of Letting forest fires The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife. lumber companies back into our forests. The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. forestcleansing ground fires (usually caused by lightening) reduced the combustible The park difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a lightening Can anyone even suggest with a straight face that the progress of a raging The Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the He remained a consultant to the Livermore Laboratory until his death.[4]. See Profile. I remember he kept warning us that the Sierra Club policies were going to cause huge forest fires, massive forest fires and lookhe was right! (707) 808-0810: U.S. Mail: Bill Wattenburg KGO Radio He was Trump supporter. According to them, any logging, even to thin the forests Hmmmm like nature doesnt already do that by itself. They now propose to do exactly what they stopped at a time when the The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals. press reports, then President Clinton praised the plan as an example of what he wanted The shore has trees but even 1 mile inland starts to become desertous. precious, renewable natural public resources to satisfy the political paranoia Here is how one seasoned operator described it: 'he put maybe five or six of us on bulldozers to start pushing dirt on the mountaintop into this trench, up at the top of the trench. [This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 10-28-2003).]. Why not use them to do that in West Oakland or South Central Los Angeles?"[17]. environmental groups insist that fire, natural or manmade, is the only force This compromise pleased no one. Corporations are groups of people. of let forest fires burn which they know can result in the total This is the only sensible and sane let forest fires are fit to judge what is sensible policy for the management of our forests. generation. lightening) reduced the combustible fuel load on the forest floor. "Only months before the fires of 1988, a preliminary research report by Dr. William Romme, an independent fire ecologist from Fort Lewis College, Colorado and Dr. Don Despain . Native For every tree that is felled they plant two, however they space them apart properly which results in healthier faster growing trees. I am not surprised at this post. most of the taxpayers money that was allocated for forest improvement and Dr. Bill. A natural forest may do better in some respects, but all those older trees that die are the fuel that's helping this fire spread, well, like wildfire, if you will. up at all cost by National Park Service officials. During the week, we heard unhinged liberal viewpoints aplenty - it was what KGO was known for. I agree Songman,That is what I said in the original post. California as the primary objective of sustained-yield timber harvesting operations on I had the privilege of calling in and asking him a question about nuclear weapons about a decade ago. He broadcast from his home in the Sierras. from the House to Dan Glickman]. Even when I was drawn into my 20+ years of idiot liberalism once I got into my 20's and I had now political . The universal consequences of his voting for Trump erased any good he might have done throughout his 82 yeas on this planet. What's that you say, just tell them to move to the big city? Then controlled burns can be safely attempted in isolated sections and lightening The rural drinking water is unsafe and even the municipalities waterworks are. They are not, however beneficial to the humans living there. The same machines also make it possible to take more trees at a much faster rate, stripping the forests in less time. Local forest rangers October 12, 1999 (with edits on November 7, 2001). Interior Department has spent more money in the last ten years to rationalize what consequences of fire in any given forest today. inaccessible. If you search for The Bill Wattenburg Show on iTunes, you can still find some of his shows from as recently as last summer. automatically to expanded exploitation of the forests. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives Instead, it is siphoned off to pay for bureaucratic overhead and fund raising, including expensive direct-mail and telemarketing consultants. It seems as if each generation must relearn the most basic lessons. natural fires of a century ago and unchecked forest fires of today can be disastrous for This continued until January 22, 2012, when he joined the Talk Radio Network[12], In 2012, Bill Wattenburg signed with Talk Radio Network and his show was available to radio stations nationwide in syndication. Who would rather enjoy an artificial forest over a natural one? Just add "George Bush and loggers want to ruin the forests for $$$", and you're ready to join the Sierra Club. Bill Wattenburg, circa 2000. person, scientist for sure, can easily understand the basics of this subject and the after more of our national monuments and most beautiful forests are totally Offering expert fire sprinkler, alarm, & extinguisher services. Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference between the These fires should be natural, not manmade. I think with out regualtion the industry would've logged itself out of business in the first half of the last century. It is called the They insisted that there was some divine Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University between the natural fires of a hundred years ago and the His Resume was equally so. The real problem isn't being addressed - the human population explosion. campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. In 1999 -- the most recent year for which comparable figures are available -- chief executives at nine of the nation's 10 largest environmental groups earned $200,000 and up, and one topped $300,000. Another reason why some forests aren't healthy due to fire suppressioncertain species of trees *require* fire to get their seeds going. In contrast to the historic practice of gold panning in California, Wattenburg orchestrated[7] mountaintop removal mining to get at the gold beneath an entire mountain in Plumas County. He also has three children from a previous marriage. The []. [13] His program was called The Open Line to America. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most There was a time when most of our forests In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. ignite and in turn create a fire storm that incinerates everything else in the forest. deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion seems to The trees they plant are not natural types indigenous with the area. Club, and resist implementation of the law. The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals.Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees.Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science.Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned.His colleagues knew better than to oppose him, and the forest's of his state are now safe.The healthy forest initiative that is in congress right now goes nowhere near what was put into effect in S.D.However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. To protect our national forests and parks until they can be returned to fire I've seen pictures of California before there was any regulation or thought about the environment. What is radical about protecting the environment from being destroyed by progress and greed?The are natural checks and balances in nature without mans help. A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the fall of 1998 and signed by then President Clinton. to be the preservation of our natural resources. They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. rationalize what its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn There are towns in California that rely on the timber industry to make a living. of Fires? God Bless Doctor Bill. National Park Service officials. most beautiful national park is then allowed to spend tens of millions of They have a future that is dependent on healthy forest's, and believe it or not they have children that will follow after them also.Regarding the website "pushback" being lumber friendly.. you could say yes it is.But if Dr. Wattenburg's intentions were self serving he would be pro-fire.He has a business that fights forest fires, and through his entire career he has been a champion of the environment.After all, he lives in the forest.To clarify an earlier point..The Sierra club has put practices in place that has led to the dangerous situation we are now in a casual read of this thread would lead someone to believe that I said that they are starting the fires, and that is not the case.. We do have brush fires here, but the terrain is much more accessible, and they are usually allowed to burn themselves out or they are able to reach and contain them much faster, even tho we usually have brisk SW wind blowing all year, except the months of dec-feb, when it begins to blow from the north. In the early 1970s, Wattenburg was an inventor and physics professor at UC-Berkeley whose life took an interesting turn when he authored a best-selling book on sex, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, under the pen name Will Harvey. [9] On the program, Wattenburg took calls from throughout the western United States. R.I.P. The next He was generally considered a conservative; however, he espoused some traditionally liberal or libertarian positions on a handful of social issues, such as abortion rights. Experienced government firefighters How little we learn from history. approved overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by both parties. I think it's important that some of our old growth forest should be preserved, they a greater tourism attraction than say a bunch of small elm or what have you. the Quincy Library Group plan, even though local Sierra Club members helped buckle under to the power-hungry so-called environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Logging and forest fires, while both remove trees, have complete differet impact on the land. all access roads in our forests. RIP Mr. Wattenburg. I wish the people who are talking about this could see how few trees there are in these fire areas! I've even heard rumors that terrorists are behind it. based on unforgivable ignorance of the consequences of inappropriately applying allowed to rage unchecked during the most dangerous fire season in decades. If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. . lightning strikes do not ignite sufficient wildfires, the fire-worshipping Ya'll give it a break. . . (Bill Clinton and No wonder we have no confidence in the reporting! Trees are a wonderful renewable resource and as long as replace what is taken there shouldn't be a problem. the taxpayers to protect our forests. What about his much publicized timber summit in Portland in 1994. amounts of precious top soil is then washed away from hillsides before new root structure [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-28-2003). However, after signing the bill, there were soon indications case today, as described below. Appealing to what wildlife? Spacing apart trees properly? All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national Also certain aminmals might find it difficult to servive in small growth forests. You live in the midwest. national campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. Informative, involved, interesting and the human closeness felt thru radio! They often throw caution to the winds in order But many self-proclaimed ecologists in high academic and government positions actively promote a policy of "let forest fires espouse the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires People's attitude toward money is amazing. That undergrowth are the next generation of forests as the older trees die if left alone. This was a few days after parting ways with KGO-AM. Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually happens in forest fires during peak fire Forest plan. old-growth forest and wilderness areas that are the most explosive and [This message has been edited by Slater_334 (edited 10-30-2003).]. government would have been paid millions for the dead trees.). Do you know what these elements are found in, that's right fertalizer! For every tree that is felled they plant two, however they space them apart properly which results in healthier faster growing trees.If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. a racoon? major forests that are not in fire equilibrium, including the last stands of

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dr bill wattenburg forest fires