i accidentally killed my dog

We have spent a lot of money so far trying to heal him but he might have problems for life . He also was prone to disappearing for days at a time, sometimes more than a week. This loss of control is a very painful but real part of life. This can be a very effective way to treat Cushing's disease, but it comes . Her cheery smirk's becoming more familiar to the other dogs prancing with her. Am feeling so much guilt and grieve over her . He always wanted affection of us over other fellow cats, therefore alwys he spent the time with us. Life is very busy but when I think about the time I could have taken to ensure her safely. Or deliberately made the decision to do it tomorrow. But they were outdoor bunnies, with constant access to grass. Hey, I just feel if this can help someone cope that they are not alone then why not. You took good care of your dog or cat in many ways; dont wave that away. She laid down but refused to get up and appeared suddenly lethargic. im so lost. Thank you for sharing everyone. A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. So he ate a big scoop of baker,'s chocolate.i didnt know that chocolate is bad for dogs and can prove fatal also. Her pupils were completely dilated, muscles twitching, then she appeared contracted and unbeknownst to me at the time was entering a much more violent seizure. She needed an companion that she could cuddle alot. I just miss my baby. What I notice was that both of them were trying to rape / compete for sex with the female puppy , they were fighting eachother and when I saw that I got really mad. I felt I was forced into a position to have to kill the thing I loved the most in the world and my mind has yet to figure a way to live with it and my fear is that I cannot. You dont deserve to live and I hope you get your ass killed like you did to him your a punk. Ive had an unhealthy attachment to her for so long and have felt so guilty not being around her for a while. My poor 7yr old daughter found her best friend dead. Lameness. I wouldn't move him and stayed in the car with him. The vet says its not my fault and she has underlying issues. I realized she was having a neurological event. The active ingredient in slug bait is metaldehyde, and it can cause uncontrollable seizures in pets. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She was 15 years old very tired . I know it's been some time, and we also currently have another springer that we love to bits - he's next to me right now, but I just still feel so guilty for killing my poor dog. Im truly sorry for those of you who are experiencing the same level of grief, blame, anger, guilt and sadness that I am. I grew more concerned and wondered now if I did more harm than good. I brought her back for her to suffer. Theres a reason why animal cruelty is treated as a gateway into really criminally violent behavior towards humans, you know? I had a basket full of clean clothes that had been sitting crumpled up for a couple days. He said shes going love. Healing after your pets death involves accepting that you wish you wouldve done things differently and talking this through with your family, friends, or loved ones. But I'm the one that did it and the guilt is tremendous. On my way to the bedroom I felt her go limp. He was such a sweet dog he was still wagging his tail in his last moments, laying in a stream of blood. I couldnt see how he was stuck. I screamed for my husband who came out and held her. I saw a single rabbit bolt down a hole when she saw me. An employee of a dog-walking service leaves a dog in a parked car on a hot day, and the animal dies of heat exhaustion. But hed been losing weight in the autumn and I should have noticed, not put it down to his stress issues in the past. Im joining you guys today because I feel responsible for my moms dogs death He was having weird episodes he had 2 of them prior to the one last night, I took him to the vet the first 2 times and they originally said they think there was something wrong with his brain and was thinking some type of seizures. It only took the site of his black fur and and his beautiful little feet to know it was him. I opened the bag just a little, and my heart sank. She was run over by one of the neighbors that revs their car faster than he should and I had heard it from my house. He twitches his back to the side and cant make curves without losing balance. Then yesterday morning, when I checked on her, she was so lethargic I knew something was wrong. My husband help me catch her and the next day we took her to the vet. I noticed there was still some unsteadiness in her back legs, but she walked up the stairs herself and lay down in her bed. We adopted him 6 months ago, and we loved him so much. It wasnt alarming but she was definitely more active than usual. He must be hating me for not helping him. But I want all who commented to know that you are not alone in your agony and that, as I pray about my own grief, I will include all of you, and your pets, in my prayers. I feel like I failed him and he trusted me; he was like my little brother that I couldnt have. . I cried a whole roll of toilet paper and asked god to tell me where she is, and my head turned to the right, where the sump pump in the floor is. All i can think of is i killed my baby. I should have walked her during the cooler part of the day. It wasnt the first time we brought a new animal into the house, and my wife and I both knew Tiny would be grouchy about it. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Please just get help. Although the specific reason for feelings of guilt differ from person to person, almost everyone feels some guilt after the death of a pet. I quickly laid her on the bed and realized she wasnt breathing. I never even do treatments each year but had to go in the countryside so thought it was useful. He ran away and stood in front of the entrance. Yesterday my wife went to her mothers for the day and I went to Richmond Park nature reserve in London. i seriously need help. I feel so guilty cause my cat died like I was cleaning my kitchen table and I tipped my table sideways cause theres bugs on it to get them off not realizing way later cat was there it fell again but on top part flat squished my cat didnt hear it make a sound than after lifting my table I saw it laying there I picked it up panicked took it to the room thought it wasnt to bad than it died a minute after feel bad cause it felt like my fault I just worry for myself and kids after this dont want nothing to happen to them feel like it will come back to me like god will punish me if anything I dont want my kids to suffer but let it be me they dont deserve to suffer but i feel like it should be me hurts me scares me I did a prayer smudged my place still feel uneasy bout the situation I know when I was 9 yrs old same sorta thing happened accidentally my cat got squished under my bed by jumping on it I cried so hard that time its traumatizing dont want any more pets now at all feel bad please lord forgive me hurts bad like seems every thing always goes bad for me my son recently got murdered too why me I just want all this suffering dying to end please. I noticed weeks ago that he was not feeling well. I was modified and wanted to die in the moment! TikTok video from Manar (@antisocial_hijabi88): "Traumatization #fyp #foryou #arab #arabic #storytime #grwm #makeup #hijab #arabmom #arabtok #arabsbelike #pet #petfish #arabicgrwm". I knew this was a very bad sign. It happened in a split second. She suffered because of me. I wish I had saved you. She died because she had to have surgery to remove some of her colon and she got an infection gone the following morning. He reminds me of his everything. Thank you. I never expected her to get so bad so quickly. Our older dog, didnt pay him any attention at all and our younger dog was curious and only wanted to play. I killed my beloved pup by putting Bravecto anti flea and tick drops on him. What should I do? I became frightened for myself and felt agony for her suffering. I felt awful. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. All I know is theres so many questions we all have at this sudden and shocking time, and were heartbroken he never came to his new home and that we werent there with him in his last hours. I held her she made barely any sounds. He died at 10 and a half and was otherwise a healthy and strong cat. I said goodbye. I had to kill my cat. I feel like an idiot for not doing it. I ran in front of the AC to cool her down but realized Id rather lay her down and look her over. All these whys and what ifs are unbearable. Instead of dying cold and alone. I hope these tips help. He seemed to deal with this fine. Ask me, you have every right to sue that person, because they're the one who did it, and they should face justice. Your story made me cry, I'm really sorry. I am fixing to tell you my guilt while I am crying and hating on myself right now. Recently we adopted 2 new kittens. Remember what you did right because you dida lotright. I found this quite concerning as her glucose level and hypertension were the 2 most pressing issues that we were aware of. Her cage was clean and she had food. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I believe I am the worst of all of these. I was selfish and kept leaving it up to myself to get it right. The doc gave her a shot of antibiotic and we brought her back home. I asked if I could pick her up right before closing (totally assuming they would treat the sugar and hypertension with the extra time while having some time to observe). "Labradors, however, might down the entire bucket." His adoption fee is $45. Even if I had made it clearer when I wanted them going in, as like I said I know Bella loves the out doors and I shouldnt have underestimated her desire to get out. (Though her birds are native to where I live.) Bella's prancing around somewhere now, carping away at the daffodils and poppy seeds that have now become her playground. 1. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I accidentally killed my dog. Talk about how you feel, keep writing all the pain and memories out of you. He was old with cataracts and a back leg injury that caused him to make a mess on himself whenever he would pee, and he stopped using the litter box a couple years ago as well. It was two weeks before they could get him in. The vet called and said we should consider putting him to sleep, but then called me back in 10 min and said nm hes fine he can go home. We walked one night that first week he was gone..just one. 2 days ago I thought I had a healthy 5 year old beagle mix named Pima. I have really bad depression so Ive told myself I have to stay alive for my cat and my hamster. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. My husband feels more guilty and blames himself. 10 mins or so later they got him free but all i saw was his dead eyes and bloody mouth and claws (he was ripping his nails off trying to free himself). We went away on 4night break and on the day we were due to return, we got a phone call that our cat Bella had got wedged in our tilt and turn window and was dead upon the cat sitters visit at around mid-day that day. Please bring her back :'( <\3. No sane person would do this. After I basically prepared her casket. And I overlooked the threat that it could pose. Im sorry and I hope you forgive me prince, I know you suffered and it wasnt right, even if you were going to die regardless last night I shouldve not left you in there with mom, I shouldve taken you to the vet so you could go peacefully. I didnt try enough to save him. We just lost our 13 year old Yorkie and we thought we would start the new year with a new addition to the family. My mom took in a baby bird that was removed from her nest because some people chopped down the tree she was in. I left and walked home. But I didnt have enough courage to do it becuase I was dealing with severe hurt and anxiety on the same day. But then my cat died and now my hamster is gone and its my fault for not making sure the fort was secure, the pump was covered, and I wasnt there to save her. I could have saved him. Not sure Ill ever be able to forgive myself. I understand your viewpoint and agree to an extent but youve given a pretty imbecilic approach to this situation, yeah I suppose at least hes remorseful. That little dog trusted me to look after her and i let her down so so badly. Fern tries to play with her; theyre working out a dynamic. Maybe they would have cancelled the operation, given me the scolding I deserved, and sent me home to think about what Id almost done. The next day she seemed to be ok to me, i know that i needed to bring her to the vet but its too late the next morning i wake up and shes already lying on the edge of cage but still breathing i googled the contact number of the nearest 24 hours vet clinic from our house to rush her there but only to find out that the clinic was temporarily close due to this pandemic and the other nearest vet clinic in our house was not 24 hours and bringing you pet there is through having an appointment with them. I chalked it up to age. And she is more of a house cat. i feel horrible inside and i dont know how to move on from this. Its a fucked up confession but what therapist treats their patient by telling them how awfully they are? The main ingredient in Vetoryl is trilostane, which works by blocking the production of cortisol in the adrenal glands. Now without her presence our home was now filled with silence . I loaded her in the carrier and had to drop her off. I hope God will forgive me and my precious dog named Pima. No you didnt love him. He died because of me. Collapsed, hyperventilating, tongue hanging out of her mouth, but with eyes open. Ive read these post and I can tell you all genuinely LOVED your pets. Identify real guilt about your pets death. I tried several other options and called the vet. The following taboo topic article might surprise some, but I assure you that dogs killing dogs within the same household is common. After 2 weeks of him being gone, we were a little more worried, but this was still semi normal so we werent too upset about it. Not understanding why this is happening to him. She always been so sweet and loving to me, she didnt deserve to die that way. I couldnt bear to witness this. I knew something was wrong. my father was killed in 2010, which was my senior year in high school and i was never the same. You have no excuse. Ive always said her and Mum are who I love the most. Then, on the third day I couldnt take it anymore and I went down that street- and there she was, dead on the ground. Blah. I did it when she asked, but I shouldnt have waited for her to ask me. i cant believe i did that to him. I could have tried to push his head out harder. She said that Lollys chance of living a normal life if she woke up at all was almost nil, and that there was a chance she was suffering. Our other cat (the one whose died) is more of an outdoor cat and very self reliant with a strong hunter instinct. I really appreciate this article. For a few weeks I tried to help her heal. I quickly called 911 and 6 or 7 minutes later highway patrol got there. I feel terrible over this I just keeping thinking why didnt I take her when I first seen the lump . The most common one causes bleeding disorders that can be fatal. She was so healthy and full of life, and theyd given her a thorough check-over two weeks before. Your child won't understand for a long time so don't take that personal. My mind was distracted and I just feel I could have made contact with the neighbour more and asked about them while we were away. They gave me the medications and we went home. Her head got slammed in the door, and she dropped to the ground without a sound. You loved that he distracted you from the obvious deficits you have for being a decent human. We also knew he would eventually come around and even love our new family members. It would have took like 3 mins. The integration went well. He was physically not much active and several times got sick and weak. With her age and the recovery it would have taken to get her back to a semi normal state, we decided it wasnt fair to put her through that and chose to end her life and suffering. Stiffening up. And I wont take an ibuprofen to help my headaches because all I can think about is how she didnt have the luxury of hydrating herself or deciding whether to live in a cage. Im a truck drivera rookie. I love you so much! ( 3) Depending on the pet's weight, Benadryl can be lethal at doses between 24 mg and 30 mg per kilogram. Shes the one who usually make noises in our house. I want to cry, I want to scream and hate myself but Im also just so numb. Animals cant always communicate their physical health;pet ownerscant see inside their bodies and brains. My cuddle bug. So I hurried up and put one of the meds in his mouth and waited, then called the vet and she said that it doesnt sound like seizures its sounds like something else but she said to watch him. I cant tell you how many times a day Id pick him up and kiss him repeatedly. He shook his head no at me so i ran back to my baby and tried again. So if you have dogs, even if they have lived with other pets, please keep your new pet separated at all times during feedings. They mean so much to me. I really loved him, but I feel like I became so selfish amidst the stress in my life. On Monday Single Dot refused food but quite normal but evening he was not okay. The dog was nowhere to be seen and I thought she had gone to the back yard to where my husband was. #3. He immediately turned to run back to me, our eyes connected just before he got slammed by the bus. Make sure any baits you use are out of your pet's reach. In seven days she won over my husband, kids and myself. The vet recommended she stay overnight to be monitored after receiving insulin with the hope that would improve her unsteadiness. His precious little body had succumbed to the cold. She was our perfect girl. We were just pulling into my in laws driveway after a few days away. Answer. So a couple of days ago, I put an e collar on her to prevent her from digging at it. It was so careless, but we just wanted to give him a chance to really run. From the sound of it, you gave that little dog the best quality of life possible. But our sitter was round for a few hours at time that the neighbour felt they were being well cared for and it seems she didnt check in with them too much. I imediately take him to the vet , I say to the vet that he fell from the stairs and the vet does first aid and tells me to take him to the hospital , because he might have brain damage and he needs to stay under observation. [AMZN] Jeff Bezos Joined 15/09/2018 Posts 80,103 06:24 PM 25/06/2019 I could have not been selfish and just left him home! And even though I had seen her do it, it somehow was getting in her way. I feel desesperate. I decided to observe her and after 30 minutes of activity I realized the hope I had in resuscitation was followed now with despair. Bunny kibble and fruit. I can't imagine what it must feel like to you now, even after 5 years. I gave her no food the night before the operation. One day at a time. 1 Answer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We found the vet some 15 minutes later and he gave him an injection for haemhorrage and told us to keep an eye on him through the night. There was one part of the road in the neighborhood that I was hesitant to enter as there were unpleasant people living there so I would only quickly scan the area for my Sofie bird. Rumble("play", {"video":"v28svmy","div":"rumble_v28svmy"}); A bombshell video that was obtained by the DOJ and shared by Joe Dan Gorman, the creator, and host of the popular "Intellectual Froglegs" videos, reveals how police officers not only allowed protesters inside the Capitol but actually held the doors open for them to enter into the interior of the Capitol. After the recording I removed . You should also think about suing in small claims court. More selfish people would skip over this dog for a happy go lucky pet, but not you. We do have two dogs and another cat. original sound - Manar. so as i come home sometimes hes out out setup, which was a gated area in the house, and hes pissed and shitted everywhere and he liked to chew on the wall borders. I have 3 cats and one of the other cats was sick during last week and I gave him specilly whatever he likes to encouraged him to eat. It doesn't seem like "oh I get mad soemtimes"; but more like "I have a literally problem with my brain, or whatever, and it makes me unable to control my anger.". My mum and I would take him on these walks in the countryside nearby, and we knew about a road where cars would rarely, if ever, pass, and occasionally we would take him off the leash, and we would drive off in the car and let him run behind us - only for a short stretch, and he would be back on the leash. I'm actually crying. Not recognizing that your Yorkie, cockapoo, or Siamese cat was ill doesnt mean that you werent paying attention or taking good care of him or her! I know its unhealthy and that blaming myself isnt going to move me forward in my grief but it doesnt feel fair for me to forgive myself and move on. I felt like I drove over a small hump and I stopped and got out to see what it was. Theres no reason to give you a companion the game like a dog and let . Lolly had gone into cardiac arrest as soon as they anaesthetised her. She was such a beautiful sweet little creature with the quirkiest personality. When I picked her up at 530 and asked if the meds were given I was told no. A US Navy research ship accidentally travels back in time. The thought of losing a beloved dog in the way you have is incredibly cruel and tragic. When im getting up in the morning my first thought is loss of my Single Dot. I was crying, exhausted, my adrenaline teetering. How are you doing and how can you help us with advice. Because I took him out. Logging off now. There are several factors that could have contributed to it, and there is no way to prove that one thing caused another unless an autopsy was performed1. I should have taken him in to the emergency vet that is several hours away, instead I waited because I was dealing with a bad work situation and did not take off. A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. This book will help you understand why your feelings are so overwhelming, and help you cope with the guilt you feel about your pets death. Another type of imagined guilt is if youve accidentally caused your pets death by letting him out, keeping him in, or losing track of his whereabouts. Instead she was pumped with fluids with subsequent chf and arrest. She had her usual awareness, a few meows in protest of the day. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She died at 4 years old because I neglected her. Over the years we really did not have to deal with death. I almost signed myself in to a psychiatric facility that first week. We moved away from the city over a yr ago but due to the pandemic my daughter and I havent made and connections. qualifies. I tried pushing my cats head out but didnt want to hurt him. I brought my daughter Guineapig. These last couple days I thought she was doing better. The guilt you are inevitably carrying around ever since that day must weigh incredibly heavy on your heart. But its a horrible feeling. If youre struggling with real guilt, remember that you hadreasonsfor doing what you did. Severity of the poisoning also depends on how much the animal is exposed to, and dogs and cats (as well as some breeds of each) will react differently to consuming the chemical. I said shed had plenty to eat. I held her in my arms and petted her head while it was done. We believed you were going to be here for a long time and that when my mom passed we would still have to take care of you. We agreed to grieve in our own ways just for that day. Why not give the family another chance to show another dog the same kind of love Kion received? I dont know if he will forgive me because he was too young to die i wish he was left with his family because i couldnt become a good parent to him i couldnt protect him.. im a bad person really theres no one to talk to about my pain.My guilt confession if i were more responsible he would still be alive and this very thought makes me feel guilty. I time to time visited him and gave some water using syringe. Likely brain damage. I left the apple outside the entrance. 1965 / 1967 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time: Yasutaka Tsutsui: A high-school girl accidentally acquires the ability to travel through time, which leads to her reliving multiple time loops. Tiny was a male housecat, 9 yrs old, neutered, with a very tiny little white patch on his chest. I usually replace his water and give him vitamin paste before I go to work too, but I didnt even do that. i have friends but our relationships arent strong. So many regrets, and so many opportunities to change the outcome. When a dog dies, you get through it, you don't get over it. Your dog or cat loved you beyond all reason so you must have donesomethingright. Find the right court. The vet said they dont know whats wrong because it would be a whole bunch of expensive tests, but he gave me anti seizure meds that I was supposed to be giving him 2 times daily. I found her decomposing. In dogs, orally ingested NSAIDs are rapidly . I guess what I'm trying to say is that I got a very, very small glimpse of what you must be going through atm and that small glimpse was enough to really, really scare me. Remember, however, that each dog is unique, and some dog owners may experience adverse reactions to fish oil supplements. It had been me who suggested going for a walk. What if I'm searching for hours and can't find him at all; I only got him a month ago and I can't even assure that he won't run away?! When I walked in the door I found it odd that my other cat was sitting up at the edge of the couch nearest the door as though hed been waiting. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This is one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Sadly at 5pm Single Dot left me infront of me. My children and I had just . I wasnt sure why that was happening but I got her some fresh water and cleaned up her feet. I thought as long as she didnt have an empty tummy shed be fine. Sleep tight. What if we picked him up a day early? We named her Emie. We lost a friend to suicide, we lost family to COVID, we watched a neighbors house burn down with all of their fur babies inside. I'm so sorry that happened to you guys. I put my finger through the mesh to stroke her ears. Its just so hard. Tiny had been stuck out on a wet night where it got below freezing. I saw his last minute when he peed and pooped himself. I caressed his little head for the last time, scratching his ear as I often did, and then I shoveled the cold earth over my tiny dude, my buddy weasel bear. Talk about timings. I dont know what to do. so im writing this post because i accidentally killed my dog out of anger. I hated to leave her in such an anxiety provoking situation but this was abnormal for her so I drove away and felt confident Id have an answer at 1. Well getting the seat off wasnt the problem. He lost his life because of me . It was the first time I used that medicine (drops) and I usually research a lot before giving anything to my dog. Just know that her last moments were pure happiness to see her family, and she will be waiting to see you again when the time comes. However, Duffy was also reclusive and not particularly people oriented. I did a similar thing when I was learning to drive. On Thursday at 6.45 pm I accidentally backed over our beautiful family cat Bella, 16 years old. that's what happens to dogs that die, regardless of the kind of dogs they were. This happened on new years Eve. :(, Similar to my Moms story of how she named me after a kitten she stepped on. If your actions led to your pets death, you have to keep reminding yourself that you did not deliberately harm your dog or cat. That's the most inspirational thing I have read all day. She said not with Covid. My first pet and to lose him at 2 years old, im heart broken and guilty because Im at fault. Investigators at the scene where L.A. County sheriff's deputies opened fire on a dog, accidentally striking and killing a teen, officials say. When I did so, I closed the car door. Dealing with guilt may be a bit lighter if you know you wouldve acted differently if you had the chance. They told us she was dehydrated and her heart rate was very low. A week ago my fiance came home drunk, stumbled in at 5 in the morning, tripped over my dog, Jasmine and killed her.She was I was a bit annoyed about it because I felt like this was quite pressing, but maybe she improved? The day before yesterday, I noticed she was stepping in her water and getting in the litter box.

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i accidentally killed my dog