nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:55D-8.2 - Findings, declarations relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides. Section 40:62-14 - Rents a lien; collection and enforcement, Section 40:62-15 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-16 - Copy of resolution; service, Section 40:62-17 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-18 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-19 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-21 - Contracts to supply light, heat and power, Section 40:62-23 - Municipality serving county or other municipality treated as private corporation, Section 40:62-24 - Municipality serving others deemed public utility; control by board of public utilities; rate structure, Section 40:62-25 - Contracts for supply of light, heat and power; duration, Section 40:62-25.1 - Joint acquisition, maintenance and operation of electrical generation facilities; contracts, Section 40:62-25.2 - Duration of contract; ownership and control of facilities, Section 40:62-25.3 - Bonds or anticipation notes to finance, Section 40:62-25.4 - Construction of act; application of laws on public contracts. Section 40:48-5a - Contract for collection services between municipality, private entity. Section 40:62-25.6 - Municipality providing heat, light or power, electronic billing, payment, permitted. Civil Service Commission Revives and Extends Public Safety Promotional Lists TRENTON - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission revived and extended certain expired public safety promotional titles during a meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. . Section 40:37-11.7 - County park commission to maintain Internet website or webpage; contents. Section 40:55D-40.2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-40.3 - Site Improvement Advisory Board, Section 40:55D-40.4 - Submission of recommendations for Statewide site improvement standards for residential development, Section 40:55D-40.5 - Supersedure of site improvement standards, Section 40:55D-40.6 - Municipal zoning power not limited, Section 40:55D-40.7 - Construction of act, Section 40:55D-41 - Contents of site plan ordinance. Section 40:55D-30 - Adoption of capital improvement program. Key Dates for the Promotional Exams Application Opening: July 1, 2020 Application Deadline: July 22, 2020 Notice to Appear for Exam: September 4, 2020 Examination Date: September 19, 2020 (Saturday) Section 40:23-54 - Criminal history record check requested by county, authority for. Section 40:55D-62.1 - Notice of hearing on amendment to zoning ordinance. Section 40:55D-66.13 - Issuance of technical bulletin. Section 40:43-66.39 - Proposal for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission. Section 40:48H-9 - Bonds, notes, obligations presumed fully authorized. Section 40:56-56 - Appeal from award in condemnation proceedings; notice. Section 40:55D-153 - Transmission of record of transfer; assessment; taxation. Section 40:11-17 - Salaries not affected by 1930 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-17.1 - Salaries not affected by 1940 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-22 - Pensions on death of policemen or firemen killed in line of duty; amounts, Section 40:11-24 - Prospective payment with respect to members killed after January 1, 1956, Section 40:11-25 - Inclusion of necessary amounts in budget, Section 40:11A-2 - Declaration of necessity of legislation, Section 40:11A-4 - Creation of parking authorities. Section 40:27-2 - Duties of board; master plan; municipal co-operation, Section 40:27-3 - Employees; experts; master plan part of improvement; bonds, Section 40:27-4 - Hearing before plan adopted; notice of hearing; resolution; vote required; municipal master plan, official map or ordinance, Section 40:27-5 - Adding to county map; changes submitted to board; map considered binding, Section 40:27-6 - Buildings and highways; permits; hearing; penalty; enjoining construction, Section 40:27-6.2 - Review and approval of all subdivisions of land; procedures; engineering and planning standards, Section 40:27-6.3 - Submission of subdivision application to board for review and approval; report to municipal authority, Section 40:27-6.4 - Review of subdivision application; withholding of approval, Section 40:27-6.5 - Certification of subdivision plat; acceptance for filing. Section 40:33-13.14 - Agreements with municipalities not served by regional library. Land Based Fishing Spots Sydney; Is Christa Allen Still Engaged; Columbia High School Mascot; Love Island Weight Gain In Villa; What Are The 4 Worst Blood Pressure Drugs? Section 40:55D-45.4 - Modification of timing schedule, Section 40:55D-45.6 - Revision of general development plan, Section 40:55D-45.7 - Notification of completion, Section 40:55D-45.8 - Approval terminated upon completion, Section 40:55D-46 - Procedure for preliminary site plan approval, Section 40:55D-46.1 - Minor site plan; approval. Section 40:12-15.9 - Lands acquired by municipality held in trust. Section 40:55D-159 - Purchase by development transfer bank. Section 40:9D-4 - Plan for proposed activities. Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:55D-38 - Contents of ordinance. nj title 40 police promotionsbusiness mailbox rental. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Section 40:37-95.13a - County park commissions, Section 40:37-95.14 - Right to acquire real estate and other property; grants by franchise, lease or contract, Section 40:37-95.15 - Power of eminent domain, Section 40:37-95.17 - Real estate owned by municipality; conveyance to county, Section 40:37-95.18 - Roadways; parkways; grade; alteration, Section 40:37-95.19 - Sale of land not required for park purposes; auction, Section 40:37-95.20 - Vacation of roadways and other ways, Section 40:37-95.21 - Rules and regulations; protection of parks; penalties, Section 40:37-95.22 - Adoption of act; referendum; notice, Section 40:37-95.24 - Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days, Section 40:37-95.25 - Existing laws relating to county park systems, etc., not repealed, Section 40:37-95.26 - Office and expenses of commission, Section 40:37-95.28 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.30 - Adopted law immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.31 - Funds for land and improvements; limitation upon obligations, Section 40:37-95.33 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.35 - Adopted act immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.36 - Disposition of lands by county park commission; resolution, Section 40:37-95.37 - Certification of resolution. Section 40:55D-152 - Approval of municipal petition; appeal. Section 40:43-66.42 - Election of members of consolidation commission. Section 40:33-8 - County library commission. Section 40:55D-88.7 - No approval extended, tolled within Dismal Swamp. Section 40:11A-4.1 - Authorization for parking authority to serve as redevelopment entity. Section 40:14B-18.1 - Residency requirements for employees of municipal authority operating certain water system. Section 40:43-66.48 - Organization, meeting of consolidation commission. Section 40:43-66.41 - Question of forming consolidation commission submitted to voters; alternative methods. Section 40:23-55 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by county. Section 40:69A-152 - Terms of municipal officers, Section 40:69A-153.1 - Dual candidacy; prohibition, Section 40:69A-162 - Candidates elected in municipalities adopting article 13 or 14, Section 40:69A-163 - Interest in contracts or jobs forbidden, Section 40:69A-164 - Franks, free passes, tickets or services; acceptance forbidden, Section 40:69A-165 - Promise of office, position, employment or benefits forbidden, Section 40:69A-167 - Failure to appear or testify before court, legislative committee or Governor, Section 40:69A-168 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote, Section 40:69A-170 - Signatures to recall petition, Section 40:69A-171 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition, Section 40:69A-173 - Removal of more than one officer, Section 40:69A-174 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot, Section 40:69A-175 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent, Section 40:69A-176 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct, Section 40:69A-178 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled, Section 40:69A-179 - Meetings of council; journal, Section 40:69A-180 - Rules of procedure; quorum; ordinances and resolutions; presiding officer; compensation, Section 40:69A-181 - Adoption and publication of ordinances; effective date, Section 40:69A-182 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:69A-183 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication, Section 40:69A-184 - Petition; percentage of legal voters required, Section 40:69A-185 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition, Section 40:69A-186 - Petition papers; affidavits, Section 40:69A-187 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result, Section 40:69A-188 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition, Section 40:69A-189 - Suspension of ordinance, Section 40:69A-190 - Submission to municipal council, Section 40:69A-191 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:69A-192 - Timing of election at which submitted to voters, Section 40:69A-193 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections, Section 40:69A-194 - Publication of ordinance. Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 40A:14-146.14. Section 40:54D-35 - Property exempt from levy, sale. Section 40:55D-89.1 - Rebuttable presumption, Section 40:55D-90 - Moratoriums; interim zoning, Section 40:55D-91 - Severability of provisions, Section 40:55D-93 - Preparation; storm water control ordinances to implement; date of completion; reexamination, Section 40:55D-94 - Integral part of master plan; coordination with soil conservation district and other storm water management plans. Section 40:48E-3 - Additional tax may be imposed. Section 40:14B-40.1 - Findings, declarations relative to infrastructure maintenance. Section 40:48-5.1 - Contracts with humane societies where no pound established; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:48-5.2 - Contracts for separation of grades at railroad crossings, Section 40:48-5.3 - Exhibitions of products and industries; poultry or agricultural exhibitions, Section 40:48-5.4 - Celebration of public event, anniversary or holiday, Section 40:48-5.10 - Amendment of permission granted by municipality to comply with federal regulations, Section 40:48-5.11 - Right of municipality to grant permission for interconnection of systems in operation prior to June 17, 1971, Section 40:48-6 - Records kept and business conducted in municipal building; vaults, Section 40:48-7 - Power of taxation; generally, Section 40:48-7.1 - Tax credit for properties with service charges payable to other municipality, Section 40:48-8.15 - Retail sales tax in fourth class cities. Section 40:48G-1 - Definitions relative to surcharge on admission charges at certain major places of amusement; authorization, contents of ordinance. Section 40:47-51 of the Revised Statutes saved from repeal 40A:14-105.1 - Volunteer firemen's song Section 40:37A-46 - Creation of authority, Section 40:37A-47 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:37A-47.1 - Legislative determination, Section 40:37A-48 - Appointment of members; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37A-49 - Election of officers; terms; appointment of agents and employees. Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 19 = 89.400 An officer with the exact same test score but with the minimum 3 years of qualifying service would be as follows: 88 (test score) .8 = 70.4 (weighted exam score) 3 years + 70 base credit + 10 service credit = 83 83 .2 = 16.6 (weighted seniority score) Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 16.6 = 86.600 Section 40:62-127 - Water rates and regulations. Section 40:54-19.1 - Loan of funds received as gift or bequest, Section 40:54-19.2 - Strict compliance with law in making loans required, Section 40:54-19.3 - Investment of funds; regulation of bonds or securities, Section 40:54-19.4 - Custody of securities; report; minutes, Section 40:54-19.5 - Income from investments, Section 40:54-20 - Gifts of works of art; acceptance and maintenance, Section 40:54-21 - Acceptance of conditional gifts generally, Section 40:54-22 - Custodian of gifts; expenditure, Section 40:54-23 - Municipalities may furnish site where buildings are offered; amount, Section 40:54-24 - Purchase of site; title, Section 40:54-25 - Lands and buildings; purchase and alteration; financing; title, Section 40:54-28 - Acquisition of lands by condemnation, Section 40:54-29 - Transfer of books to library. Section 40:65-12.3 - Volunteer snow removal programs. Section 40:9B-1 - Establishment and maintenance of narcotic treatment programs and centers. Section 40:10D-1 - Findings, declarations relative to protection of archaeological findings, sites. Section 40:48-8.18 - Exemptions from sales tax, Section 40:48-8.19 - Collection of sales tax; penalties, Section 40:48-8.20 - Ordinance; provisions required, Section 40:48-8.21 - Disposition of sales taxes, Section 40:48-8.21a - Convention hall facility; operating deficiency; payment from tax revenues; limitations; conditions, Section 40:48-8.22 - Territorial limits of sales tax, Section 40:48-8.23 - Sales originating or consummated outside city, Section 40:48-8.25a - Ordinance to adopt provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act; referendum not necessary, Section 40:48-8.25b - Ordinance and referendum adopting provisions of act; approval by voters, Section 40:48-8.26 - Ballots for referendum election, Section 40:48-8.27 - Duration of sales tax ordinance, Section 40:48-8.28 - Cost of referendum election, Section 40:48-8.29 - Ordinance operative without referendum; validity of ordinance to protect bondholders, Section 40:48-8.29a - Ordinances; adoption of supplementary act; operative without voter approval; covenant not to reduce or repeal tax, Section 40:48-8.30 - Fund for repository of moneys paid to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.31 - Deposit of revenues; dedication and pledge, Section 40:48-8.32 - Deposit of revenues in fund; disposition, Section 40:48-8.33 - Issuance of notes or bonds for authorized facility in eligible municipality or revolving fund by county improvement authority; review and approval by local finance board; filing; conditions; report on tax revenues, Section 40:48-8.33a - Bonds, notes, or lease for convention hall facility; report after issuance; notice to director of division of local government services; certification; payment, Section 40:48-8.34 - Resolution of county improvement authority; certification by endorsement by director of division of local government services, Section 40:48-8.35 - Approval and resolution; submission to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.36 - Application for change in maturity schedule of bonds, Section 40:48-8.37 - Recitals in bonds and notes; limitation on maturity, Section 40:48-8.38 - Issuance of notes in anticipation of issuance of permanent bonds, Section 40:48-8.39 - Certification of amounts for annual debt service and reserve fund and paying agent; conclusiveness; payment of deficiency, Section 40:48-8.40 - Payments from fund to paying agents; limitations on use, Section 40:48-8.42 - Bank or trust company as paying agent, Section 40:48-8.43 - Pledge or dedication of revenues, moneys or funds held by state treasurer; validity; lien, Section 40:48-8.44 - Eligible municipality defined, Section 40:48-8.47 - Proceeds from promotional fees. Section 40:55D-8.3 - Definitions relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:54D-14.1 - Tourism assessment funds; use, Section 40:54D-15 - Imposition of tourism development fee, Section 40:54D-17 - Remitting, reporting of fees paid, appropriation to authority, Section 40:54D-18 - "The Tourism Improvement and Development Authority.". The president of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police says police departments will become more diverse only if the New Jersey Civil. (A) The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Township Committee for the Police Department's efficiency and day-to-day operations. Section 40:14-5 - Work done as local or general improvement; notice. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:55D-43 - Standards for the establishment of open space organization. Section 40:55D-136.4 - Existing government approval; extension period. Section 40:14A-8 - Service charges authorized. Section 40:54D-36 - Exemption from taxes, special assessments, Section 40:54D-38 - Investment of bond, note funds, Section 40:54D-42 - Contracts, etc. Published: Jun. room to rent in woolwich no deposit The pair struck a deal that saw Laszlo bank $160,762 with Szecsi collecting $194,656 and the title of champion.Declare your game with 3, 5, 7, 9. free vip slots, This is due in part to people spending more time at home and engaging in more traditional hobbies and pastimes, as well as the enormous success of . Section 40:74-18 - Ordinances; adoption, submission to voters. Section 40:55D-9 - Meetings; municipal agency, Section 40:55D-10.3 - Completion of application for development; certification; completion after 45 days if no certification; exception; waiver of requirements for submission. Section 40:62-26 - Municipal radio broadcasting stations; bonds, Section 40:62-27 - Separate fund for radio stations or convention halls in certain municipalities, Section 40:62-28 - Income placed in separate fund; control of fund, Section 40:62-29 - Use of income; reserves, Section 40:62-30 - Surplus used to meet bonds, Section 40:62-33 - Expenditures defined; payment of debts in instalments, Section 40:62-34 - Income not part of municipal funds; management; inapplication of "local budget law", Section 40:62-34.1 - "Municipal convention hall budget" and "municipal radio broadcasting station budget" in municipalities of 60,000 or over, Section 40:62-34.2 - Objections to and hearing on budgets, Section 40:62-34.3 - Time and place of hearing; notice, Section 40:62-34.4 - Adjournment of hearing; adoption of budget; alteration or amendment; notice, Section 40:62-34.5 - Time limit for adoption, Section 40:62-34.7 - Appropriations to be itemized, Section 40:62-34.8 - Emergency appropriations, Section 40:62-34.9 - Improvement of convention hall by municipalities bordering on ocean; issuance of special emergency notes, Section 40:62-34.10 - Filing of ordinance and statement of financing plan with Division of Local Government, Section 40:62-34.11 - Special emergency notes as general obligation of municipality; tax levy, Section 40:62-34.12 - Sale of notes; interest rate, Section 40:62-35 - May carry goods and passengers; acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-36 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-37 - Copy of ordinance served; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-38 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-39 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-41 - Officers and employees; duties, compensation and removal; rates and regulations, Section 40:62-42 - Contract for work and materials; requirements, Section 40:62-44 - Extension of system; referendum; when necessary, Section 40:62-45 - Lease of system; term; referendum, Section 40:62-46 - Joint municipal transportation system; contracts, Section 40:62-46.1 - Cities of second class in counties of second class; public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.2 - Contracts for operation of public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.4 - Approval of contracts; filing; term, Section 40:62-46.5 - Contracts with other municipalities; ratification; approval, Section 40:62-46.6 - Effective date; duration of act, Section 40:62-61.1 - Extension of existing water system by municipality not owning system, Section 40:62-83.1 - Discontinuance of water or sewerage service where charges not paid, Section 40:62-96 - Water districts; establishment; works and pumping stations; contracts for supply, Section 40:62-97 - Notice to owners of lands affected; publication, Section 40:62-98 - Objections to ordinance; filing, Section 40:62-99 - Copy of ordinance filed with map, Section 40:62-100 - Bonds and other obligations, Section 40:62-101 - Water district assessments; exemption, Section 40:62-103 - Expenses of operation and maintenance; first year's expenses; notes issued. Section 40:15A-1 - Definitions relative to Yellow Dot programs. EDISON - The township celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the Edison Police Department last week with the promotion of 40 officers - three captains, 12 lieutenants and 25 sergeants - the. Section 40:48-2.17 - Expenditures; duly sworn claim required, Section 40:48-2.26 - Brush and hedges near roadways and intersections, cutting of, Section 40:48-2.27 - Cost of cutting brush and hedges; charging against lands; lien, Section 40:48-2.28 - Fire prevention ordinances authorized, Section 40:48-2.29 - Designation of enforcement officials; right of entry for inspection purposes; educational program relating to space heaters. Morning sessions are held from 9:30am - 1:30pm. The state will transition to a new science test for grade 5, which will measure the new NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards taking effect in Spring 2024. nys science 8th grade science test 274 results Sort: Relevance View: Practice Review 8th grade Physical Science Test (NYS) by Lesson Universe 4 $3.00 Word Document File Apply for the Job in . Burlington, formerly known as Burlington Coat Factory, is an American national off-price department store retailer, and a division of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation with 631 stores . Section 40:55D-88.3 - Definitions relative to the Dismal Swamp Conservation Area. Section 40:67-16.6 - Limiting use of streets to certain classes of vehicles, Section 40:67-16.7 - Temporary closing of streets for ingress and egress to school or for provision of recreational facilities, Section 40:67-16.8 - Approval of regulation by director of division of motor vehicles, Section 40:67-16.9 - Closing of street for preservation of public safety, health or welfare; authorization by governing body by ordinance; regulations, Section 40:67-16.10 - Ordinances and regulations; approval, Section 40:67-17 - Statues and memorials erected upon public streets, Section 40:67-18 - Spanish American war monuments; municipal contribution, Section 40:67-19 - Vacation of streets and places dedicated but not accepted; ordinance; notice and hearing, Section 40:67-20 - Abandonment of plans to open or widen streets; disposition of lands, Section 40:67-21 - Vacation of streets and places; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22 - Vacation of streets and public places between March 11, 1920, and March 11, 1922; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22.1 - Payment for vacating street, Section 40:67-23 - Return of taxes paid on certain streets, Section 40:67-23.1 - Road, street services, Section 40:67-23.3 - Municipality to reimburse private community for services or provide services, Section 40:67-23.4 - Private community to pay insurance riders, Section 40:67-23.5 - Use of municipal reimbursement to pay for services, Section 40:67-23.6 - Schedule for reimbursement for portion of cost, Section 40:67-23.7 - Acceptance for public use if conforms to municipal specifications, Section 40:67-23.8 - Additional services; repeal of ordinance; prior agreements to remain in effect, Section 40:67-26 - Passage of ordinances; subsequent proceedings by resolution; supervision by county, Section 40:67-27 - Contract with county; advertisement for bids unnecessary, Section 40:67-28 - Assessment for benefits; bonds and improvement certificates, Section 40:67-29 - Highways may be connected by tunnels; approaches, Section 40:67-31 - Location of tunnel and approaches; right of entry upon lands, Section 40:67-32 - Acquisition of necessary land; damages to land compensated, Section 40:67-33 - Contract with landowners to build tunnel; contribution by; streets vacated, Section 40:67-34 - Statement of cost and damages filed, Section 40:67-35 - Tunnel considered general improvement, Section 40:67-47 - Release or extinction of public right in canal or canal bed not used for twenty years, Section 40:67-48 - Filing copy of ordinance; evidence, Section 40:68-1 - Acquisition of land; reclamation and improvement of land, Section 40:68-2 - Contracts; plans, specifications, advertisement and bids, Section 40:68-3 - Lease of improvements; terms; lessee's bond; use of improvement by others, Section 40:68-4 - Ordinances relating to water fronts, Section 40:68-5 - Acquisition of railroads and equipment connecting with water front improvements, Section 40:68-6 - Operation of railroad by municipality; lease to corporation, Section 40:68-7 - Income from improvements and railway; use of; annual deficits, Section 40:68-8 - Funds for supervision and control of improvements and ferries, Section 40:68-9 - Officers, agents and employees, Section 40:68-10 - Annual report; contents; filing, Section 40:68-11 - Powers conferred deemed additional, Section 40:68-12 - Private wharves or other improvements; license for construction; application; procedure, Section 40:68-13 - Failure to obtain license; effect; penalty; duration of license, Section 40:68-14 - Removal of obstruction from wharves; procedure on failure of owner, Section 40:68-15 - Persons aggrieved may petition court; procedure, Section 40:68-16 - Municipal appropriation to assist federal government in protecting water front, Section 40:68-17 - "Port authority" defined, Section 40:68-18 - "Marine terminal" defined, Section 40:68-20 - Powers appurtenant to establishment and maintenance of marine terminals, Section 40:68-21 - Use of income; issuance of bonds and other obligations, Section 40:68-22 - Local harbor and water front commission; creation; members; appointment; term, Section 40:68-24 - Governing body approval required, Section 40:68-25 - Dedicated revenues; applicability of section 40:2-18, Section 40:68-27 - Establishment of district; ordinance; special election, Section 40:68-28 - Beach erosion control commission; establishment, Section 40:68-29 - Election of commissioners; term, Section 40:68-30 - Vacancies; special election; term, Section 40:68-31 - Petition for nomination, Section 40:68-32 - Verification of petition, Section 40:68-34 - Ballots; form and content; advertisement of election, Section 40:68-35 - Judge of election; teller; compensation, Section 40:68-36 - Registry list; persons entitled to vote, Section 40:68-37 - Polls; hours open; record of persons voting, Section 40:68-38 - Counting of votes; certification of results; forwarding to municipal clerk; announcement of results, Section 40:68-39 - Oaths; meeting; election of officers; acts of majority, Section 40:68-41 - Entry upon lands or waters to make surveys, borings, sounding and examinations; condemnation; compensation, Section 40:68-42 - Bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness; issuance; limitation, Section 40:68-44 - Issuance of notes, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness according to Local Bond Law; purchase of bonds by municipality, Section 40:68-45 - Appropriation of moneys; loans or donations to district, Section 40:68-47 - Payment of moneys to district treasurer, Section 40:68-50 - Dissolution of district; debts and obligations; property; resolution as evidence, Section 40:68-52 - Removal of district members; grounds; hearing, Section 40:68A-2 - Declaration of public interest and policy of state, Section 40:68A-4 - Port authority; creation by municipalities; membership, filing of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:68A-5 - Members of port authority; powers; terms; expenses; officers, agents and authorities; civil service, Section 40:68A-6 - Acquisition of property, Section 40:68A-7 - Port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-7.1 - Audit of accounts of port authority annually; filing, Section 40:68A-7.2 - Certified copies of bond resolutions and bond proceedings; filing, Section 40:68A-9 - Appropriations by local units, Section 40:68A-11 - Interim certificates; temporary bonds or other instruments, Section 40:68A-12 - Notice as to time for bringing actions questioning validity, Section 40:68A-13 - Negotiability of bonds or obligations, Section 40:68A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions, Section 40:68A-15 - Default in payment of bonds; trustees; appointment; powers; receiver, Section 40:68A-16 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state or local unit, Section 40:68A-17 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-18 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; lien; enforcement; collection, Section 40:68A-19 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to port authority; permit, Section 40:68A-20 - Public bodies to pay service charges, Section 40:68A-21 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port facilities; exemptions, Section 40:68A-22 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-23 - Property as public property; bonds declared issued by political subdivision; bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:68A-24 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:68A-25 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-26 - Competitive activities, Section 40:68A-27 - Liberal construction; regulation of port authorities, Section 40:68A-30 - Declaration of public interest and policy, Section 40:68A-32 - Municipal port authority; creation by municipalities; membership; terms; vacancies, Section 40:68A-33 - Officers, agents and employees; civil service, Section 40:68A-34 - Powers vested in members; quorum, Section 40:68A-35 - Reimbursement for expenses; compensation for services, Section 40:68A-36 - Interest of members, officers or employees in property or contracts, Section 40:68A-38 - Dissolution of municipal port authority; vesting of property in municipality, Section 40:68A-39 - Purpose of municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-40 - Municipal port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-42 - Schedule of facility charges, Section 40:68A-43 - Powers of municipalities; finances; ordinance.

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nj title 40 police promotions