what does the creature demand of victor?

He found them on the ground in the woods. Asked by travis h #290881 10 years ago 12/13/2012 1:01 PM. Trabajando solo o con un(-a) compaero(-a), escriba cinco proverbios originales basados en sus experiencias. When he revives, he finds himself surrounded by the people of the inn; he escapes from them to the room in which Elizabeth's corpse is lying. Once again, the natural landscape foreshadows impending violence: upon the arrival of the Frankensteins, the wind at Como grows violent and a storm arises. The Monster asks Victor to find him a friend because he' deserted and feels isolated; the Monster knows that Victor has the power and ability to give him what he wants. What do you make of his talk of slavery? Chapter 21: Victor is brought before the magistrate, and several witnesses testify against him. 75. Frankenstein is well composed as they conduct him toward the room in which the body has been laid; he has an unassailable alibi for the time that the body was found. Which of them learns faster? The creature vows to "see him on his wedding night.". Removing #book# He realized that he wasn't given so much joy and care after his birth. Victor does not accept the offer because of his ethical stance against creating another creature. Suduiko, Aaron ed. The monster learns about families and their love for one another. What questions does he ask himself? She tells him that he will be sorely punished for the murder that he has committed, and would be better off dead; she seems to take pleasure in her own hatefulness and cruelty. a. the daughter the Frankensteins adopted from the De Laceys. What is Victor's reason for not telling others about the monster in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? After his "adopted family" rejects him, he seeks to find Victor in Geneva. They all knew that his frown was easily provoked, and this knowledge sufficed to hold the army in awe. Who is there? 78. What did the creature demand from Victor? Victor denied the creature the happiness and love necessary for . Best Answer. Badly is always an adverb; well can be used as an adverb or an adjective. Victor is kind of compared to God, and the creature to Adam. from your Reading List will also remove any He wants to gather up materials to create a female companion for the creature. Suddenly, Victor hears a "fiendish laugh," as though hell itself were mocking him. As Frankenstein wants desperately to please both Elizabeth and his father, he decides that he will not delay the marriage any longer than is necessary: after all, the creature has demonstrated, by the murder of Clerval, that he will not be kept from violence before the fateful wedding. ", Latest answer posted April 17, 2020 at 9:04:31 PM. When he walks into the chamber, he is overcome with horror: the lifeless form of Henry Clerval lies before him. Mary Shelley takes pains to develop a full account of the creature's adventures. Victor is headed back to Geneva with his father at the end of chapter 21. Who are the family members and how are they related? 9. Why do you think humans have rejected the creature?How have his interactions with humans corrupted his originally kind character? The reader knows that it is Elizabeth, and not Frankenstein, who will bear the brunt of the monster's wrath; there is thus great pathos in Victor's horror at his mistake. The creature tries to save a drowning girl and when the girl's companion sees the monster, the man shoots at the monster. The creature tries to hang out with William, but William is scared, which makes the creature angry What does the creature demand from Victor? He does manage to find a "hovel" attached to a small cottage. How have the powers of human reasoning been weakened? Along the way, the monster is shot through the shoulder after he saves a little girl from drowning in a stream. Realizing who the boy is, the monster murders the child and plants the locket in Justine's dress pocket. What are the specific reasons that the creature gives for hating his creator? How has Victor come to understand himself? Do we see the creature die? On the answer line, write the word from the vocabulary list that fits each definition. and any corresponding bookmarks? To be his traveling companion for the trip and help him find the materials. Chapter 11. Victor tell Walton that he must never know the secret because it will destroy Walton's happiness. The monster takes the locket from William, goes into a barn for rest, and finds Justine sleeping in the hay. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Volume 1: Letters 14 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 6 and 7 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 3 and 4 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Summary and Analysis, Essential Quotes by Character: Victor Frankenstein, Critical Survey of Science Fiction and Fantasy Frankenstein Analysis, Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series Frankenstein Analysis, Masterpieces of Women's Literature Frankenstein Analysis, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume 1: Letters 1-4 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 6 and 7 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 3 and 4 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapter 7 Questions and Answers. Record each death and cause in the order of occurrence. The hastiness of Victor's wedding is indicative of his frantic desire to create an illusion of order and tranquility for his family. 1. What event happens when the creature is near Geneva? Think about how much description and information the author has included about Justine in this section. This chapter is pivotal in that it blends the two sides into one story. What happens when Victor tries to get the authorities to help hunt the creature? For Victor to make him a female companion just like him. Who watches him as he destroys the female monster? He became gravely ill while he was in prison. How does the creature cause the deaths of William and Justine? The chase appears almost childish: the creature taunts his creator, and Frankenstein pursues him with no regard for sense or reason. Seeing Frankenstein's agitation, Mr. Kirwin, the magistrate, suggest that Victor be shown the body, so that the tribunal might judge his reaction. Again Mary Shelley is setting the scene for the events to come. Unable to tolerate the shock, he collapses. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. How do people in Ingolstadt and in the first village he comes to react to him? The creature has made a very specific demand of Victor. Victor says his passion for science has "chained him in an eternal hell.". Though he is full of a great and indiscriminate love for humanity, feeling them to be "creatures of an angelic nature and celestial mechanism," he does not feel himself worthy of sharing in their intercourse. Where and how does Victor get rid of the body parts? In the blank write coord. Walton cries over Victor's death and says his mind "is overshadowed by disappointment" in turning the ship around and admitting defeat. Latest answer posted May 26, 2021 at 1:33:53 PM. Who is he with? He longs for companionship and feels wretched. Summary and Analysis Chapter 17. Frankenstein learns that Mr. Kirwin alone has shown him great kindness during his sickness; it is he who provided Victor with his sickroom and doctor. What happens to Frankenstein and the creature at the end of the book? The monster's final request from Victor is to create him a mate. Use specific examples from the novel. Where does he end up, and what happens when he lands? How is the creature rewarded for rescuing the girl from the raging river? 86. What does Victor decide? The break in the narrative brings the listener to the present. Not affiliated with Harvard College. "What argument does the creature offer in support of his demand, why?" To thank the entire staff for Arveiron Val d'Aosta region of NW Italy on the Dora Baltea River. The De Lacey's leave because they fear the monster will harm the old man. Walton agrees to turn the ship around once they are freed from the ice. How does the creature explain what he has done? By this point in the novel, the creature has taken on supernatural proportions: it is as though he were the unleashed wrath of hell itself. bookmarked pages associated with this title. He learned to speak French. How is she responsible for the family's circumstances? On the journey, he reflects that he has lost all hope of future happiness; no being in all creation is so miserable as he. In those times it needed but the shadow of the Committee of Public Safety . . The creature replies that he expected such a brutal reception. Significantly, Frankenstein compares himself and Elizabeth to Adam and Eve. Montalvo, Jessica. In the Biblical story, Adam goes against God by eating an apple from the tree and even though He banishes Adam from Eden, He doesn't speak harshly of Adam. After his "adopted family" rejects him, he seeks to find Victor in Geneva. 80. A crew of local fishermen found the victim, a young man of about twenty-five years of age. 66. Who arrives at the cottage in the spring? Speaker: Victor Meaning: Victor believes that he is an example of broken humanity, meaning that he has lost all aspects of humanity due to his obsession with the recreation of life and his creature that wreaked havoc. Elizabeth and Alphonse cling to the idea of the marriage as to a raft at sea; they hope to salvage something of happiness from the senseless and unremitting tragedy. He was worried that his new creation will be repulsed by him due to his deformity and abandon him and the creature will be lonely. Victor warns Walton that the creature is eloquent and persuasive. Felix teaches Safie how to read with Volney's Ruins of Empires. What is Victor doing at this point? As a result, God banished them from the garden. 83. The creature often refers to Frankenstein as "you, my creator": this doubled form of address does not only serve to remind Victor of the responsibility he bears for giving the creature life; it is also a complimentary title that implores him for help. She expresses regret that he has suffered so terribly, and tells him that if his unhappiness is related in any way to their impending marriage, she will gracefully leave him to the arms of another. It ends in Peth, Scotland, and Orkney Islands. Describe the demand the creature makes for Victor. Latest answer posted April 17, 2020 at 9:04:31 PM. Q. He receives a letter from Elizabeth, who says that she is longing to see him. Avoiding Problems with Troublesome Verbs. How does Safie's presence improve his education? He has created a being who delights in bloodshed, and thus deserves only abhorrence and hatred. He feels absolute misery. Night has fallen by the time Victor and Elizabeth land on the shores of Como. How and why does Victor destroy his new creation? Do your duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind (Chapter 10). Part of the creature's rationale for demanding a companion is that it feels that this is owed to him. "What does the creature say to Victor when he reconnects with him, and for what does he ask in Frankenstein?" 70. Title: Literature: from Frankenstein - Introduction Class 12 Date: / / Duration: 50 min Standard s: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL 11-12.2 Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text. Victor bitterly reflects that now only the executioner is concerned with his well-being. Recognized and shot as a villain, he is not seen as the savior he really is. When Victor came ashore, he was accused of murdering his beloved friend, Henry Clerval, and Mr. Kirwin. These authors were celebrating not the high aristocrats, most of whom history books are written about, but rather, the man who makes his living simply, while engaged in simple life. Where did Victor Frankenstein get the body parts for his monster? I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity: but I am not alone, miserably alone? The creature boards the ship and finds Victor's body. On the other hand, Victor appears heartless, such as when he refuses to care for his creation and does not visit his family once in six years. And don't even start me on non-organic matter, billions of solar systems, each one uniquely shaped, each planet, each little asteroid. Summary. Victor sees the monster stow away on a ship bound for Russia. Why does Victor change his mind about creating the female? It tells us that the creature is a fast learner . She has lost the vivacity of her youth, but Victor regards her, in her new compassion and gentleness, as an even more fitting companion "for one so blasted and miserable" as he. 3. What arguments does he make to convince Victor to comply with his request? The creature reasoned with Victor, letting him know that his malicious ways were caused by his misery. When Victor finally emerges from his delirium, he finds that a grim-faced old woman has been attending upon his sickbed. What does Victor understand that promise to mean? 2 THE AMERICAN SCHOOL This current, comprehensive history of American education is designed to stimulate critical analysis and critical thinking by offering alternative interpretations of each historical period. A biographic story that explains the influence between good and bad. 72. He cannot sleep without the aid of laudanum (a tranquilizer), and is frequently tormented by nightmares in which his creature strangles him. 82. Victor is acquitted of his alleged crime because he was in Scotland when the murder tool place. The magistrate visits him and expresses confidence that he will be cleared of all responsibility for the murder. Charles Bronson has publicly spoken out for the first time in three decades, asking "What the f*** am I in prison for".. What is his reaction to seeing the body of the body of the person he is accused of killing? If nothing else, it presents Frankenstein with a challenge; it once again calls forth the lust for conquest that motivated his scientific endeavors. Their roles are now reversed. Stphane's least favorite cousin, Charles. Chapter 16. Victor even says "I ought to render him happy before I complained of his wickedness." What does the creature want Victor to do for him? and any corresponding bookmarks? This could possibly signal a confrontation with the monster, because throughout the book, Shelley has used the weather as a signal. In the way he tries to save a girl from drowning, but he is shot. Use good and bad as adjectives. *Victor grew up around love/ Creature is surrounded by hate This small family exhibits the devotion, love, and care that all families should strive to achieve. In a search for food and shelter, the monster encounters young William Frankenstein and kills him. He also speaks of himself as a "fallen angel," much like Satan in Paradise Lost. Victor tells his father that he is the true engineer of all the catastrophes that have befallen them, but Alphonse attributes his confession to delirium. What response does he expect from the creature? The creature says he at first found virtue appealing and hoped he would find someone to love him. 82. our fuel-economy standards are surprisingly good when compared with all but the smallest imports. He says that his "paradisiacal dreams of love and joy" are dashed by the realization that "the apple was already eaten, and the angel's arm bared to drive [him] from all hope." Victor tells the monster to "begone" or "stay, that I may trample you to death.". Arthur Curry (portrayed by Jason Momoa) is a brooding metahuman with aquatic superpowers, later gaining the moniker Aquaman. How does Walton avoid the threat of mutiny? He learns about his bodily sensations and the strange world around him. What happens when the creature begins to think about himself? Summary and Analysis Victor refuses at first but later agrees out of a sense of responsibility as the Creature's creator. Though Frankenstein knows that this final journey will mean certain death, he pursues the monster without hesitation. Based on the information in paragraphs 5-8, what inference can you make? What does the creature demand from Victor? Upon entering the bedroom, he finds Elizabeth lying strangled upon the bed, her clothes and hair in a state of disarray; the print of the monster's fingers are still fresh upon her neck. What do your envision as a possible threat to the domination of creation by mankind? It may be possible to quickly venture into other areas of the ruins without arousing his attention, but the benefits of so tremendous risk seem minimal. How does he feel about it? They stayed in London for several months. . What do your envision as a possible threat to the domination of creation by mankind? when he ran into Henry at the beginning of the eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Then he sees william and tries to hang out with him because he thinks he us too young to judge, but william is scared, which makes the creature angry.

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what does the creature demand of victor?