why does the kjv have extra verses

Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. But if the Vulgate is divided into 4 then that is long before the thirteenth century. Each group individually and collectively analysed every available manuscript (of which there are currently about 5,200 separate documents in the world) and created what is accepted as the most comprehensive Biblical document available. rev2023.3.3.43278. Recent Posts. Doubts about its genuineness were indicated in printed Greek New Testaments as early as that of the first two editions (1515 & 1519) of Erasmus of Rotterdam, who simply left the verse out because he could not find a Greek ms containing it and provided a comment that "this is all I find in the Greek manuscripts". Many, for example, wish to claim that inspiration did not cease with the death of the last apostle but continued on with the wording of the Greek text that Erasmus, the Roman Catholic scholar, published. To be sure, these changes are not particularly significantbut this has been admitted by both sides. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Posted by . Acts 28:29. However, its recurrence as verse 24 is not so well supported. "), the Greek words suggest that the sentence is incomplete. KJV: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! It is accepted that the bible is the most valuable item that exists on the face of the earth. Second, when Scott details a handful of changes that are indeed trivial, he says, Friends, this is the ENTIRE extent of the nature of the changes from the King James Bible of 1611 to the King James Bible of the present day. As we mentioned above, that is not correct. The UBS gave the omission of this verse a confidence rating of B. Erasmus of Rotterdam, in working up the very first printed Greek New Testament from a multitude of manuscripts, included this note for this verse: "I did not find the words in several old manuscripts."[46]. But even punctuation could play a major role in how people interpreted Scripture. Reason: This verse is very similar to Mark 12:40 and Luke 20:47. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Brooke Foss Westcott & Fenton John Anthony Hort, Edward F. Hills (19121981), "The King James Version Defended: A Christian View of the New Testament Manuscripts" (1956). Mark 9:44 It was omitted from editions of the Greek New Testament at least as far back as 1729, in Daniel Mace's edition. With the help of iDaily Bible app, people can study, read, share and listen to the King James Bible. TOWARDS has been changed to TOWARD 14 times. baseball font with tail generator. To be sure, many of these are fairly significant. This group of changes would qualify for Scotts font theory that he assumes I embrace. BURNT has been changed to BURNED 31 times. [128] No matter how or why the original and genuine conclusion to the Gospel disappeared, the consensus is that neither the Longer nor Shorter endings provide an authentic continuation to verse 8. Every word in the Bible is described as God breathed and therefore has immense power. As an example of such a variation, in the KJV verse 9 occurs the phrase, "being convicted by their own conscience," but this phrase did not appear in Erasmus's editions although it appeared in the Complutensian and most subsequent TR editions, nor in most manuscripts that contain this pericope. Thanks James and Narnian for your explanations. The differences between the NKJV and KJV Bible translations. A completely different word is used here than that in verse 15, but the KJV translates both as "according to." It should say, "in proportion to" twice in this verse. This is an exact figure. 2. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations&oldid=1141229464, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 00:55. And we know it's the original one. "[67] The same two sentences do appear, without any quibbling about their authenticity, in Matthew 10:1415, and it is plausible that some very early copyist assimilated the sentence into Mark, perhaps as a sidenote subsequently copied into the main text. for he would recover him of his leprosy." " She said to her mistress, "Would that my lord were with the . I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance. Thet WLC is a digitized form of the BHS. for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. [the Revised Version has a marginal note: Many modern versions omit these words without a note.]. Amen. Try and find these scriptures in NIV or ESV on your computer, phone or device right now if you are in doubt: Matthew 17:21, 18:11, 23:14; Mark 7:16, 9:44, 9:46; Luke 17:36, 23:17; John 5:4; Acts 8:37. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Reason: A multitude of books have been devoted to just this verse, including: A Vindication of I John V, 7 from the Objections of M. Griesbach [by Thomas Burgess] (1821, London); Das Comma Ioanneum: Auf Seine Hewrkunft Untersucht [The Johannine Comma, an examination of its origin] by Karl Knstle (1905, Frieburg, Switz. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Verses 44 and 46 are both lacking in ,B,C,L,W,1, and some mss of the ancient versions, but appear in somewhat later sources such as A,D,K,, some Italic mss and the Vulgate. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Ezra Abbot wrote, "It may be said that the question [of excluding this verse] is obsolete; that the spuriousness of the disputed passage had long been conceded by all intelligent and fair-minded scholars. Acts 15:34. I submit that many of the changes that modern translations make are a mere updating of the language of the KJV, yet even these get condemned on the basis of altering the Word of God. Even though I know that I don't know what the WTT means. After Luther's rejection, the Catholic Church added them to the Council of Trent. Scholars have generally regarded these verses as later additions to the original text. (2 Samuel 12:25) And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD. (Note: not only is verse 4 omitted, but also the tail end of verse 3.). How to match a specific column position till the end of line? The spurious nature of this verse is so notorious[64] that even the Revised Version of 1881 did not bother to include nor provide a footnote for this verse, and many other modern versions do likewise. [verse 8] For at those words, in almost all copies of the Gospel According to Mark, comes the end. It is dated 1525. And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. [60] Expressions of doubt also appeared in the edition of Stephen Courcelles (tienne de Courcelles), in 1658, and from Johann Jakob Griesbach's edition of 1775. According to market research firm Statistica, as of 2017, more than 31% of Americans read the KJV . Bible editions of the American Bible Union. I have then looked at the Vulgate online. See Introduction to the Holman Christian Standard Bible 2005 Removed from 2009 edition They were retained because of their 'undeniable antiquity and their value for tradition and the history of NT interpretation in the church. v brakes for 650b conversion; nj marching band state championship; doctor handwriting translation app; football pools draws this weekend. Screen Printing and Embroidery for clothing and accessories, as well as Technical Screenprinting, Overlays, and Labels for industrial and commercial applications Leviticus 25:17 - A completely different word is used here than that in verse 14, but the KJV translates both as "oppress." That's it! Pastor, Please forgive me to use the words, "Penises." The word is a sort of conjunction and rarely occurs at the end of a sentence. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. These are passages which are well supported by a wide variety of sources of great antiquity and yet there is strong reason to doubt that the words were part of the original text of the Gospels. It is because the Word of God gets it power from the spoken word. All "Evil Tidings" is "Bad News" but Not all "Bad News is "Evil Tidings". There you have it. The KJV neglected to include Alexandrian texts altogether. I am not, of course, arguing that this is the case; I am arguing that there is a great deal of selective evidence used by KJV-only advocates used to support their position. In any case, its omission from Mark 6:11 does not affect its unchallenged presence in Matthew 10:15. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. RV: (omits the words Get thee behind me, Satan:). albritton funeral home obituaries; heath funeral home paragould, ar obituaries; 2009 topps baseball cards most valuable; who is mr church joe ledger; largest abandoned mansion in america; [118] The Freer Logion consists of 89 words,[119] of which 8 words do not appear elsewhere in Mark. The above are just a few verses that illustrate how, by simply editing a few words the whole inference and power of the verse is diminished. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Go, and sin no more. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? KJV: 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one.8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, Modern versions: (omitted from main text and not in a footnote). What are the main Differences between KJV and Duoay-Rheims (DRB) / douay-rheims vs kjv / Differences between KJV and DRB Douay-Rheims Version (DRV), Does (Psalm 112:7) Old Testament Hebrew mean "Bad News" Or "Evil Tidings"? In about 367 AD, St. Athanasius came up with a list of 73 books for the Bible that he believed to be divinely inspired. Note that in relation to 2 Corinthians 13:14, another end of chapter anomaly (as opposed to mid-chapter), the ESV and KJV agree. It is not found in any manuscript before the 5th century. Uncategorized On that same basis, for the KJV to change at all would mean that it, too, stands condemned. [5] And a certain man was there ", and as a side-note, "Many ancient authorities insert, wholly or in part," and here present the italicized words exactly as they appeared in the KJV. why does the kjv have extra verses; why does the kjv have extra verses. Of recent times we have had many versions produced (No.46 English versions according to www.biblegateway.com that allow for certain doctrines, languages and colloquialisms. The change of towards to toward that occurs fourteen times is thus counted as one change. Thus verse 15 does not exist in the KJV. The newer versions stated that other versions ADD verses inferring that the other version(s) are less accurate. The deviation from the Christian chapter divisions - the deviation being seeing 3 chapters in Malachi, predates the BHS, The BHS "originally appeared in installments, from 1968 to 1976", I have found a PDF of a Mikraot Gedolot (a bible + more than one rabbinical commentary included, commentating on the text).. In the absence of any immediate grammatical clue, it's a matter of judgement which reading to choose. In the case of Codex A and C, the manuscripts are damaged so that the actual text of John 7:538:11 is missing but the surrounding text does not leave enough space for the pericope to have been present. Acts.4 [1] And as they spake unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them,[2] Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. Reason: This verse is nearly identical with verses 4:9 and 4:23. ", "Acts 8:37 Faith Before Baptism Omitted in NIV", https://archive.org/stream/thetextandcanon00soutuoft#page/32/mode/2up, "2 Corinthians 13:12 Greet one another with a holy kiss! Henry Alford wrote, "The spuriousness of this controverted passage can hardly be questioned. Matthew 23:14, Mark 7:16 In v. 24 the KJV reads, Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. The Greek verb means to strain out. I believe that the KJV of 1611 actually had this wording, but inexplicably changed it later to strain at. Some scholars argue that strain at is simply an archaic rendering of strain out. But, even if this is the case, few in the KJV camp today would interpret this phrase as strain out.7 Here is a place in which the KJV needs to be updated so that people can understand what is meant. It was already doubted even before the KJV; this sentence does not appear in Wycliff (1380), the Bishops' Bible (1568), and the Rheims (1582). I think perhaps you misinterpreted one of my sentences.. i'll reword it. Its source might be indicated by Eusebius (early 4th century), in his Historia Ecclesia, book 3, sec. I was reading the KJV and it has this for 2 Kings 10:27: "And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! Since then i've found that the WLC(Westminster Leningrad Codex aka WTT - Westminster Theological Text), is a digitized version of the BHS, and the BHS has chapters and verses. Amen. Although many lists of missing verses specifically name the NIV as the version that had omitted them, these same verses are missing from the main text (and mostly relegated to footnotes) by the Revised Version of 1881 (RV), the American Standard Version of 1901, the Revised Standard Version of 1947 (RSV),[1] the Today's English Version (the Good News Bible) of 1966, and several others. I would add that at the time of KJV, there were fewer if any old texts that lacked the phrase, but more recent discoveries give a stronger case to the newer translation. This Shorter Ending appears, by itself without the Longer Ending, after verse 8, in only one manuscript, an Italic ms (Codex Bobbiensis, "k"), of the 4th or 5th century. For me, I get goose bumps. Say it out loud! If Scotts statistics are correct, to find more than one or two would be disturbing, and to find even a dozen or more would show that his data are fundamentally incorrect. I watched the film on YouTube with great interest. It is included in mss only slightly less ancient, A,D,K,W,1,13, Italic mss, the Vulgate, some other ancient versions. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. It does seem strange that all the other chapters have the same number, apart from Joel and Malachi which have the number of chapters in each, reversed! Why is Matthew 6:13 different in the NIV that some other translations? As it forms an independent narrative, it seems to stand best alone at the end of the Gospels with double brackets to show its inferior authority " Some English translations based on Westcott & Hort imitate this practice of appending the pericope at the end of the Gospel (e.g., The Twentieth Century New Testament), while others simply omit it altogether (e.g., Goodspeed, Ferrar Fenton, the 2013 revision of The New World Version). [28] The majority of Greek manuscripts copied after 600 AD and the majority of translations made after 600 AD do not include the verse. why does the kjv have extra verses; why does the kjv have extra verses. So looking onwards, to Joel and Malachi, to see which is 3 and which is 4. This verse was omitted from Edward Harwood's Greek NT (1776), marked as doubtful in Griesbach's editions (1777), and thereafter generally relegated to a footnote, enclosed in brackets, or omitted completely. Myth 1: The Hebrew Bible does not contain the deuterocanonical books. A commonly accepted theory for the condition of the last chapter of the Gospel of Mark is that the words actually written by St. Mark end, somewhat abruptly, with verse 8. The King James Version of the Bible is the best-known and most-read version in the English language but remains separate from vernacular Catholic translations. ), and Jennifer Knust & Tommy Wasserman, To Cast the First Stone: The Transmission of a Gospel Story (2019, NJ, Princeton Univ. This phrase is set out in a footnote in the NRSV (1989) and was dramatized in Cecil B. DeMille's 1927 silent movie. [81], Reasons: Entire volumes have been written about these twelve verses,[82] and considerable attention is paid to these verses in many (or most) texts on textual criticism of the New Testament, and many articles in learned journals. The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. The WEB bible, however, moves Romans 16:2527 (end of chapter verses) to Romans 14:2426 (also end of chapter verses). [Note: Different editions of the KJV show various treatments of the punctuation, especially at the end of the verses, and of capitalization, especially at the beginning of the verses. This pericope was framed with marks of doubt in Johann Jakob Wettstein's 1751 Greek New Testament and some earlier Greek editions contained notes doubting its authenticity. Apparently Tischendorff's 1841 Greek NT was the first printed edition to omit this clause. I will update the question again accordingly to take this into account, as we now have a source for the KJV's chapter divisions. AMONGST has been changed to AMONG 36 times. "It's not meant to replace your current version of . The writers of the KJV changed words to suit the translation at the time. Scrivener put it, "No doubt this verse is an unauthorised addition, self-condemned indeed by its numerous variations. 3 John 1415 ESV are merged as a single verse in the KJV. disney reservation center. @curiousdannii I said WLC(aka WTT) (aka stands for also known as), so when I wrote a.k.a., i'm saying they're the same thing. The King James and New King James versions keep the extra verses, even claiming them as authentic. KJV: 5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? Again, the reason I dont think the KJV is the best translation today is basically threefold: (1) its underlying text is farther from the original than is the text used in modern translations; (2) its translation is archaic, with now over 300 words that no longer mean what they did in 1611; (3) four hundred years of increased knowledge of the biblical world and languages have rendered many of the KJV renderings obsolete. [120] Explanations aside, it is now widely (although not unanimously) accepted that St. Mark's own words end with verse 8 and anything after that was written by someone else at a later date. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. [43], As F.H.A. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Burgon also found a patristic comment previously attributed to Gregory of Nyssa (of the late fourth century), but which he suspected was more likely written by Hesychius of Jerusalem (middle of the fifth century) or Severus of Antioch (middle sixth century), again answering the same sort of query, and saying, "In the more accurate copies, the Gospel according to Mark has its end at 'for they were afraid.' In Romans 6:12 REIGN THEREFORE was changed to THEREFORE REIGN. [116] The shorter ending, in Greek, is approximately (depending on the variants) 32 words long,[117] of which 7 words do not appear elsewhere in Mark. This averages out to one change per 8.83 words. KJV: And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Amen. Mark 11:26. In his notes Erasmus says that he took this reading from the margin of manuscript 4ap (15th century) and incorporated it into the Textus Receptus. why does the kjv have extra verses . Actually, Greek codex W (also known as the Freer Gospels or the Codex Washingtonianus), dating from the fourth or fifth century, is the oldest known Greek ms that sets forth the Longer Ending[95] and it contains a lengthy addition (which appears nowhere else), known as the Freer Logion, between the familiar verses 14 and 15. The KJV is just one of the many other versions of the Holy Bible. The facts condemn the critics and expose their smoke-and-mirror shell game. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? It does, however, appear in some significant manuscripts, including 1,13, A, two very old Latin manuscripts, and some Syriac and Boharic manuscripts, and with slight differences in minuscule 33 (9th century). In particular, spelling standardization is the largest single group of changes made between 1611 and the modern era. When I look in bibleworks, I see that the KJV has 3 chapters in Joel and 4 in Malachi. ", Romans 16:24: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. On the other hand, the doxology never made its way into the text of the Latin Bible, which was the basis of Western-rite (Roman Catholic) liturgy. About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. Pontificae Commissionis de re Biblica Edita. This is based on the level of certainty the translators have about whether the verse in question comes from the original text or not. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. "[11] A movement called King James Version Only (KJVO), which believes that only the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible (1611) in English is the true word of God, has sharply criticized these translations for the omitted verses. And in response to curiousdanni's comment regarding the relationship between the WLC,BHS,and the LC.. 50 chapters in Genesis.. Shmot-Exodus, then the letter Mem, which has the hebrew value of 40. An abbreviated history of the passage is that the conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans was known in several different versions: About the year 144, Marcion made radical changes in the ending of the Epistle to the Romans, breaking it off with chapter 14. Metzger suggests that the TR text is the result of copyists' assimilation to the verb form in 13:1 ("I saw a beast"). The spurious passage came into the Textus Receptus when Erasmus translated it from the Latin Vulgate and inserted it in his first edition of the Greek New Testament (Basel, 1516). And I see that it has 4 Chapters in Malachi, like the KJV.. which suggests that the BHS chapter divisions are a departure. 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. This is solely because of this difference. 1609), the verb being supposed to mean to make violent effort., Daniel B. Wallace has taught Greek and New Testament courses on a graduate school level since 1979. Deceit is the only thing modern critics can traffic in, for the facts are so overwhelmingly against them that they have no other means by which to denigrate the Word of God. ". The Greek text used by the KJV translators is 166 words long, using a vocabulary of (very approximately) 140 words. KJV: Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still. Reason: It is considered unlikely that these words were in the original text of the Gospel. Since the first King James Bible rolled off the press in 1611 to the King James Bible you buy off the shelf today, there have been - are you ready - there have been a grand total of 421 word changes! No papyrus contains any portion of the 12 verses.[88]. Some of the changes in the KJV through the centuries have been fairly significant. The fact that it is absent from the most ancient sources of multiple text types and that the sources that do contain the verse disagree about its placement, as well as the fact that it is a repetition of verses found elsewhere, show "that verse 14 is an interpolation derived from the parallel in Mark 12:40 or Luke 20:47 is clear."[14]. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. These familiar words are not in , B,L,Z, several cursives, Sahidic, and some Boharic and Ethiopic mss, but appear in slightly more recent mss such as C,D,W,, and Latin mss. @curiousdannii The Vulgate wouldn't have originally been divided into the christian chapters..

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why does the kjv have extra verses