harvest of launching out into the deep

It is still Gods will to use you in the salvation of others. And most of us dont want to leave our comfort zone. It is still possible to be part of a great work of God. Continue to mentor us . When the only answer to a problem is dependence on God, we tend to listen to Him more closely and spend time with Him more often. Verse Concepts. To add Sues radio broadcast to your local station click here. James 4:10 directs us to, Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Jesus condescended to our low estate so every person might have an opportunity to be saved. To throw yourself into the deep, the deep waters of faith, means to blindly follow God's word and throw yourself into it without second-guessing. Yet, in actuality, that promised breakthrough may not materialize immediately as Gods timing is different than ours. Harvest Family Radio Jesus, really? Learn how your comment data is processed. In that moment, Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. The Seventh-day Adventist Church by launching out into the deep is under orders from God to confront peoples of all races, persuasions, and status with the redemptive eschatological message entrusted to us in this sunset hour of human history. Cast again. In that moment, something clicked in Peters mind. We too have worked hard over the years, believing a great mission mobilization movement is around the corner. There is an urgent divine call to launch into the deep. This explains why Jesus' instruction to Peter was that he should launch his net into the deep. In such times, we do well to remember the words of Jesus to a troubled father, Be not afraid, only believe (Mark 5:36). Maybe youve been splashing around in the shallows of faith for too long. The food bank kicked off its 32nd annual Harvest for Hunger initiative with nearly 400 people gathered at the John S. Knight Center in Akron for a breakfast and update on the nonprofit's mission. Helpful. This has the notion of fellowship and partnership. AMP. Every mom wants to be the best mom in the world to her children but often she feels like the worst. Time's clock has struck the hour when the church must embark upon a new revolutionary Spirit-led soul-winning adventure of unprecedented magnitude. Believers are called into the same experience; plunge into the realm of harvest and launch into the deep, letting down your nets for a draught. When this is done we may watch in breathtaking wonder as hundreds of sinners saved by God's trans forming grace enter the fellowship of the church. Peter had already toiled all night. Fishermen never go fishing in swimming pools. He wants to increase your impact on other people. He wouldnt be pricing new boats or scouting out more partners. Launch Out Into the Deep Paperback - Illustrated, May 2, 2013 . At the exciting climax of this superlative catch of fish, assured that the lesson was eloquently driven home to the disciples, Christ concluded the episode with this moving assurance: "Then Jesus said to Simon, 'Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men' " (verse 10, N.I.V.). He frequently speaks, writes, ministers and leads Bible Studies on various topics ranging from Marriage, Faith, Family, Business, Stewardship, Emotional Healing and Leadership. Peter didnt mind. Christ calls us out of our depth. Launch out into the deep. See our. But because He recognized something unique in Jesus he wisely obeyed (vs. 5). Many Christians see the spiritual need surrounding them. ?when you want something, CONNECTION POINT We've cast our nets in Haiti. REALLY messing up? The deep is a place that extends far below the surface and is potentially . God guarantees the results when the church and its leadership in obedience and faith accept and implement Christ's evangelistic strategy. This is typical of the futility of human efforts without divine unction. After Jesus stopped speaking, he asked Peter to. This is Gods expectation of every life, a life of fruitfulness borne out of obedience and absolute dependence on His words. The breaking nets and the sinking boats are some of the challenges of deep-water evangelism. It is easy to buy into the lie that what we are doing is of little value and the big-picture vision will never happen. Great things will happen only as we launch forward in our service to Christ. With Global Leadership Development experience for a major Fortune 100 Financial Institution, he serves as Board Member for several Not For Profit organizations throughout Michigan and a mentor to many throughout the Corporate Arena, Faith Community and across the globe. The Lord is our treasure and pearl of great price that we have to go after this year at all costs. It was a beautiful day and a new beginning! Initially, Peter responded to Jesus command like you and I would have donewith logic. It is high time to abandon our cozy harbors of complacency, self-satisfaction, and undisturbed religious contentment as we launch out into the deep of soul-winning action. But few are surrendered to launch out in response to Jesus command, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Be ready to launch into the deep for life changing experience. The young lions do lack, and suffer . Its hard to stay on a bicycle that isnt movinggo and do something! Content with the status quo, some will sit on the dock and look out over the water, offering only complaints when our nation turns from God. We proclaim the Word to all cultures and generations by addressing today's issues from a biblical worldview. A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. All God's commands are promises. The Adventist Church began in a spirit of urgency, and it must also climax in urgency and a blaze of triumph! Luke 5:4. If he can snag us by either method, we forsake faith and return to human reasoning. Do you read it, study it, memorize it, listen to it as its preached? I want you to give me that chance, but if you don't, I need you to know I never lied when I told you that you're extraordinary, Charley. The context of this passage is Jesus relating with Peter, James, and John, who would become His disciples. It was slimy and smelly. God wants to bless youbig-time! It means to catch fish in such a way that they are still alive when brought to shore for sale. They laughed and called him Simon which means shifting sand But Jesus called him Peter which means rock. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me (Judges 7:2). Friday, November 12 2021. Jay Worrall, president of Helping Harvest, spoke Thursday to the Berks County commissioners during their operations meeting to update them on the big challenges the Spring Township-based food bank is experiencing. (Hosea 7:14) Avoid lip service. Its your season of bountiful harvest for the kingdom. The disciples caught such an impressive number of fish that their nets began to break (Luke 5:6, N.I.V.). A casual observer might conclude that ministry in the twenty-first century has advanced beyond the Word of God. This means the total church participating in the common blessing of collective soul winning. By Terry LaMasters | April 26th, 2013. The divine directive "Launch out into the deep" has a ring of immediacy and urgency. Andrew, his brother, was a follower. The phrase in this passage that grabs me every time I read it is Peters statement, At thy word, I will.. What a perfect week for a first service. Willing to assist Jesus, Peter left his net and resumed his seat in the fishing boat. He says, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.". Feb. 28Food banks are facing a crisis. The deep is where you will find a whole lot of fish. Your email address will not be published. The second exciting result of launching out into the deep is its unifying impact on the church. He looked at Peter and said, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (v. 4). It takes effort to get the best out of life. Unaware of the crowd of people thronging Jesus, he, along with James and John, continued the task of rinsing grime from the Galilean Sea off their empty nets. They had to signal the other boats to come out and help them. And He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed (asked) him that he would thrust out a little from the land. When we follow Him He takes full responsibility in making us fishers of men (Matt. If success humbles you, then failure will build you up. As Peter bowed in the presence of Jesus, the Lord brought it all together for Peter, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.. surprisedwhen she sensed God leading her to write9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom. Our ministries become more about service than about reaching lost men and women with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let down your nets in our context means multiplying our tools, reproduceable events, curriculum, trainings, teachings, across many portions of the body of Christ in a variety of nations. Because of what the Lord reminds us in His Word. Because of the pull of Earth's gravity, largest, heaviest spacecraft need the biggest rockets and the most propellent. LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP. (Ps 42:7). Christ spoke and Simon obeyed. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. It is common to get sluggish in any work after a while. Remaining in the shallow waters of small soul-winning objectives is a tragic denial of our sublime mission! ALL of His promises to you are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). Nevertheless, At Thy Word, represents an overriding of Peters flesh and his submission to God. Even if you have toiled all night, you can through your net on the other side of the boat and have a supernatural-catch., To find out more about Sue Detweiler, her books and radio ministry click here. Required fields are marked *. Is preaching without teaching enough? You have entered an incorrect email address! When she prayed about which book to write first she was Moving into deep water requires a full commitment. The storm may be raging, but if you are where Christ has called you to be, and you are doing what he called you to do, he will bring you through. Many have access to Gods Word and sense the Holy Spirits prompting. John 2:2425 tells us: But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, andhe knew what was in man. Before we argue with Christ, we should try trusting Him! Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. God speaks in accordance to His word. Lets look at a few points: First, Peter had listened to Jesus teach all morning. 1 Corinthians 2:10. In Mark 1:17 Christ graciously invites us, " 'Come, follow me, . Thanks for the linky today. The greatest opportunities for ministry often are, humanly speaking, the most distasteful. " This is a faith that expects results. The dual mandate to "launch out . #LaunchDeeper. A diabolical, materialistic political ideology now threatens the advance of the gospel in some areas of the world. Chapter 2 What a dramatic turnaround! Together we will lift our hearts and voices with you in prayer. And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. (Luke 5:6). Launching out into the deep is Christ's exclusive strategy for prolific church growth. Joseph was one of twelve brothers, through different mothers. God gave the clearance to Go and to launch out into the deep. Necessities for launching out into the deep. Many Christians only want to comprehend what is apparent /obvious. This time Jesus gave the clearance to launch and to let down his nets in expectation to catch a harvest. Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep Tags: Prayer points on Launch out into the deep meaning, Prayer points from Luke 5, Launch into the deep sermon, Harvest of launching out into the deep, Prayer Points on Luke 5 6, Scriptures for supernatural turnaround, Biblical meaning of launch, Launch out into the deep KJV, Into the deep in the Bible, Examples of breakthrough in the Bible, Launch in the Bible, Lord of the breakthrough sermon, Supernatural turnaround sermon, Put out into the deep water sermon. Although we may complain about what we seem to lack, just like the early Christians, God assures us, ALL things are ours! The Lord says renew your vision, passion, single-mindedness. Maybe, youve been casting your nets, in the wrong place or youve been casting at the wrong time. Jesus had healed Peters mother in law and they had watched Jesus heal all the sick brought to Him the day before (Luke 4). and let down" for the catch is a command, as well as a promise of bountiful success. As we continue to look at what it means to launch out into the deep, we'll see that Peter didn't understand the capacity of the blessings that Jesus wanted to bestow on Him. Vance K. Jackson Jr. is a graduate of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor holding both Masters (MSW) and Bachelors Degrees. This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal. Why then do we experience a lack of fruit in ministry? Powerful Prayer is birthed from reading the Word of God. Revelation in prayer is all related to what the Lord has said. Watch Christian content from your favorite pastors, christian movies, TV shows and more. Luke 5:3-7 (NIV) "Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land. But it is fruitful. At first, Peter protested, saying, Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Yet, despite his frustration over past failures and disappointments, Peter decided to obey Jesus instruction: Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (v. 5). Luke 5:4. Your success is attached to your obedience. The master key to genuine evangelistic explosion in the Adventist Church is clearly expressed in Peter's unhesitating response to Christ's order to "launch out into the deep." (Ps 42:7). Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. In the murky waters of shallow Christianity, we lose focus; we forget the very purpose of ministry is to preach the gospel. A similar survey examining a spiritually stagnant America tracked a decade of declining statistics in American Christians Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance. That's because he was too small in his thinking. We need not fear if what we are doing is in God's will. Your success is attached to your obedience. And such is expressed in every verse of his poems. In our case, this refers to local ministries being mobilized and equipped to directly engage the unreached in multiple ways, including sending Message Bearer Teams to the unreached, to both near and distant cultures. If you re among the majority of pastors, who spend nearly as much time concerned with the church's janitorial services as with its educational work, we challenge you to rethink your priorities. It wasnt the result of throwing logic to the wind and following his inner dreams. All rights reserved. It is a call beyond the present business as usual, to remember the promises of God to us as a ministry, seizing them in a fresh way, acting on them. Life does not give you what you deserve, but only what you demand! There is an epidemic of immorality, social injustices, and an economic crisis' worldwidenot regulated to the US aloneseen at levels of catastrophic proportion. While battling his own demons, E. A. Simmons has dug deep within himself to understand other people's view of the universe they live in, their own reality, their own thoughts. We must obey the instruction of Philippians 2:3 to Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). If you've ever found yourself singing a solo as you tried to get the congregation to sing a new song, you'II welcome these suggestions for getting everyone involved. Its no wonder we so often struggle to fully comprehend and believe what the Bible says about the astounding power available to us in Christ. ?? Launch out, into the deep, Oh, let the shore line go; Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow. In today's devotion, by Karen S. Roberts, let's think about what it means to launch out in our own lives. But under the direct command of Jesus, Peter turned from his logic and staked everything on Jesus word. Verse Concepts. To demonstrate his obedience to the Master Fisherman, he unhesitatingly let down the net and in faith awaited the results. When Simon launched out into the deep, and let down his nets, there were so many fish that came into the nets that it was beginning to break the nets. But because you say so, I will let down the nets' " (Luke 5:5, N.I.V.). We serve the same Jesus who spoke to Peter two thousand years ago. It is not for our glory or to fulfill our quest for adventure. What a commitment. Whether youve toiled in your marriage, in school, in business, or on the job, trust God that success is waiting to meet and overtake you in the deep. . With statistics like these, is it any wonder that American Christians are stagnant and cold, with little spark of revival? The result was a catch of fish Peter . EDUCATION (Master Degree or Ph.D.) -Take difficult courses (more hours) -Change schools (better education) -Pay higher tuition c. HOME Totally incapable of coping alone with the colossal catch of fish, the disciples "signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink" (verse 7, N.I.V.). In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. Peter himself had been working with filthy fishing equipment all night as well. As in the case of the disciples, the time has come for the whole church to unite and coordinate all its spiritual and material resources in a united campaign to evangelize the world for Christ. Notice the flow in the text of Luke 5:1-8 1. Showing favoritism to one child over another causes all kinds of trouble in families. The people wanted to hear Him share the Words of God. Launching out into the deep in this beginning stage of Harvest '90 gives unquestioning priority to evangelism in all forms and on all levels of the church organization. even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. It was the result of a man who had unmistakably heard Christs command and calculated that Gods power was greater than his limitations. Dont get sidetracked with other focal points, but with laser focus stay the course.. With Ella-Rae Smith, Jessica Alexander, Matthew Daddario, Nikkita Chadha. Tired, hungry, surrounded by a multitude of people, Peter tried to stretch out and clean his net so that they could go out fishing again that night. But, you must be prepared to launch out into the deep for your harvest of miracles and blessings. He is calling you to go deeper in Him to trust and rely on Him more. A timeless scope. Our June issue featured their differing views (under pseudonyms) on Christ's human nature. Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all . Just like Peter and the other disciples trusted Him for their harvest, He wants us to trust Him for an incredible breakthrough in our lives. And because of that, he missed out on some of the blessings God had in mind for him. In the language of Peter the church must confess, " 'Because you say so,'" we will launch out into the deep through faith and obedience, will trans form our hundreds into thousands and our thousands into hundreds of thousands. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. There is no shortage of souls that need Christthe sea is wide open and ready. This comes simply out of the complete reliance upon Him to meet our every need and guide us in our way. Now is the time to press forward in faith and let down our nets in a widespread and orchestrated way among church networks, denominations, campus ministry organizations. Thanks and God bless you. " In this exchange, Simon Peter then speaks to the Lord of the u At Jesus' command they let down their nets once more. PO Box 23189 4:6). We are not immune to these atheistic ideologies. O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. Observe the faith factor in Peter's reply. " May God continue to bless you, your family, team members and ministry abundantly. This is the act of complete surrender. Satan has two primary tactics for neutralizing our obedience to Christ discouragement and fear. God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. God in the flesh now entered the environment of a common fisherman. We launch out to catch mento connect hearts with the invitation of Christ. This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. Can you imagine what life would be like if we launched into the deep, cast our nets and trusted God for more of His favor? He knew Peters fatigue, his doubt, and his needs. 2023 Global Mission Mobilization Initiative | Design by ZindaMedia |, Great Commission Mobilization School (ASIA GCMS), Great Commission Mobilization School (Africa GCMS), Contending for the Mission Mobilization Movement. We have a saving, redeeming judgment-hour message that must be given to all mankind with compelling passion. We launch satellites and spacecraft into space by putting them on rockets carrying tons of propellants. See all formats and editions . A great breakthrough is on the horizon in and through our work. Let your faith make you fly. What should this years GMMI focal points be as a result of this word from God? 'Like Peter, the total laity and leadership of God's church are challenged to embark on a new evangelistic faith adventure. The son of international evangelist Morris Cerullo, David took a less traditional approach to ministry, graduating from Oral Roberts University with a degree in business administration and management. KJ21. Just as the boat suddenly overflowed with fish, your life is destined to overflow with Gods blessings when you heed His instructions. This passage has been one God has used many times to speak to us, confirming its significance in our journey. But we sit on the dock attempting to catch fish in shallow waters. Launch out. Only 30 percent (less than one-third)2 said they personally share the plan of salvation with someone else on a regular basis. A fisher of men. We are to be encouraged by the Biblical account of the large, immediate catch of fish. Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." (Lk 5:4 NKJV) There is so much greatness in the coming year; treasures of inestimable values, are ready to be released but they cannot be dug up from the shallow waters. But you may be thinking, How do I know God can do the same thing in my life? With over 25 years of marriage and ministry, Wayne and Sue have a heart help couples to build marriages that last. Sitemap, This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. Launch Out Into The Deep - Sherry Stahl Get a Soul H2O Devotional Book Sampler when signing up! After Jesus stopped speaking, he asked Peter to launch out to the deep and let down their nets for a catch. Wayne and Sue Detweiler relocated to Frisco Texas (a growing community north of Dallas) to plant and pastor Life Bridge Churchwhich meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 am at The Roots 6142 Frisco Square, Frisco, TX, 75035. Congratulations on the launch of your new church! This involves public evangelism, personal evangelism, lay evangelism, youth evangelism, pastoral evangelism, health evangelism, mass media evangelism, et cetera. In the deep, millions of judgment-bound men and women are waiting only to be gathered into the gospel net. In prayer, shallow Christians cannot access the imaginative, creative, understanding and emotional connection to our Creator. Dont be bashful about asking for what you need. When we read the Word we come to learn that the Holy Spirit prays for us and also teaches , and reveals to us the Mind of God ,and what His will is in our lives. And this remarkable turn of events all happened because they dared to believe Jesus' instruction to "launch out" into deeper waters. How do we know when and where to launch out? When Christ released the word, Launch, Peters toiling season had officially ended and his drought was over. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). We launch out to preach the gospelto tell broken, shattered people that there is salvation through the blood of Jesus. In time, there will be a great haul of fish (fruitfulness) according to Jesus word. Simon Peter was so overwhelmed by the supernaturally abundant catch of fish, that he fell at Jesus knees and said, Master, leave. God created man with a unique type of strength. That you've never been before. Launch out into the deep reader. Science author Sally Adee explores the potential healing power of electroceuticals. Launching Out into the Deep, Part 3 - Treasured Truth - Omny.fm As we continue to look at what it means to launch out into the deep, we'll see that Peter didn't understand the capacity of the blessings that Jesus wanted to bestow on Him. Gods voice comes to those who are expecting and ready to hear from Him. If he was unsure about his life purpose before, he wasnt now. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Friend, as this year continues to unfold, youll see that your Heavenly Father wants to multiply your blessings. He invites us to launch out into the deep. To invite Sue (or Wayne & Sue) to speak at your event click here. We have access to His written Word, and we have the promises of His faithfulness to back us. "The Desire of Ages, p. 246. Do You Know These 14 Hebrew Names of God? How deep He does not say. Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. Launching out into the deep is God's imperious summons to a new revival and awakening that gives priority to a total unrelenting evangelism. Peter didnt know it, but his choice in that moment would be the pivotal point for the rest of his life. Launch out into the deep. The command to "launch out into the deep" is addressed to the laity as well as to all categories of denominational workers. This refers to not allowing unbelief in the big picture of what He has set before us to creep in. He knew how, when, and where to fish. The moving message of these two verses has a special relevancy for the church in the implementation of its evangelistic mission. Now you can read their responses to each other's articles and discover their identities! As we launch out in sharing the gospel, giving of our time and resources, and humbling ourselves to serve others, our growth becomes deeper than that of a Christian who insists upon sitting on the dock. The deep encompasses the masses as well as the elite, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia. God created man with a unique type of strength. "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:4. Berean Study Bible The overwhelming result of Peter's prompt response to Christ's command to "launch out into the deep" is vividly depicted in Luke 5:6, 7, N.I.V. But if you say so, Ill let the nets down again. And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! When Christ released the word, "Launch", Peter's toiling season had officially ended and his drought was over. Simply click on the button below to reach us by form, email or phone. All rights reserved, Friend, Youve Got This: Set Apart to Finish Strong. He saw the potential in Peter to be a great leader who would catch men. There are people who pray and are not ready to hear from God, because they have set themselves as authorities in certain fields. At thy wordit was the stake on which Peter hung his decision to launch out. How do we develop this level of faith? In fact, it said that they pressed upon Him (applied pressure) Jesus called Peter to be his disciple on a rough day. The best lies in the deep. Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord Prayer Points, Prayer Points For God To Reveal Himself To Me. The multitude was pressing Jesus and power was going out of Him so that everyone around was being healed (Luke 5:1-11). Peter could obey Jesus and launch out, or he could follow his senses and decline. It is catching time! In this message, Pastor Franklin tells us three specific ways God wants to bring the fish into our lives. They wanted to hear Him speak, and perhaps many of them had heard how he had been healing all . A total surrender towards God. This narration of the miraculous catch is a symbol of the evangelistic productivity that is guaranteed when the church responds in willing obedience to Christ's divine commission. Both boats almost sank. Let's look at a few points: God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. David Cerullo is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Inspiration Ministries, located in Indian Land, South Carolina a ministry dedicated to impacting people for Christ worldwide through media.

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harvest of launching out into the deep