henry kissinger bohemian grove

Henry A. Kissinger papers, part III > Series VII. Many of the Boho rituals and its first play, The Triumph of Bohemia, were worked up by a real estate speculator called George Sterling who took to poesy and Boho-dom late in life and banished Care permanently in 1926 by taking strychnine in the Clubs city premises. Wine gets passed around (though members must sign for the bottles on a chit). Masters of the Universe Go to Camp: Inside the Bohemian Grove Three other men discussed a friend of theirs who had left early that morning for New York. The salt has been washed out of the Club by commercialism, one writer grumbled. #BohemianGrove - What They Dont Want You To Know! A waiter in a red jacket dropped an uneaten chunk of the bright red cod into a waste bin, and the Bohemians at my table talked about presidents. It tasted like lighter fluid sprinkled with mint flakes. Other references aren't so subtle. Other Lakeside speaking is more indulgent. Today they were offering Alaskan cod, sauted lamb kidneys, eggs, French toast, bacon, sausages. Kissinger had lolled on the ground, distributing mown grass clippings across his white shirt, being careful not to set his elbow on one of the cigar butts squashed in the grass, and joking with a wiry, nut-brown companion. There is at least one officer or director from 40 of the 50 largest industrial corporations in the country, and an officer or director of 20 of the top 25 banks in the country, according to G. William Domhoff, author of The Bohemian Grove: A Study in the Ruling Class Cohesiveness.. - SQB Jul 12, 2018 at 11:06 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 7 One little inconstancy: elsewhere on that same site it specifies that it's every Republican president since Coolidge (1923-1929 has been a member. Mr. Nixon was scheduled to give a second talk in 1971, which would have made him the first President to have spoken while in office, but he canceled when the White House Press Corps insisted on following him into the strictly guarded campsite. The Bohemian Grove hires young men. "Your secretary, I got to tell you, she's 110 percent," a dark-haired man said to an older fellow. I strongly suspect it is the latter that people can be a member of. Chaperonage for adult women. Instead of Deltas and Pi Etas there are camps, some 120 in all, stretching along River Road and Morse Stephens canyon. She put at my service a mountain guide who demanded only that I keep the methods he devised for me confidential. [This is not entirely accurate; "Bohemian Grove" is labeled as such on USGS topographic maps. He served up the fruits, juices, eggs and bacon and listened to captains of commerce start their days chat about business affairs. In its obsession with the encampment, BGAN has unwittingly taken on Bohemian traits, becoming a kooky mirror image of the Grove. The getup stood out because it was so fastidious among men who had let themselves go. Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller all stopped in as they geared up for their respective presidential campaigns. Throughout the skeet-shooting, the domino-playing and the museum talks, right up through the "afterglows" that follow each evening's entertainment, everyone is perpetually numbed and loose, but a clubbish decorum prevails just the same. After that I began working a dead West Coast relative's promise to have me out to the Grove one summer into a shaggy-dog story about my invitation. "He's dead." Also, it was Walter Cronkite talking. For me, the trick was getting in. Walter Cronkite. Here, of an evening, Grovers can hear a banker or a Treasury official wend his way through the intricacies of Third World debt rescheduling, or listen to a European leader who will offer himself up for inspection. Everything in the encampment is sheltered by redwoods, which admit hazy shafts of sunlight, and every camp has a more or less constant campfire sending a soft column of smoke into the trees. I heard a 50-ish Bohemian, the "captain" of Pow Wow camp, call out one day as young George went to pee off the deck. Wandering into the clearing, he announced to the air, "I have to make two phone calls." Bohemian Grove is a place where men who grew up with their names on buildings can pee on trees and perform bacchanalian rites, unfettered by the pesky presence of women, unlanded gentry or any. The media's anti-elitist mood, never all that ferocious, was spent. The productive drunk is the bane of all moralists. "Do it counterclockwise, Dickie, that's best," the captain called out. The club has a fa-mous motto, weaving spiders not come here, meaning No shop talk, but Tom laughs. Will California Save the Iconic Joshua Tree? But what, in the end, does the member get for his pains? He wore western gear all the way, a gray-blue checked western shirt, a white braided western belt, cowboy boots and, in his left breast pocket, an Owl's Nest pin with an owl on it. And inside the Grove the guest list was well guarded. club (so we are told in official mainstream media sites and networks) but case in fact the Rituals and goings on at Bohemian Grove are based in something much more freaky and strange than one would dare to imagine. Shultz, George and Stephen Davison Bechtel with Kissinger at Bohemian Grove [includes correspondence] 1 of 6: 2 of 6: 3 of 6: 4 of 6: Download PDF (3.23 MB) Full Folder View; Collection Information. Larry Kramer is a reporter for The San Francisco Examiner. It takes place on the Field Circle stage, which is wedged in between two camps, Pink Onion (notable for its pink sheets) and Cave Man (notable for big-deal right-wingers and a plaque commemorating Herbert Hoover). ", Then the crypt of Care was poled slowly down the lake by a black-robed figure in a black gondola, accompanied by a great deal of special effects smoke. This year Rocard's visit went unreported. Here William Buckley described how he had sat at his desk and cried upon learning of Whittaker Chambers's death. ", "Yes, he looks radical, but he doesn't talk like one. Over the years the Jinks has become the leading entertainment at the encampment, surpassing the mannered and ponderous Grove Play, which is performed the next weekend. "One of the contemporary myths about the Bohemian Club is that it is a gathering and decision-making place for national and international 'power brokers,"' the club's then-president said in 1980. Though he cursed now and then, he seemed uncomfortable with the word damn, which he said almost sotto voce. The poster outside Monkey Block camp advertising this year's Grove play, Pompeii, featured a gigantic erection under a toga. Today the Grove is stocked with Reaganites. You know how many times we've been in someone's home, and we've wanted to go to the powder room, and we've maybe said, 'Excuse me, I've got to powder my nose.' On the blackboard near the bootblack stand there were phone messages for corporate raider Henry Kravis and Bloomingdale's chairman Marvin Traub. Bohemian Grove | Painting Piedmont Bohemian reminiscences describe such bizarre initiation rites as escorting new members to the redwood at which one of the founders "did his morning ablutions." German chancellor Helmut Schmidt (not to be confused with Club members Chauncey E. Schmidt or Jon Eugene Schmidt) strolled its paths with club member Henry Kissinger, as did French socialist leader Michael Rocard. During the day, idleness is encouraged. The deck's railing posed a dilemma. Although the talent shows put on by Merv Griffin and Art Linkletter were reckoned at least in past years to be good, the plays are pretty awful, heavily freighted with double-entendres about swollen members and the like. The Grove had been a major factor in his "homesickness when you are forced to be away, as I was, for eight years." The bust came right after a Lakeside Talk by William Webster, then the FBI director, and the timing suggested it was his doing. At this point some hamadryads (tree spirits) and another priest or two appeared at the base of the main owl shrine, a 40-foot-tall, moss-covered statue of stone and steel at the south end of the lake, and sang songs about Care. Many older men die waiting. This was about the highest security I saw inside. One old-timer said that Nixon was feuding with the board of directors. Degrowth or Debunk: Do Degrowth proponents have a strategy? And they all sat around the lavish dinner circle feasting on lamb, salmon, steaks and assorted delicacies each night. That leaves women and Hispanics as targets for jokes -- such as the one about Bubbles's protg Raoul, who painted Puerto Rican flags on the backs of cockroaches. That's right, the Bohemian Grove. "David Jr.'s going into the family business now. "This is for the campless, not the homeless," he was saying. The feud was unfortunate because Nixon and the club went back a long way. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown, who spoke on the history of the state water problems and the creation of such programs as the Central Valley Project. THE DARK SECRETS OF BOHEMIAN GROVE - Nstarzone.com The popular redwoods between the Dining and Camp Fire Circles now reeked of urine and wore what looked to be a permanent skirt of wet, blackened soil. He got the pa-pers San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, New York Times. During the day there are enviro-strolls with some biologist from Stanford or Berkeley lecturing his retinue on successional stages in redwood regenera-tion. A few years ago KGO radio, out of San Francisco, had an interesting talk show in which callers with first-hand Grove experience told their tales. Henry Kissinger? It was decided, clubman Ed Bosque wrote, we should invite an element to join the Club which the majority of its members held in contempt, namely men who had money as well as brains, but who were not, strictly speaking, Bohemians. So they pulled in a few wealthy men of commerce to pay for the champagne and the rot soon set in. When they got up to go to dinner, one hugged another around the middle from behind and trudged up the bank with him that way, laughing. There's no end to the pee-pee and penis jokes, suggesting that these men, advanced in so many other ways, were emotionally arrested sometime during adolescence. He is probably worrying about the cut of his tutu for the drag act for which he has been rehearsing keenly for many months. "Who was going to offend the president?" The Grove was still there. The moderator studied the page and asked who I was and what camp I was in. The club says it serves as a "refuge" from the strivings of the marketplace, and though it's true that actual deal-making is discouraged, I heard business being done on all sides. Since 1980, Moore and as many as 400 other demonstrators . Another, unwritten rule is that everyone drink -- and that everyone drink all the time. Theres endless dominoes the Groves board-game par excel-lence. It took place at the Waldorf-Astoria, in a room piled with redwood bark and branches shipped to Manhattan from the Grove. One afternoon, for instance, the Valhalla camp deck was crowded with men drinking Valhalla's home-brewed beer and listening to singers. Henry A. Kissinger Papers, Part II (MS 1981). It was born in the newsroom of the old San Francisco Examiner in 1872, when James F. Bowman, an editorial writer for the rival Chronicle, proposed it to some friends at the Examiner, including prominent journalist Ambrose Bierce. But he was perfectly charming, and we talked about music and the Kennedy Center for a long time.. Then everyone hushed as a column of hooded figures carrying torches emerged solemnly from the woods 100 yards away, bearing a corpse down to the water. As time went on, however, the club became too elite for its own founders. Bush, William F. Buckley Jr. and former astronaut and ex-Eastern Air Lines chairman Frank Borman.) It's like great sex". If it all sounds eclectic, it is. Noted and hoary writers and personalities are members: Herman Wouk, Art Linkletter, Fred Travalena. In the good old days when the Illuminati had a firm grip on things, it was wherever the Bilderburgers decided to pitch their tents. Wikileaks Email Links Hillary Clinton To Bohemian Grove Then the organist struck up "America the Beautiful" and Reagan left in a red truck, waving. He must include the names of business or professional connections, wife's maiden name, and musical, oratorical, literary, artistic or histrionic talents.. I love this tree as the most sound, upright and stately redwood in the grove. It wove spidery webs of string across Bohemian Avenue to block the way in. The religion they consecrate is right-wing, laissez-faire and quintessentially western, with some Druid tree worship thrown in for fun. The most striking prop in The Low Jinks was a sculpture of a female torso whose breasts and buttocks had both been attached to the front, an improvement that looked vaguely hostile. Henry A. Kissinger papers, part II > Series V. Photographs > General > Kissinger as "Soul Man," Bohemian Grove includes correspondence. For a good half hour the band warmed up the audience, playing the fight songs of many California colleges and the armed services and culminating with "The Star-Spangled Banner." In June there are three long weekends of Springjinks, mostly attended by Californians. I used my real name. My neighbor suggested that someone ought to "shoot the fucker down," flashing the press hatred that prevails in Bohemia. Richard Nixon, like Hoover a mem-ber of Cave Mans camp inside the Grove, got a raptur-ous reception in 1967 and pressed forward to the nomi-nation and the White House. You can't describe it," he explained. The scene brought to mind the reputation for prostitution that hangs around the Grove. Wooziness was pervasive. The CIAs Changing Take on the Climate Emergency, Emancipation, Hollywoods Best Civil War Film Ever. But by then I'd made my connection, My driver was Mary Moore, an Earth Mother type with long silvery-blond hair who is the most active member of a distinctly Californian left-wing group called the Bohemian Grove Action Network. Upon arriving to the United States, he excelled academically and graduated from Harvard College in 1950, where he studied under William Yandell Elliott. Separating the Red and Blue. And all the talk about male fellowship often sounds just like a college freshman's version of No Gurls Allowed, an institutional escape from women, from their demands, aggressions and vapors. Jones said a lot of shit yesterday, especially past the 1:30:00 mark when he started to get lit. I love this tree as the most sound, upright and stately redwood in the grove. It was just past noon on Sunday, the middle weekend at the encampment -- the busiest weekend, with attendance approaching 2,200 men. It tells the productive they can drink, it tells the drunks they're productive. Fireworks went off at the lakeside, and a brass band in peppermint-striped jackets and straw boaters came out of the woods playing "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.". It was a transparent plea for help. The play, about greedy gold miners who came to California during the middle 1800's and kicked the Spaniards off their land, was written by Lou Felder, a Bohemian Club member who plays a fraudulent consumer advocate on the new TV show Fernwood 2Night.. Title. The contours of the Republican Party had changed, in a manner not entirely suited to the Club. Indeed, when confronted with a sex-discrimination suit a few years ago, the Bohemians indignantly asserted that theirs had to be a Men Only institution precisely because any woman entering the clubs precincts would see nothing but men occupied in this crude pastime. "No, but I've heard a lot about him and I'd like to meet him." The most dignified had arrived. That did it. Amid stentori-an chants, a blare of music and leaping flames, Care is finally cremated. It urged its followers to form "Boho Clubs" to study members so they could be "held accountable by the American People" for participating "in the maintenance of the process of plutocratic patriarchy which threatens the planet Earth with omnicide from the nuclear menace." Henry A. Kissinger papers, part III. A college kid well call Tom the arm of the Secret Government is, after all, far-reaching worked at the Bohemian Grove each summer for three years in the middle 1990s. "It would screw everything up, excuse the pun," said an old-timer sipping a drink by the river. Gray, who this year had brought along Union Carbide boss Robert D. Kennedy. She said, 'Your fly's open. John McCosker of San Francisco's Steinhart Aquarium gave a popular talk about certain species of fish found off the Galapagos Islands that can change their sex in order to survive. It was the same bar-lodge-motel where the local police had arrested a man for pandering a few years back. Find home again in the Grove! My bags were packed -- a camera in one pocket, a tape recorder in the other. They sang from a small stage in front of a redwood on which was hung a framed nineteenth-century engraving. Down by the lake I saw three men lying on the ground, talking. Bohemians sleep on cots in these tents, or, in the richer camps, in redwood cabins. The Rise and Fall of Labor Unions In The U.S. Interlocking Directorates in the Corporate Community, The Power Elite's Foreign Policy in WWII & Vietnam, The Rise and Fall of Diversity at the Top, 2005-2015, Can Corporate Power Be Controlled? Reagan didn't get the question the first time around. Started for the promotion of good fellowship among journalists and the elevation of journalism to that place in the popular estimation to which it is entitled, the club initially banned membership to publishers. Though I regularly violated Grove rule 20 ("Members and guests shall sign the register when arriving at or departing from the Grove"), I was never stopped or questioned. In this way I managed to drop in on the principal events of the encampment, right up to the final Saturday, July 29, 12:30 p.m., when I attended a Lakeside Talk whose giver was, intriguingly, the only one not identified in the program of events. ), Zweigenhaft on Teaching about Class & Social Change, Interlocks and Interactions Among the Power Elite, http://whorulesamerica.net/power/bohemian_grove_spy.html. A friend of mine, big in Reagan time, has been on the doorstep for 15 years. Alex jones - bohemian grove/Henry Kissinger : r/conspiracy - reddit The often bizarre rites have elevated what was once a provincial club for San Franciscans embarrassed by the rude manners of the Wild West into the most exclusive club in the United States, with 2,300 members drawn from the whole of the American establishment and a waiting list 33 years long. At least six inches." a Camp Meeker activist who runs the Bohemian Grove Action Network. Current participants include George Bush, Henry Kissinger, James Baker and David Rockefeller a virtual who's who . "My father said if you have a choice between an angry woman and a rabid dog, take the dog," Jason Jones Jr. said. In the same year Secretary of the Treasury David M. Kennedy visited Rudolph A. Peterson, then president of the Bank of America; and Edwin Pauley, an oilman, had Paul Rand Dixon of the Federal Trade Commission as a guest. After General Chain's talk, the usual quiet business chatter went on. For a while I thought the bar of salt bracketed on one tree by the lake was an experimental effort to neutralize uric acids before they hit the roots. It was a devilishly charming thing to say, calculated to flatter the men of the Bohemian Grove. In its place the flame of eternal friend-ship is ignited and three weeks of Boho-dom are underway. The two of them were camping in Mandalay, the most exclusive bunk site in the encampment, the one on the hill with the tiny cable car that carries visitors up to the compound. The cremation is intended to put the busy men of the club at ease and banish the stress of the outside world, but it arouses critics of the encampment because they interpret it to mean that Bohemians literally don't care about the outside world. The final blow to the hacks came soon thereafter. The members prefer to mix their own martinis. Anyone can read what you share. The speech was canned and courtly. Let my friends remember me by it when i am gone, reads a plaque left by a Bohemian at the base of a 301-footer. I'd made it in that day for breakfast at the Dining Circle, the most lavish meal of the Bohemian day, an experience redolent of moneyed western ease. Its members have included Herbert Hoover, a dedicated Bohemian who was known to fellow campers as the Chief'; Mr. Nixon; Lowell Thomas; Eddie Rickenbacker, and Eugene Pulliam, an Indianapolis newspaper publisher. I said I was a guest of Bromley camp, where unsortable visitors end up. Around me the men exploded in huzzahs. Alex Jones: "REPUBLICANS HAVE GAY SEX AT BOHEMIAN GROVE - YouTube [ link to imgur.com (secure)] Quoting: Ninbit. A tenet of Grove life is noncompetitive egalitarianism: all men are equal here. Former Bank of America chairman Samuel Armacost brought IBM chairman John F. Akers, Bechtel chairman S. D. Bechtel Jr. brought Amoco chairman Richard Morrow. In the afternoon I walked up Kitchen Hill Road to Owl's Nest camp. The reporters that Mary Moore had helped spirit into the Grove for hours at a time had come out with vague, watered-down versions of what went on, or their news organizations had suppressed the accounts. Summer after summer BGAN stoked Grove conspiracy theories by getting hold of the guest list. 1872. Over the years, though, the artists' patrons assumed a larger percentage of the membership.. [Amateur film: Bohemian Grove] : Unknown : Free Download, Borrow, and Even one-on-one he has that habit of smiling and cocking his head and raising an eyebrow to encourage you. The talent section is no doubt in acted in and staged each year by club members. In my informant's opinion, there was bad blood; Nixon's resignation 15 years ago had offended the club's honor -- it had been so un-Bohemian. In 1981, for instance, Dan Rostenkowski, Ed Meese and former president of CBS News Van Gordon Sauter attended (Sauter as the guest of former California governor Edmund "Pat" Brown, Jerry's father). Sempervirens indeed. Kissinger as "Soul Man," Bohemian Grove [includes correspondence "Most of it. By the time I got back into the central camp ground, they'd announced the next day's Lakeside Talk. As for Jews, old membership lists suggest that they have taken a very small part in the club for decades. The younger members brown-nose shame-lessly, making contacts. By midmorning its another day in Bohemia, with Toms hands never idle as he runs up Old Fashioneds and Manhattans. The club's "men of talent" (i.e., artists and writers) included writers of a populist bent: Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Henry M. Stanley. So what are you responsible for," the KGB asks him. There were owl figures everywhere, notably a silver owl ice bucket on the bar whose head tilted off cleverly. Nonetheless, the ideal of equality is comforting. Even 100-year-old Grove annals have a homoerotic quality, with references to "slender, young Bohemians, clad in economical bathing suits." When Gerald R. Ford, Henry A. Kissinger and A. W. Clausen joined 2,000 of the richest and most powerful men in the country at the annual ritual known as the "Summer Encampment" at Bohemian . One day a member asked if I was related to a Bohemian named Jack Weiss. "Tom Johnson is here." There's a kind of emotional experience with an election year, that between state elections, local elections, and besides, with a two year term, a congressman gets elected and the next day he starts campaigning for the next election." They told of how a man's heart is divided between "reality" and "fantasy," how it is necessary to escape to another world of fellowship among men. "What do you call this?" Since everyone is supposed to kick back and forget work, it's the fuck-up's annual revenge. One day I drove up to the front gate and got a daunting glimpse of what looked like the Grove sheriff, a barrel like figure in a Smokey the Bear hat. Bohemian Grove, a secluded campground in California's Sonoma County, is the site of an annual two-week gathering of a highly select, all-male club, whose members have included every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge. The men of Faraway had captured the rearranged-woman's-torso sculpture from the Low Jinks and now displayed it against a wall, having wedged a fern leaf in "her" crack. In fact, the encampment has always had political significance. Bohemians rhapsodize endlessly about towering shafts and the inspiration they give men. Even the prickly Lee Kuan Yew hastened to visit the club, only to have the mortification of being mistaken for a waiter. . James A. Baker III, the current secretary of State, is also a member, but he couldn't make it this year. Moore was the 1953 San Luis Obispo County Fiesta queen, but by 1980 she had become, she says, a "woman-identified woman," and the Grove's thunderous maleness and what she calls its "closedness" disturbed her.

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henry kissinger bohemian grove