neptune conjunct descendant transit

Within 3 days, my energy level soared and it gave a boost to my immune system. Then, when you are most vulnerable energetically, you allow your son AND his girlfriend to live with you. T Neptune does make you more open and receptive to absorbing the energies outside of yourself. Vertex aspects in synastry typically represent a predetermined romantic event. Because of the heightened sensitivity produced by this planet, the body often holds on to extra weight as a buffer and a protection which the individual actually needs. You have a strong need to make your mark in the world, but may be confused about your motives. Several weeks later she called to tell me that after the fair she had an experience of divine love and felt her boundaries dissolving as she perceived the light of Spirit everywhere in everything. I take Blackberry and Madia to help me to focus mentally while under the Neptune transit. Now I could change my column and write it exactly as I wished. If I were you, I would cry too. When Neptune and Ascendant first meet, both will instantly know that they have this deep connection. You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. The danger is that this can cause disappointment much later when you realize the other person isnt the perfect picture you imagined. Hi Margit! Picture the Immune System as a sea. When is this my energy? When am I working as an Empath? If I am working as an Empath, it is energy if this feeling is not of mine, what am I to do with it. You can ask. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. This transit tries to dissolve your worldly ego, so you may feel insecure, unworthy or undeserving. I have observed that excessive weight serves to keep people at a distance and the fat is a cushion against overwhelming energetic forcesbecause we do not have the psychological strength to accomplish this any other way. With the Sun opposition Moon, your parents were diametrically opposed to each other. Now she could be openly proud of what I was doing. Many composers have 12th House Neptune this seems to be a practical expression of their Neptune. She visited Politics and Prose Bookshop for hear a book discussion and connected with mentally stimulating, like-minded friends. Yet, I have actually lost weight despite the transit from Neptune letting go of the boundary that weight provides. Careful of drugs and alcohol, this is a highly addictive aspect and that extends into the co dependent relationships, the drama and the games. She joined a spiritual community (11th house Neptune), where she meditated and entered the waters of silent contemplation, until she had experiences of samadhithat state where the mind stops, the breath stops, and one merges into the ocean of Being. TESTIMONIALS ON NEPTUNE TRANSITING THE 7TH HOUSE: When Neptune transited my 7th house and, during this time period, I lost my ex-husband/best friend, a guy that I almost married back in the 70s, my grandmother, nephew committed suicide, and my boss currently in need of a liver transplant, sister developed cancer and went through chemo, good friend developed cancer and going through chemo, so I have had death and serious illness all around me. If you play the martyr, someone will play the role of persecutor. Alkalizing the system is helpful. Good and bad dont change. There is an amino acid that repairs the lining but I cannot think of it. At the time, I just could not believe someone would think that way. So, its like Im sacrificing my own needs so as not to hurt someone elseAs Im typing this out it sounds absolutely ridiculous, even to me, that I would sacrifice myself for a relationship Im ultimately not that into, and yet here I am, still in it two years after I realised I wasnt really that into this person. That transit was a hard one but it taught me that there are times you dont get to be sure about anything. This interpretation of her chart helped Beth transform her perception of her situation so that she might fulfill the purpose of this transit. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. Im also experimenting with charging water with a terrahertz wand. Then because you have this perspective, you will start to see and comprehend your own actions, and how energy comes to you and you will find the mechanisms, devices, the structures that will help you work with your selves. The 150 aspects portends events over which we have no control. You can easily get carried away by certain fantasies, idealism or situations that are unrealistic and useless. Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. She began to laugh and said, Im feeling strangely ecstatic, which I found hard to understand since I feel like Im supposed to be feeling miserable and torn up about this relationship. The words I spoke came forth from me quite spontaneously as I meditated upon her chart symbolism. Hi Jamie I get confused by these emails. Brainstorm: Mercury/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Mercury and Neptune. You are part of it and together you are part of much more than you can imagine. Your email address will not be published. . These may include qualities you look for in a partner and tend to idealise, as well as fears and doubts. Adrenal depletion and endocrine problems (have your doctor conduct an all-day saliva test), Many complained of flabbiness and poor muscle tone, especially in the area of the body ruled by the sign being afflicted by Neptune. When Neptune crossed her ASC, she began meditating and this opened her up to all kinds of negative entities. And thank you for clarifying. Going from intense connectedness to disconnectedness caused me to experience something I initially thought was a serious depression, although I had lots of energy. Amazingly, she was able to float into another job. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. The individual often withdraws energies that sabotage efforts and commitments and it is difficult to fulfill ones potential. Not every Neptune transit operates this way, especially if you are having Uranus or Pluto transits at the same time. It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. I feel like I owe this person something and feel like my leaving will hurt them badly. You love to watch TV with your partner. So many times, a long-term friendship ends. So, many individuals are suffering from its influence not just you. I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. I have suffered many losses as I am at an age when many of ones friends pass away. Your best friend is an illegal alien. I have focused on water filtration for that time as well. That summer I became so disconnected that I could have easily lost my grip on reality. For me, this had been a great source of connectedness with others. This is a good time to let go of things from your past that are holding you back. Blind to others faults. Me too. You can learn why you are drawn to certain foods. This interpretation of Pluto in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. All Neptune transits can stress the adrenals. I seemed to make a transition from being comfortable as a loner to being comfortably and intimately connected with the world. If you want to simply get organized, wearing purple and listening to Mozart and Vivaldi helps stimulate the cerebellum of the brain (coordinating), Hi Lynn, transit Neptune has been in my 1st house since 2001 (since age 10) and in April 2022, the planet is going to be located in 2nd house. I am currently in a very wonderful 8 year long relationship, and all my previous ones ended pretty nicely, timely l think. I can see how it perhaps limits carefree fun. I knew that I had outgrown this magazine. There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. Whenever you see anyone down, you'll help them up. Jamie, i feel like im in a lunatic asylum, im the lunatic, sane.. walking zombies everywhere, but they know much more than i care to admit. If you find that you have been visualizing or meditating towards a certain outcome and yet it does not seem successful, it may be that you need to dialogue, that you need to ask the Immune System , What else is at work here? We even engaged in conversations with drunks on the U-Bahn. Save 35% off reports! It takes about 4 days for the effects to kick in but Clematis grounded me and it has allowed me to feel very normal. But, I was tired of doing it alone. The 4-times-a-day Saliva Test is the best test at this time. She was overly protective. My similar Neptune transit more resulted in water leaks and a strange illness. I did not want to travel alone. Possible lack of discrimination in choosing love interests. Neptune is related to the following basic concepts: uncertainty delusions spirituality dreams eco parking iah Neptune conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house Pluto conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house I find that a lot of people fall in love during a strong Neptune transit to natal Venus, but these . It has an element of fluctuation, as the movement of the wave. Your friends draw out your sensitive side. My dentist gave me 30 mgs of Armour (a natural thyroid but it may not be strong enough for extreme cases). However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. It is essential that you have a private space for yourself. I sensed this as well but I never understood exactly how my energies changed. Pluto more destroys and tears things apart psychologically. I just had to be Lynn and that was all. This can be a very good placement for both artists and scientists, since it makes visualization of the final product easier. I could have just as easily focused on the tragedy of unrequited love or gently chided her for her romantic illusions. Orion and the Positive Immunity Program both encourage us to approach the Immune System as an element within that we can work with. She felt very betrayed when the promotion went to someone else. He had transiting Neptune conjunct his 7th cusp (the public) during 2001-2002, representing shared vision of anger and grief expressed to the public. For me, it put my entire ethical stance about everything into a cloud and left me unsure about my decision making. I began to re-connect with the world in my own back yard so to speak2. Years ago, I was advised not to renovate my home under a Neptune transit as it will make me feel more disconnected and ungrounded. I knew that I did not want to travel alone when I came to Europe the next year but I did not know how this would be possible. These people need more light and sun and yoga assists them in strengthening the etheric body. I discussed this phenomena at a workshop in Richmond, Virginia. When we feel the influence of Neptune, we experience the urge to experience transpersonal realities that transcend the boundaries and limitations of ordinary space and time. The transiting South Node, by house or by conjunction, reveals the area (s) in which the dragon's tail is sweeping up karmic debris. Following is the preface to an article written in conjunction with a presentation given at The Monroe Institute: For example, if the Neptune person's 7th house is ruled by Neptune, and is conjunct another person's South Node, these two were likely married in the past, and might rekindle their relationship in this life. Yes youre right Esa. I Love Burdock. We feel it seeping into our bodies. What Jane is sharing in her personal observations is the positive influences of the Aquarian energies as they assisted all of us in dissolving rigid boundaries yet creating new, flexible boundaries that support each individual. I have to give myself at least one day of each weekend where I dont open the front door and withdraw from the world., What I experienced with Neptune in my 7th, as far as clients and partnerships are concerned, is that I attracted clients right who were involved in things which are delusional, get rich quick schemes; one client who is extremely paranoid for starters and she also has many other personality disorders. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) tend to increase the ability to focus the imagination. My two aunts, whom I loved very much, passed away plus a young cousin and, in 2019, my dad left me an orphan at the age of 73. When transiting Neptune is opposite your natal ascendant, your intimate relationships are being tested and can get difficult and confusing. That is part of your job, your discoveries. She highly recommended this product. In writing my monthly e-column, my interpretation was tailored to the requirements of the editor. Personally, I use this Neptune checklist: Am I coping adequately with material reality? But you should not expect too much from others now. Often there are periods of excess and then a rebalance. It is best to flow with these experiences without having a specific plan of action since Neptune transits cannot be contained. This is a thinning of the walls in the intestines so that toxins leak out causing problems with skin and digestion.

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neptune conjunct descendant transit