14 cfr part 139 airport certification

This training must be completed prior to the initial performance of such duties and at least once every 12 consecutive calendar months. As used in this paragraph, substantial damage means damage or structural failure incurred by an aircraft that adversely affects the structural strength, performance, or flight characteristics of the aircraft and that would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component; (3) An air carrier aircraft experiences an engine ingestion of wildlife; or. Airport Certification Manual prepared in accordance with subpart C. How long is the Airport operating Certificate good for? A description of each movement area available for air carriers and its safety areas, and each road described in, 7. Aircraft policies and procedures for hazardous (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must maintain, and promptly repair the pavement of, each runway, taxiway, loading ramp, and parking area on the airport that is available for air carrier use as follows: (1) The pavement edges must not exceed 3 inches difference in elevation between abutting pavement sections and between pavement and abutting areas. (d) The plan required by this section must provide for -. No. (d) Procedures for reduction in capability. (2) Provide procedures, such as a review of all appropriate utility plans prior to construction, for avoiding damage to existing utilities, cables, wires, conduits, pipelines, or other underground facilities. (3) Each safety area must be capable under dry conditions of supporting snow removal and aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment and of supporting the occasional passage of aircraft without causing major damage to the aircraft. (6) 139.339, Airport condition reporting. Code of Federal Regulations, 14 CFR, Part 139, Subpart A, Certification of Airports: General. Summary: If adopted, 139.303 (g) will require training for all personnel authorized to access the non-movement area as designated in the Airport Certification Manual, regardless of their duties or duration of access. resources to ensures compliance with the airport certification manual and airport emergency plan and 14 CFR Part 139.325. This is an automated process for (5) A record is maintained of all training given to each individual under this section for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. Shared-use airport means a U.S. (k) The emergency plan required by this section must be submitted by each holder of a Class II, III, or IV Airport Operating Certificate no later than 24 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. 106 (g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. (2) Each vehicle with a minimum-rated vehicle water tank capacity of at least 2,000 gallons must have a turret discharge rate of at least 600 gallons per minute, but not more than 1,200 gallons per minute. (2) Class II, III, and IV airports - 12 months after June 9, 2004. (f) Standards. 139.1, Applicability Expands Part 139 applicability to non-certificated airports that serve scheduled small air carrier aircraft with 10-30 passenger seats Excludes heliports and airports operated by the U.S. Government Clarifies that Part 139 is not applicable to Alaskan airports during . This web site is designed for the current versions of (g) Agent discharge capacity. view historical versions Title 14 Chapter I Subchapter G Part 139 Subpart C 139.203 Previous Next Top eCFR Content Procedures for maintaining the paved areas, as required under, 11. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must develop and maintain an airport emergency plan designed to minimize the possibility and extent of personal injury and property damage on the airport in an emergency. citations and headings Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is 14 CFR part 139, Subpart A (Guidelines), Subpart B (Guidelines) and more. (2) Are authorized by the Administrator at the time the construction, reconstruction, or expansion began if construction, reconstruction, or significant expansion of the runway or taxiway began on or after January 1, 1988. and the requirements of Title 14 CFR part 139. In addition, each page or attachment must include the date of the Administrator's initial approval or approval of the latest revision. (5) Procedures to be followed during air carrier operations that at a minimum includes -. (e) When the Administrator determines that a wildlife hazard management plan is needed, the certificate holder must formulate and implement a plan using the wildlife hazard assessment as a basis. (f) Foam discharge capacity. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. (3) Measures authorized by the Administrator for controlling pedestrians and vehicles, such as signs, signals, or guards, when it is not operationally practical to have two-way radio communications between the tower and the pedestrian, vehicle, or escort; (d) When an air traffic control tower is not in operation, or there is no air traffic control tower, provide adequate procedures to control pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas or safety areas through two-way radio communications or prearranged signs or signals; (e) Ensure that all persons are trained on procedures required under paragraph (b) of this section prior to the initial performance of such duties and at least once every 12 consecutive calendar months, including consequences of noncompliance, prior to moving on foot, or operating a ground vehicle, in movement areas or safety areas; and. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must be maintained as follows: (1) The vehicle and its systems must be maintained so as to be operationally capable of performing the functions required by this subpart during all air carrier operations. (a) An applicant or a certificate holder may petition the Administrator under 14 CFR part 11, General Rulemaking Procedures, of this chapter for an exemption from any requirement of this part. Title 14 was last amended 2/23/2023. (1) Provide measures to alleviate or eliminate wildlife hazards to air carrier operations; (2) Be submitted to, and approved by, the Administrator prior to implementation; and. (a) Rescue and firefighting capability. As a FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the lighting of obstructions that are acceptable to the Administrator. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our (a) Provide sufficient and qualified personnel to comply with the requirements of its Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow (b) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the certificate holder must include in the Airport Certification Manual the following elements, as appropriate for its class: Required Airport Certification Manual Elements, [Doc. (1) Prepare, and maintain for at least 12 consecutive calendar months, a record of each inspection prescribed by this section, showing the conditions found and all corrective actions taken. (2) Information, views, or arguments provided under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall include the following information pertaining to the airport for which the Airport Operating Certificate is held: (i) An itemized cost to comply with the requirement from which the exemption is sought; (iii) The current annual financial report, such as a single audit report or FAA Form 5100-127, Operating and Financial Summary; (iv) Annual passenger enplanement data for the previous 12 calendar months; (v) The type and frequency of air carrier operations served; (vii) Anticipated changes to air carrier service; (c) Each petition filed under this section must be submitted in duplicate to the -, (1) Regional Airports Division Manager and. (b) Each certificate holder must provide the following: (1) Equipment for use in conducting safety inspections of the airport; (2) Procedures, facilities, and equipment for reliable and rapid dissemination of information between the certificate holder's personnel and air carriers; and. (h) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the handling and storage of hazardous substances and materials that are acceptable to the Administrator. 14 CFR Part 139 [Docket No. Twelve consecutive calendar months for records of airport condition information dissemination, as required under 139.339. (3) Type of rescue and firefighting equipment to be provided. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, each certificate holder must provide on the airport, during air carrier operations at the airport, at least the rescue and firefighting capability specified for the Index required by 139.317 in a manner authorized by the Administrator. (2) The pavement must have no hole exceeding 3 inches in depth nor any hole the slope of which from any point in the hole to the nearest point at the lip of the hole is 45 degrees or greater, as measured from the pavement surface plane, unless, in either case, the entire area of the hole can be covered by a 5-inch diameter circle. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the equipment, material, installation, and maintenance of marking, sign, and lighting systems listed in this section that are acceptable to the Administrator. (e) Lighting interference. (2) All other employees who fuel aircraft, accept fuel shipments, or otherwise handle fuel must receive at least initial on-the-job training and recurrent instruction every 24 consecutive calendar months in fire safety from the supervisor trained in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section. 139.317 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must maintain and promptly repair the surface of each gravel, turf, or other unpaved runway, taxiway, or loading ramp and parking area on the airport that is available for air carrier use as follows: (1) No slope from the edge of the full-strength surfaces downward to the existing terrain must be steeper than 2:1. (vii) Emergency aircraft evacuation assistance. If the airport is open for air carrier operations at night, the wind direction indicators, including the required supplemental indicators, must be lighted. (2) Means for alerting firefighting and emergency medical response personnel. Pressing enter in the search box The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. "The course actually walks you through an inspection of fuel farm facilities and refueling trucks. Duration: 12 min Test Available Operations/Maintenance (j) Methods and procedures. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. (iii) Rescue and firefighting personnel safety. The certificate holder must notify the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Manager immediately when noncompliance is discovered and corrective action cannot be accomplished within a reasonable period of time. The plan must -. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must -, (1) Mark and, if appropriate, light in a manner authorized by the Administrator -. (vi) Application of the types of extinguishing agents required for compliance with this part. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. (2) A system and procedures for recall of the full aircraft rescue and firefighting capability must be included in the Airport Certification Manual. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. These procedures must provide for at least the following: (1) Designated personnel to receive and handle hazardous substances and materials. (Amended January 16, 2013). (b) The snow and ice control plan required by this section must include, at a minimum, instructions and procedures for -. contact the publishing agency. (5) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, any chemical solvent that is used to clean any pavement area must be removed as soon as possible, consistent with the instructions of the manufacturer of the solvent. guide. (3) Special areas for storage of hazardous materials while on the airport.

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14 cfr part 139 airport certification