With an interactive map that combines statistics with the thoughts and ideas of people living through this difficult period, students will consider the ways in which efforts at recovery were either successful or disappointing. Johnson denounced the Fourteenth Amendment and urged the southern states not to ratify it. WebActivity #2: Evaluating ReconstructionThe Fourteenth Amendment Directions: It is the year 1877 and, in the wake of the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, Union troops finally have been Henry McNeal Turner was the first African American elected to the Georgia General Assembly. Saliency maps reveal directly how much a change in each input pixel would affect reconstruction loss, while each pixel's reconstruction error may be attributed to many input pixels when layers are fully connected. dkRlbH/Wo/3+Po32dDJAw'sN72G>0,a-X{..\&j;Z0P{~S W]O"Kwrzb\G 7O XctWhpk It required that 50 percent of a state's voters take the oath of allegiance and demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation than Lincoln's as the price of readmission. The long alliance between the women's movement and the abolitionist cause broke, and women struggled on their own for another half century for the right to vote. This condition was inevitable given the disqualification of many of the regions most experienced and able government officials because of their disfranchisement for participation in the late rebellion. Grant also supported a series of legislative acts in 1871 to enhance the federal government's ability to use the military to stop acts of racial terrorism committed by the Ku Klux Klan, and in 1875 he signed a Civil Rights law that outlawed racial discrimination in public transportation and accommodations, and barred black exclusion from jury service. Blacks that did not have jobs could be put in jail, and therefore took the first job (even bad jobs) offered to them. Though Republicans made quick and huge political gains in the South as newly enfranchised black voters rushed to their support, it was clear that the party and its ideals of peace through racial and sectional harmony on Republican terms remained unpopular with large segments of the populationparticularly with those who were disenfranchised because they could not take the oath or otherwise prove their loyalty to the Union. By clarifying and expanding the definition of what constituted a United States citizen, the Fourteenth Amendment brought emancipated African Americans into American society and allowed them to take advantage of much-needed legal protections. The historians aim is to write the first comprehensive history of the period. As a result, these farmers remained in a form of economic bondage, tied to the landowner with no foreseeable way of making enough personal profit to become independent. How did whites regain political control in the south? How did the Amnesty Act of 1872 change Southern politics? However, Congress refused to seat the newly elected senators and representatives from the South. What segregated (separated) blacks & whites after Reconstruction. The Reconstruction Act was refined by subsequent legislation. Despite these violations of both the letter and spirit of his program, the president announced that Reconstruction was complete in December 1865. Farmers would collude to drive up prices of certain crops. 436 0 obj <>stream Who were the group of people known as carpetbaggers who emerged in the Reconstruction-era South? The Presidential Plans (Lincoln and Johnson), the Congressional (Radical Republican), and then Military control (Military Reconstruction Act - South broken down into 5 military districts), Communication des organisations - section 3, Lincoln's vs. Johnson's Plans for Reconstruct, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Civil War, Reconstruction and Old West Review. Irving E. Lowery, Life on the Old Plantation in Ante-Bellum Days, 1911, Group C: Excerpt from the conclusion of Holland Thompson, From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill: A Study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina, 1906, Group D: The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. Booth assassinated President Lincoln on April 14, 1865 during the performance of a play in Washington, D.C.s Fords Theater. e17bZVXrKW@]snp/bAb Ff# 4} GoBEeNoh,:XDlU@? 1&f<6a&wX5:(mIt%`}o"0`PVi>r#7e^2F+Y{\p^W Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. A large number of immigrants and African Americans were given voting rights. What were some of the accomplishments of the Reconstruction legislatures? The vote in the Senate was thirtyfive to nineteen in favor of conviction, one short of the necessary twothirds majority. D 7. What was the purpose of the Black Codes which were enacted in Southern states in 1865 and 1866? Grant's victory came in large part to nearly 500,000 black voters in the South who overwhelmingly voted for him and the Republican party during the election. 'j/%>Rgy|@mePxSNOw5Nu'IbL`hEfYaWk*_p There were those who used their positions for exploitation. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. With the assistance of original historical documents, students will consider the ways different perceptions from leading political figures about the outcomes of Reconstruction affected the political debate and the political future of the nation. Ryan read an exegesis of the cryptic poem because .. What is meant by the term Reconstruction? All of the amendments were made to protect former slaves and their rights but on paper they did not have any rights. C04I!q^Q);i])G~H.HdRYBBYRi8,i 7P.,NPI D. H. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carolina (on the occasion of riots in Hamburg, S.C.), August 1, 1876, Group C: Excerpt from Carl Schurz, speech in the Senate, January 30, 1872, Group D: Rutherford B. Hayes, letter of acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, June 8, 1876. This legislation overturned "Black Codes" that had been established in the former Confederate states and had been used to keep African Americans in a near-state of slavery. Return to slavery in a different way. Finally, each state legislature had to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. Instead, Johnson focused primarily on putting Union-loyal white leaders in place in Southern statehouses. This narrative was promoted by former Confederates, academics, and politicians alike and served to falsely provide an underlying ideology to justify denying equal rights. there was corruption, but no more in the South than the North and no more than usual in the gov't, but Democrats kept this myth alive to keep power. It was left to the Senate to try the presidentwith Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase presidingand determine whether he should be removed from office. It declared that all people born in the United States are entitled to be citizens without regard to race, color, or previous condition of slavery. #o`9} }#9BNDo9L(]xA g|XW.o&pI.78DBjV]^;. It tested the Constitution and resulted in a compromise that ended Reconstruction in America. Describe the agriculture system of the New South. f[=v5GS!Q"+x ml\8fzp +l~xZ0&>@U 8!.VUY[ ~A>}et!F2zfJ(9)29v^A4bk`=Nv^OhGEypb6u;Cj=:Ywq1wb)t+BlL;b[n[QO[*+*+!U$w q'YA*O$_gk.0 l4 Finally, History Matters offers helpful pages on "Making Sense of Maps.". Microbiology CH9 Genetic Change and Genome Ev. Determined to prevent Johnson from interfering with their plan, Radical Republicans pushed through two pieces of legislation in March 1867 intended to severely limit presidential power. EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Smithsonian Learning Lab collection on the Reconstruction Era, America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War, Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation, Excerpts from the testimony of Maddie Curtis, Excerpt from the conclusion of Holland Thompson, The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869, The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Letter from President Ulysses S. Grant to the Hon. There was no profit for workers. The teacher may wish to review these documents so as to be able to explain any difficult vocabulary or unfamiliar vernacular. It gave all men, regardless of race, the ability to vote in the United States. While there were some improvements in African American life in the post-war South, many whites were reluctant to abandon their racist attitudes and biased practices. Sharecropping. Johnson versus Congress. How did white Southerners view the Freedmen's Bureau? They gave land to the railroads. Lincoln "pocket-vetoed" this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned. A monumental tomb in New York City was constructed in his honor as a result of what was the largest public fundraising campaign in history up to that time. In any event, these Northern carpetbaggers were viewed as outsiders and exploiters by many who formerly had been loyal to the Confederacy. !~TrFH(n$J*sEsoWg >tNs=agsdZqRikzY9;.k`A5T-*kd>[MQ`&;Q3=z,:\P:GeeeE? They came from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from highly-educated professionals to former Civil War soldiers. The federal government pledged larger amounts of financial assistance to the Southern states. hZy\L 3!--[D)aC., When duly elected black representatives were expelled from the Georgia legislature, Georgia once again fell under military rule. plan was the easiest on the South? However, what gains were made in the realm of civil rights were under assault by the time Grant died and almost completely destroyed by the turn of the century. In this sense Reconstruction failed not because of President Grant or even because of southern opposition to civil rights, but because an entire nation--North, South, and West--lost the political and moral will to support the cause of equality before the law. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# In Grants opposition to the Tenure of Office Act (passed during Johnsons term in 1867), which required Senate approval of all presidential appointments and dismissals, many believed that Grant evinced the kind of political fortitude necessary to set things aright. Who became president when Lincoln was assassinated? Both African Americans and whites were part of the carpetbagger migration. They were northerners who came south for jobs. 'B!Kck#'=kimtfqqT~>(i{w-[V] Women's rights advocates Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were incensed that the Fifteenth Amendment did not also list gender among the conditions that could not be used to deny a citizen the right to vote. Alexander Stephens. Locate the vocabulary word gesticulation in the text. What happened to white small farmers during this time? Why of why not? The Command of the Army Act prevented the president from issuing orders to the military except through the general of the army, who at the time was Ulysses S. Grant; additionally, the commanding general could not be removed without the Senate's consent. Another useful resource is the Educator Resourcesof the National Archives, which features a set of Document Analysis Worksheets. The carpetbaggers, so named because of how they travelled light with inexpensive luggage made of fabric, were largely a benign group of Northern Republicans seeking a fresh start in the South (despite Southern Democrats fears to the contrary). The first federal immigration restrictions were passed during this time. endstream endobj startxref What problems were faced by the freed slaves? Southern Democrats who packed their bags and fled to the West and North to escape the progressive aims of Radical Reconstruction. HUn0+(cj , @X! WebWhat is meant by the term Reconstruction? Workers would be given a modest home, supplies, and a small portion of land to farm for personal use in exchange for also farming the landowners land. HUO0~_qo'N$bMLBB#%mSIn;6wNO'Hb white Democrats who used their political power to oppress the Black community, PREPOSITIONS AND CONJUNCTIONS (INFINITIVE VS., Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. For all groups: The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Group A: Excerpt from Frederick Douglass, Address to the Massachusetts Antislavery Society, April 1865, Group B: Letter from President Ulysses S. Grant to the Hon. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. The teacher may also want to point out that original documents, such as these, retain their original spelling and syntaxeven if incorrect. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. For more detailed information on the process of Reconstruction, the teacher is encouraged to visit America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War; for a timeline of major events of Reconstruction during the war itself, of particular use is Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation. and use your Reconstruction Notes to answer the questions below. they became caught up in debt. These expanding Northern cities were a draw for much of the dislocated workforce in the Southincluding newly freed slaves. Discuss how these policies may have affected attitudes in quizlet.com H6 Reconstruction i. 20F_B[G S`F>6~hf( Following Lincoln's assassination, the task of implementing Reconstruction fell to his vice president, Andrew Johnson. Reconstruction was successful in helping to reunite a divided country. Why did white southerners move to take the vote away from blacks at the end of the century? It abolished slavery in the United States. It helped the Republicans seat more than 2/3 majority in the House and Congress. Use the links above to research more about each aspect of Reconstruction, List the name of your character on the worksheet. For each group, briefly describe (in one paragraph) the primary motivations and objectives that moved them to action. Despite the passage of progressive new laws, racist attitudes prevented open access to employment, education, voting, and protection against violence. Essentially repudiating the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the amendment clearly states that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. It provides for due process and equal protection under the law. WebQuestion 1 What was the primary purpose of the Reconstruction period following the Civil War? hVKo@+{l>[" mD1j*E9Uvwf]R0p#\hXbX@" kB" z5:w[*aUwiD2[Av4ft?eSdMN'Vm'yl9/fh-5E"$tXM_=?)[1ZX&/rW-]gK@0Xmzf7+U-"jE1ENM|:2!US.N,'(g({e]a]X`6K(R(:eFF| hwAocF@s00Zm/~;?VJoI(s` }L 6k'pU]sT@VY&Cv; XH8FgCL=rM5Ax6Kv$8u#+8>&`v ? WebIdentify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations. WebThe Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 Split ten former Confederate states (excluding Tennessee) into five military districts to be overseen by the U.S. military and mandated that Print out all material from the Text Documents, and make the appropriate number of copies for the students. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed African Americans in The Jim Crow era replaced Reconstruction and ushered in a new era of racial segregation, violence, and murder well into the twentieth century. Some of this language may be difficult for students to understand without some guidance. What lesson did the Republicans learn from Grant's slim victory? "waving the bloody shirt" reminded the voters of Grant's war victory. Northern Democrats who moved into former Confederate-controlled states with the intention of upsetting Radical Reconstruction plans. Who were the Exodusters? The authors of the documents were selected to show a variety of contrasting views and also to reflect the different ways that Reconstruction affected various populations. Gp}1:qr +sWg" ^8u1k^l2GPt%,}cAZwf? Ulysses S. Grant, Gen Commander of the Union forces in the Civil War. In addition to racial animosityand possibly a factor that fed into that animosity as it was exploited by demagogueswas the rule of ineffective and inexperienced state and local politicians in the wake of Southern defeat. Much of the South lay in ruins with What did the conflict between Johnson and Congress result in? What limited African American freedom during Reconstruction? %PDF-1.5 % corruption did not come to an end. it was now all white corruption so did not attract as much attention. Who was the Republican leader in the House? about the italicized questions to help you form your answers/opinions. Radical Republicans thought it was letting the South off too easily. His policies after he became president were even more lenient than Lincoln's, and they caused a confrontation with the Radical Republicans in Congress that culminated in his impeachment. They were more familiar with the places where most battles occured. Certainly, there was deep resentment on the part of many white southerners who did not want to accept the idea of racial equality. bJLA/RO\Hh2cN]J8JUApfGuYB^(YDLsNil/y!0>3LW{0 nPt2==eD>>H5o But how much really changed? Question 2 Which of the following best summarizes President Lincolns attitude toward the policies and process of Reconstruction? It was thought the freed slaves would be forced to work. Previous endstream endobj 419 0 obj <>stream WebEvaluating Reconstruction As the Civil War was drawing to a close in 1865, President Lincoln began making plans for the physical, economic, social and political rehabilitation of a region endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>stream It was drafted according to the Ten-Percent Plan It gave blacks the right to vote 3) The South could not repay loans from countries that helped them. Its members where southern whites that did not agree with the ideas of Reconstruction. hWO0Gx`*Bi1 `ZS"%;;NS5J;|@@hHx4&"A $ #p H}AxChDGOB(9S,vcs:JI]V]WywIO{{AS !^}8;]:yNc0v*4Xqa`p k5 z2 9&+cr'~ IOV~=GHB:'*kXa=9r^baYz/1ag7F:,Ww AF;{zVV5S-l/"NZ|'Ol,U#dmCUGe^eE?Ze\mLFMeSZ`E#`jcj~Qm|V$vN81t~~b2[_\$#'b*$]t# The impeachment of Johnson. was a name for southern whites who supported Reconstruction in the South, often Republican. CAm? The reconstruction period had its successes and failures. WebDuring Reconstruction, three new amendments to the Constitution redefined freedom, citizenship, and democracy in the United States. Segregation laws would sunset and have to be repealed within the next 20 years. Worked a piece of land for a fixed share of the crop. from your Reading List will also remove any Alternative means of assessment include asking the students to do either or both of the following: 1. In that compromise, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won a tight race for the Presidency with just one electoral voteon the condition that all federal troops be removed from the South and a southern Democrat be named to his cabinet. Ten Southern states were placed under the control of military leaders until such time as they passed the Fourteenth Amendment and put state constitutions in place that aligned with the United States Constitution. The sharecropping model left many tenant farmers in such dire straits that it was nearly impossible to break free from their economic shackles. They passed two bills. 9RR}yswNQZ8][1FM_+ Women's groups withdrew support to work on woman's suffrage. Atticus G. Haygood (then President of Emory University), Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and Our Future, 1881, William Robert Houghton, Two Boys in the Civil War and After, An AutobiographyA Southern Colored Woman, Lesson 1: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Aftermath of War, Lesson 2: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Politics of Reconstruction, The Battle Over Reconstruction: Southern Recovery. In addition, the teacher should review the interactive maps included as part of this lesson and download the Text Document for Activity 1 and the Text Document for Activity 2, which will include all needed source material and worksheets. Most people in the Union supported the Confederacy's The website Making Sense of Letters and Diaries is one such site. A large number of Republican lawmakers regained seats in Southern state governments, but chose to abandon Reconstruction reforms. Formally defines citizenship and protects a person's civil and political rights from being abridged or denied by any state. The Southerners saw the Freedmen's Bureau as an organization giving free food to freedmen but never requiring them to work, making them lazy. To conclude, the Reconstruction was almost a complete failure. HUKo0WhUK( In the South, the failure of Republican state governments to make serious inroads on the politics of the region led to a weakening resolve to protect the civil and political rights of freedmen. 5. It helped maintain schools for black kids and insured fairness of labor contracting. This lesson plan will explore the social, economic and political conditions of the United States as Reconstruction drew to a close in the years leading up to the Compromise of 1877. Removing #book# What terms did the Reconstruction Act of 1867 put in place for the Southern states who had not yet ratified the Fourteenth Amendment? Did Congress like the 10% Plan? Why was the former Confederacy divided into military districts by the federal government? You can find more resources to supplement this lesson at ourSmithsonian Learning Lab collection on the Reconstruction Era. 124 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0D0942F02A0E3A4583123BBEFA335B80><310633F8B9553C42B3774455F36DF9D6>]/Index[109 24]/Info 108 0 R/Length 78/Prev 144476/Root 110 0 R/Size 133/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Senators? View Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 8.13.38 PM.png from SOCIAL STUDIES 58557 at Mt Zion High School. and any corresponding bookmarks? Amnesty was granted to any southerner who took an oath of allegiance, with the exception of Confederate officials, officers, and wealthy landowners. In May 1865, with Congress out of session, Johnson began to implement his own Reconstruction program. Segregation was ruled unconstitutional and all Jim Crow laws had to be immediately repealed. WebReconstruction Question 6 900 seconds Q. CONTEXT: In the imaginary land of Wakanda, established landowners keep their power by maintaining private armies. endstream endobj 114 0 obj <>stream In preparation for teaching this lesson, the teacher should review the entire lesson plan, including introductory background information. Use the following abbreviations: DO for direct object, PN for predicate nominative, OC for objective complement, IO for indirect object, or PA for predicate adjective. How did Amendments 13, 14, & 15 help African Americans? 2 Third step is about monitoring of collections 3 Involves the evaluation of. Did it accomplish anything? Congressional Reconstruction. WebQuiz The 1863 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction proposed A plan for Radical Reconstruction The Ten-Percent Plan The Fifty-Percent Plan Andrew Johnsons Plan for Reconstruction Why did Congress reject Louisianas new constitution in 1864? The end of the war brought with it much devastation and, of course, those who knew how to turn devastation into opportunity. In this paper we utilize saliency maps to evaluate whether this correlation exists. Distinguish the central and driving ideas at work in the documents used to illustrate this lesson. For this activity, the students will use the interactive maps [temporarily located at http://civclients.com/nehint/recon/] as well as the documents specified below that can be found in the Text Document for Activity 1. E&GvBQ"RYP F2;~}i,v K_)DR zdh[_/P&ME *8-pmw(j7Qjcmj9~::$x}v8@;aZwO,qo Analyzing Primary SourcesThis lesson involves using a number of primary source documents authored by a variety of people; some were highly educated, others were less so, and still others were recently freed slaves who were barely literate. Georgia, along with Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia, had to satisfy an additional condition: ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited the states from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. ;R5p c-Ncc:ey].Ai4d1]'M-azo!/,'Kx5,:aC;C .Qhg After the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and the ascendancy of Congress in directing Reconstruction policy, the realities of enforcing their well-meaning goals soon dimmed the enthusiasm of many Republicans. _ Eph/LWNMK $r3R6W>44w9(Hct:@LN@@4H9O$T,\LuqDk9HMZ] 7l7{7eCUbMWmh"!baox]51Q"EF kRm'C*_@Q$VF*`C{:7v I"q{n]w)cqJ}q*6]d&5PhdSh3_|`k^Mq!U\:fqo,SI0L6-;jTS(WOC6"ZCx+5bo42+Pp;3:=BbXm)]IF The central question of Reconstruction was how to reunite a badly divided country fractured by four years of civil war. endstream endobj 115 0 obj <>stream Sharecropping practices kept many African Americans in working conditions that werent a significant improvement over slavery. Democrats who were previously unable to vote due to their Confederate ties were now able to vote and run for office. Johnson's policies. The term was used derisively by white Southern Democrats who opposed Reconstruction legislation. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy. By allowing the former Confederates to reenter the political arena, Republicans faced an uphill battle against the surge in Democratic support and voter-suppression tactics aimed at Republicans and African Americans. Johnson appointed provisional governors and authorized them to set up state conventions, which in turn were charged with declaring secession illegal; repudiating Confederate debts; ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States; and scheduling elections. What was the "Swing 'Round the Circle"? (southern Democrats). The teacher may also wish to visit the two EDSITEment-reviewed websites mentioned above for additional background material concerning reconstruction: America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War and Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation. Force Acts, KKK Act, gave president authority to call in federal troops if needed, but it happened only once. The process of rebuilding the South after the Civil War. Poll taxes prevented poor citizens from being able to vote. Which plan was the hardest on the South? The objective is to show the students how the combination of facts, opinions, statistics, and pictures can broaden their understanding of a subject. Losing the Civil War meant that the South would have to conform to the laws of the United States. What legal loopholes did Southerners create to resist African American equality? The new legislation was passed in July over Johnson's veto. The amendments created to protect black freedoms seemed like a huge step in the right What tactic was used? Many Southerners were scared of rebellion. Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment in January 1865, formally outlawing slavery in the United States. Booth, a stage actor, had ties to the Confederate cause. After completing both sections of the worksheet, the group should discuss what they have learned about their topic through the interactive and the document.