hoi4 road to 56 equipment names

This is a localisation key that gets assigned a value for each language within any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/ file. This mod does a number of things, but most especially it address what i believed was a lacking of features and events for ending the conflict on the Eastern Front. The technologies within are separated with any whitespace characters, such as XOR = { my_technology_1 my_technology_2 }. This mod is compatible with Version 1.10 Husky & all DLC, although it has some very specific compatibility requirements. Do read our fullreviewfor the whole story on this mod. Hi, will this mod get updated when the main mod gets its update? An equipment type belongs to an archetype and forms the basis of variants that countries create when they unlock it. Do ccs not work with mods? This mod is compatible with Version 1.10 Collie & all DLC. This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 12:42. These in particular are, by appearance, regular non-square rectangular land items in base game, such as the one used for Infantry Equipment; however, GFX_technology_branch_item_bg uses a smaller, square, icon since the base game doesn't have any mutually exclusive techs of the larger size. Never to trust the AI to have our best interests at heart, its time to take full control of the peace process through the Player-Led Peace Conferencemod. Well, there is always the option to encircle half of Poland and Belarus with light tanks, or as I like to call it, the Minsk Pocket. More than just extending the timeline to 1956, this mod peppers the entire world with greater detail and complexity. In this case, Hearts of Oak does not attempt to change the base game into something unrecognizable but enhances and re-balances technologies, industries, wars, events etc. Information, Frequently Asked See also: Naval units. They might as well just ask Paradox to make a new game. If one of these database objects is locked behind technology, it won't be possible to force a country to use them without having the technology: equipment variants or orders of battle will fail to be created with the specified type. The format = "LEFT" argument is used to tell into which direction to aim x and y. A Legacy version for Version1.9 and below playerscan be found here. This is my old technology mod, and the original core of Road to 56. For example. Please Help! This can build up to the max level specified in the building definition itself. If specified, then the group will only apply bonuses towards technologies located in these categories.is_faction_sharing = yes makes the technology sharing group only grant bonuses towards countries in the same faction and, vise-versa, receive bonuses only from countries in the same faction. A gorgeous tour de force, no one is the poorer for this graphical upgrade which brings an added level of immersion to the rampaging divisions vying for global control. The table below excludes armor designed by the No Step Back DLC tank designer. 1 / 2. If a folder doesn't have specific item slots, these are used for items:GFX_technology_available_item_bg is used for technologies that are shown to be available for the player to selectGFX_technology_branch_item_bg is used for items that are mutually exclusive to a technology you've already researchedGFX_technology_unavailable_item_bg is used for technologies that the country is not yet able to researchGFX_technology_researched_item_bg is used for technologies that the country has already researched.GFX_technology_currently_researching_item_bg is used for technologies that are currently selected by the country. With each of the many HOI4 DLC expansions, the gargantuan family of mods has grown further, with players turning Paradoxs every new addition to their own creative ends. To do this, use the rather complicated cheat code add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level]. use the add_to_tech_sharing_group effect to do so. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If youre interested in learning more, we did a more in-depth mod reviewthat explores what makes it so compelling. Kaiserreich asks the daring question of: What if Germany won WWI?. The name of the equipment you wish to add. Each year in advance adds +200% to the technology's cost[2], applied smoothly depending on the amount of days left. This could also be considered an overhaul mod of sorts given the extensive work done with the AI, but its not meant to necessarily give the player an alternative scenario or a more immersive experience. Information, Frequently Asked Many of the factions will have their own unique decisions and focus trees. Syntax add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] Examples add_equipment 1000 infantry_equipment_3 Executing this command adds 1000 of 'infantry_equipment_3' (Advanced Weapons). The mod is still in relatively early days, and theres only dedicated content up to 1885. @polk0929 - most likely by using the add modified equipment method (detailed above). A XOR should be in every mutually-exclusive technology, specifying the others, having it in just one of technologies isn't enough. The mod will be automatically downloaded and will populate the mods section inHOI4s launcher. But you have to go down the Confederate path. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. If there are multiple technologies leading to this one within the same folder, the technology will use the same gridbox used in the technology pathing to it that was defined the earliest. In either case, countries can further modify several types of equipment by spending the respective kind of experience. This can be used if multiple technologies path to the same technology to make it faster to research if a more 'advanced' technology was researched. Battalions have a maximum speed no slower than 4, regardless of equipment, Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:36, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Equipment&oldid=60377, Play It also has thousands of new events, new units, new mechanics including DECON and MAD. The creativity that the team places on the focus trees is bolstered by upgrades and expansions to the technologies, political mechanics, laws, etc. Expert AIputs in a lot of behind the scenes work to make the AI a more challenging opponent for the players, specifically with the 1936 start with Historical Focus mode turned on. These days it receives rare updates as most work now goes into R56. Equipment types are assigned with enable_equipments = { }, with each equipment type within listed separated with any non-zero amount of whitespace characters. This is in addition to the technology's actual description, rather than overwriting it. That container window would have to be located within the containerWindowType with the name of countrytechtreeview, defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gui (not countrytechnologyview.gui), for technology folders and within the containerWindowType with the name of countrydoctrineview, defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrydoctrinetreeview.gui, for doctrine folders. As of Man the Guns, USA uses the base game trees, and you need that DLC to unlock non-democratic branches. Executing this command adds 1000 of 'infantry_equipment_3' (Advanced Weapons). This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. If nothing within on_research_complete = { } grants a tooltip or there's always something showing a tooltip, it is not necessary to set on_research_complete_limit = { } This is an example of a tech with on_research_complete_limit: show_effect_as_desc = yes can also be used in order to make the effects show up in the description of the technology itself rather than in the tooltip showing up when hovering over the technology. With the mission briefing done, lets ride this tiger, and focus on four salient categories to encircle some of the bestHOI4modsout there. 82. r/hoi4. Were not sure about later versions at this time. Each technology is a separate block within technologies = { }, where the name of the block is used as a technology ID. This is what the game does for showing the start years of technologies, for example: each one is a separate instantTextBoxType within the folder's container window. This command serves the basic but essential purpose of adding/cheating in equipment such as infantry equipment, anti tank equipment, etc. From Kaiserreich to Old World Blues, here's our full list of the very best Hearts of Iron 4 mods for Paradox's mammoth WW2 grand strategy game. It is also possible to apply this effect only on a certain terrain. Featuring three starting scenarios in 1910, 1914 and 1919 respectively, the mod lets you control both the European powers at the center of the conflict but also take part in events like the Mexican or . This shows up in the country's research menu in the top.research_sharing_per_country_bonus = 0.05 assigns how much of a bonus the technology sharing group grants for every other member that has researched that particular technology.categories = { } is a list of technology categories separated by whitespace characters. This is because porting Rt56 USA proved to be too much work. 44. Guide updated for NSB. A technology or doctrine tree item is the technology itself within the tree. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. The first frame, on the left, is used when the folder is opened, while the second frame, on the right, is used when the folder is closed. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Similarly to technologies, the GUI file is very interconnected with the doctrine definitions. Puts cats on infantry and can't open tech tree, I have some kinda of robot in all places and when I open the tech tree it has like nothing. Press J to jump to the feed. In 1936 South Africa has a very small and poorly equipped military consisting of only three six-Infantry battalion divisions (Cape Force), three three-Infantry battalion divisions (Cape Brigade), and a single air wing of 30 Gloster Gladiator interwar fighters stationed in Transvaal. Having assigned the technology to a branch, whether by having a different one path to it or by having created a gridboxType definition in the interface file, it is possible to define the exact position of the item with folder: In this, the name refers to the folder. on Paradox technology, Legal Ship variants (ship classes) have a particular set of modules attached to them. enable_tactic = my_tactic is also used to enable a combat tactic for the country that may be chosen during a land battle. It is only visible to you. There is a legacy version here. If desiring to use a container of a sub-technology with a different index, sub_tech_index = 1 can overwrite it within the definition of the sub-technology itself. However, they are mostly similar in definition. For localisation, there are two keys assigned. Technologies can be used to apply effects and static modifiers towards the country researching them. As its name suggests, The Great War is a mod that moves Hearts of Iron IV's action back a few decades to when World War I began. Keep in mind that not all mods might be found on the Steam Workshop, even if the vast majority are. Please note that a new version of the mod has been uploaded under a new entry, and youll need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe to the new version. These effects will be run for the country and they will show up in the tooltip of the technology so that the player is aware of them. Please see the. The picture defined within is done with the picture iconType, and it cannot be changed to be technology-specific, it depends only on the sub-technology index of the technology. Previously Chief Germanist for Green Man Gaming. Technology-specific icons don't exist for sub-technologies, instead using a set of indices. Single points and single army combat is expanded into a truly epic battlefield that does away with another layer of abstraction. By contrast, equipment of different archetypes, such as light and medium tanks, are never interchangeable. This comes in handy when you're just learning the mechanics of the game and want to have fun. When I try to make another country annex it it makes my game crash. This is a one stop shop for a total enhancement of the game. add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level], add_equipment 1000 light_tank_equipment_1, For infantry with armored vehicles (1 to 3), Equipment of the tanks of the Great War (only 1), Lightweight air defense vehicles (1 to 3), medium-sized self-propelled artillery (1 to 3), Super-heavy anti-aircraft equipment (only 1). Sometimes totally overhauling the game requires a subtle touch. This mod features between 10-20 years worth of content for all the major powers, including some minors. we didn't, only added techs have a different nomenclature. Focus on taking back the east ASAP then move to the west, as some more states in the Midwest will secede too but they're not worth much. Press J to jump to the feed. EU4 Country Tags Victoria 2 Country Tags Stellaris Planet Classes They'll make the civil war survivable. By default, these are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gfx. The name of the technology for the specified language is set by using the technology's ID as the localisation key, with description by appending _desc in the end. If a technology doesn't have any other technology as a requirement using path in any folder where it's placed, then it must have a separate gridboxType definition within the folder's container window. In particular, there are 3 arguments that can go into folders: Folders need localisation, of course. The offset in pixels to use a singular unit when positioning technologies. In which direction x and y aim depends on the format of the gridbox: a "LEFT" format means that x goes up-to-down while y goes left-to-right, while an "UP" format would mean that x goes left-to-right while y goes up-to-down. Enhanced Non-Historical Outcomes Folders are defined as blocks within the technology_folders = { } block in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt files, where the name of the block within is used as the folder's ID. One of the best things about this mod is that it does not sacrifice performance, allowing the player to enjoy a greater expanse of visual goodies without any added lag. I dislike the Congress feature and the civil war so im not huge on playing America. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As of Man the Guns, USA uses the base game trees, and you need that DLC to unlock non-democratic branches. Everything from new units and equipment, to new national Focus Trees (many borrowed from other mods that have done good work in this area), to expanding on the Law and Politics mechanics has been looked at. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. A technology can have categories assigned to it with categories = { }, where each category is separated with whitespace characters as categories = { my_category_1 my_category_2 }. Or do. It assigns which background is used, where exactly to locate the technology's icon in the background, where to place the technology bonus icon, where to place sub-technologies (if needed), where to place the technology's name on the research tree (if defined). You need to sign in or create an account to do that. It gets unlocked by researching technologies and is produced by production lines. This also assigns them the indexes of 0 and 1 respectively, which get used in determining which container exactly to use. The name of the technology whether it should be displayed, and if it is: where to show it and with what font. In addition, it's also possible to make a technology apply a bonus for specific sub-units making up land templates, ships, and the airforce. This mod is compatibleup to Husky 1.9.2., but it doesnt work with other non-graphics mods. This mod is compatible with Version 1.9.2 Husky & all DLC. You have to go down the civil war route, yes. This does not always apply, such as when the technology is fairly close, but modifying the format can change the way the paths between technologies are drawn regardless. It gets unlocked by researching technologies and is produced by production lines. Defaults to false if unspecified.available = { } is a trigger block, run for every country in the technology sharing group, that details the requirements needed to remain within the group. /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gui, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrydoctrinetreeview.gui, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/countrytechtreeview.gfx, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_tags/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/combat_tactics.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_sharing/*.txt, NDefines.NTechnology.BASE_TECH_COST = 100, NDefines.NTechnology.BASE_YEAR_AHEAD_PENALTY_FACTOR = 2, NDefines.NAI.RESEARCH_DAYS_BETWEEN_WEIGHT_UPDATE = 7, NDefines.NTechnology.MAX_TECH_SHARING_BONUS = 0.5, it should be made impossible to research manually. A deeply rich world fourteen years in the making, every aspect of this alternate history is fully fleshed out in this latest incarnation to delight fans of the legacy of this mod as well as new players. The visual appeal is impressive, as the custom models and graphics add true immersion to this other world. Focus on taking back the east ASAP then move to the west, as some more states in the Midwest will secede too but they're not worth much. The final cheat code will look like this: add_equipment 1000 light_tank_equipment_1. Technology sharing groups are a feature from the Together for Victory DLC (requiring it), allowing to receive bonuses to researching technology that other members of the group have already researched, up to 50%[5]. The Road to 56 is a vanilla-like major overhaul mod for Hearts of Iron IV, overhauling and expanding its content as late as 1956. Create a new text document using word pad or similar software, then copy and paste the below into it: #### Motorized, Mechanized & Amphibious ####, add_equipment 1000 gw_tank_equipment # Great War Tank. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 there is an opportunity to receive various military supplies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The distinction between small items and regular items is in equipment. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. (Mechanics/Balance/why), HOI4 Texture Overhaul Terrain (Cosmetic), Check if the mod is up to date with the most recent patch forHoI4(Currently. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. One of the best examples of the impressive capabilities of totally overhauling the game, this mod promises political intrigue thats worthy of network news. As implied by the title, it changes the setting to the Cold War period, with start dates ranging from 1949 through to 1970. BlackICE is compatible with Husky 1.9.3 and theres a test version for 1.10 Collie currently live here. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I see a lot of "how to win as the soviets" posts in here. The position of the first technology in the branch, or rather the position of point (0, 0) in the coordinate system used to position the technologies in the branch. This can be useful for technologies which use an icon that's not the same as the equipment that it unlocks, such as the landing craft or rocket engine technologies in base game. The icon of the technology the position on the box. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. While the above folder section detailed the insides of the folder, it didn't detail adding the folder to the selection. Sub-technologies where to position them in the tree, which GFX they use. Any icons or textboxes can be added to the container window, and they'll appear in that position in the technology tree. Additionally, on_research_complete_limit = { } serves as a trigger block necessary to be fulfilled for the effects to be executed. The block contains technologies separated with whitespace characters, such as sub_technologies = { my_technology_1 my_technology_2 }. For example a country may create a variant of their light fighter 2 base variant, increasing its range, by spending air experience. Its a unique way to experience Hearts of Iron 4, almost akin to a new mode. After this, there are two types of experience costs that can be used: ai_will_do = { } is a MTTH block that decides the likelihood for the AI to do this focus if an AI strategy plan is not set. This can be used to set these to be country-specific, such as the bicycle battalions for Netherlands and Japan, if they're within a hidden technology only set for specific countries in their history files or other effect blocks. Contents 1 Features 2 Further Information 3 Credits 4 General Information Features New focus trees or improvements for almost all starting nations, and overhauls of vanilla ones. Please see the. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. start_year = 1935 assigns the year at which the technology is intended to be researched. Its a very deep well to dive into without a guide so heres ours, profiling the best of the bunch, with installation tips too. The nitty gritty of realistic global warfare is reflected in this meticulous reworking of the terrain textures into landscapes that not only look more realistic but speak of the startling scope of the conflict. on Paradox technology, Legal There are some recycled items from Victoria II, but this mod goes a ways towards breaking up the monotony of the early game slog where all you can do is wait for foci to finish and factories to be built. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. This command is the exact same as the above command, but 'ae' (a shortened alias) is used, instead of the longer 'add_equipment'. A sub-technology slot is defined with a containerWindowType with the name of "sub_technology_slot_0", with the last number being 0 for the first one, 1 for the second one, and 2 for the third one. Strategic destruction or Grand battleplan). These arguments are used within technology sharing groups:id = my_tech_group is used to tell how to refer to the group is internally for the effects or triggers referring to one.name = my_tech_group_name is used to say which key shjould be used in order to assign the name to this group depending on the currently-turned on language in localisation.desc = my_tech_group_desc is used to say which key shjould be used in order to assign the description to this group depending on the currently-turned on language in localisation.picture = GFX_my_tech_group is used to assign a sprite, defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file, to this group. They form the basis of equipment variant stats, which in turn influence the combat abilities of units using them. This is a submod for the extensive and popular "Road to 56" you can find on the workshop. This includes resources, sub-units, offensive and defensive, or sub-unit categories. With a keen focus on deepening historical accuracy with challenges for the player, this mod succeeds in bringing more life to this cacophony of death. Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. Old World Blues brings the Fallout universe to HoI4, which makes for a surprisingly solid combination. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Additionally, XOR = { } is used to make the technology be mutually-exclusive with every technology specified within. Additionally, incredibly important are the gridboxes representing technology tree branches. Please note that you must have the appropriate technology to receive the equipment. Complete with a much improved AI, playing HOI4 no longer feels like a solved game as most playthroughs canbut rather becomes a dynamic and challenging foray into the dangers of global total war. Join. Youre usually left scrambling to sort out a great mess the AI has made for you, but at the same time, you can always put your nation in a terrible position, safe in the knowledge that youll be outta there long before unfriendly tanks roll into the capital. We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the timeline to 1956, and developed some truly awesome alternate-history paths for nearly every country. It is only visible to you. The Great War. This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. Many nations have their own unique mechanics as well. The gridbox is used in order to assign the information used by the folder = { } block later on: centre of coordinates, the size that one unit of x and y represent, and in which direction they aim (necessary for drawing the path).

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hoi4 road to 56 equipment names