how to write a foreword for a strategic plan

Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved Smartsheet Inc. Sung Align campaigns, creative operations, and more. 18 0 obj She uses a basic diagram that she calls the strategic plan architecture. You will learn what questions you should be asking yourself before writing a book's foreword. Stay honest. As we stride forward into our golden jubilee, it is an opportune time for us to consolidate our strengths and identify opportunities for further development, so as to steer the University to the next level of excellence. This could include management, the board of directors, owners, and more. Mission statements show why a business exists, while vision statements are meant to inspire and provide direction. Your strategies have to align with your values and vice versa, she explains. As for the evaluation portion, identify how you will keep yourself accountable and on track. Think about goals with varying lengths. This may seem obvious, but the person who wants to win a marathon needs to possess a fine balance of long-term strategy and shorter-term tactics to overcome the challenge. endobj If the book is a funny, comedic piece, inject humor into your foreword too. :). You want to make sure the plans align. Were so glad you found it helpful, Mike! The plan to publish "Our Journey Together" came together quickly, after Ms. Craighead had already selected a book agent and negotiated a contract to publish her own book and secured a . What is a strategic plan and why is it needed? Focus on specific key initiatives and actions for your function. Your research might show you should not go in a direction you might want to. This publication focuses on the pyramid's second tier, steps 5 to 7, which culminates in a written strategic plan: 5. Department of Tourism 1 STRATEGIC PLAN 2015/16 - 2019/2020 (2016/17 REVIEW) TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Foreword by the Minister of Tourism Message by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Introduction and Strategic Overview by the Director-General Official sign-off PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 1. Be careful with the information you gather. Is a Foreword Required for a Book? The following are illustrative examples of a strategy plan. Build those checkpoints into the plan. Remember that the foreword is addressed to the reader. But there is a fine line between being ambitious and creating a fantasy. Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website,, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. 9 0 obj A foreword is a short chapter that's included in a book's front matter. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Your goals are where you want to go. 7 0 obj Streamline operations and scale with confidence. Since he and Mary came with their family to Kansas City in 1996, I have watched him grow in his relationship with the Man Christ Jesus to the place where his heart burns with the desire to go deeper and deeper in the knowledge of the beauty of the Lord. In addition to the basic sections that go into any strategic plan, when forecasting five years into the future, put one- and three-year checkpoints into the plan so you can track progress intermittently. A KPI dashboard can help you set up and track your performance and for more information about setting up a KPI dashboard, this article can help. Its other key stakeholders were distributors; customers-retail; customers-industrial/food service; consumers; and employees. Once you know what is important to you, come up with a personal mission statement that reflects the values you cherish. In fact, it is also possible to include what your company does for its employees in your mission statement. And in a small business, like a convenience store, it initially is: customers, employees, suppliers, and owners. apply and produce professional results in his/her own field. Many organizations do not give themselves enough time to plan properly, and once you finish planning, writing the document or presentation also takes time, as does implementation. In a for-profit organization, the marketing department works to promote the companys product or services to bring in new revenue. She uses a basic diagram that she calls the strategic plan architecture. Affiliate Disclosure: We may be compensated from the retailer if you purchase a book or product recommended on this website. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 12 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> If you want a one-page executive summary, this template can help you decide what information to include. Translate enterprise ambitions into a strategic plan your function can actually use. How to Write a Foreward. We have helped over one million people as they write their way through this world. Its important for leaders to get input from the group as a whole, but they dont necessarily need approval from everyone that will slow down the process. You will learn why the foreword is an essential selling tool for the book. For example, tracking visitors to a website, customers completing a contact form, or the number of proposals that close with deals are all performance indicators that keep you on track toward achieving your goals. Are you satisfied? Share the company description with everyone in your organization. Stay in line with the goals and values of your organization. Over the years, Lingnan University's outstanding teaching, learning, scholarship and community engagement have demonstrated the values of its liberal arts education in Hong Kong's higher education sector. This is your chance to define the way your company will make decisions based on goals, culture, and ethics. Vision 2. If you hold a meeting, make sure you and other key planners are prepared to handle the feedback and discussion that will arise. For example, these might include the factors influencing the decision to purchase from you. The foreword of the preface is to discuss the relationship between the author and his book. Section 10: Marketing Plan. Download University Strategic Plan Outline Word. You can choose from many templates to help you write this section. If you have a plan thats really lengthy, you should have a summary, says Jim Stockmal, President of the Association for Strategic Planning (ASP). The plan may be in the form of a document, a presentation, or another format. Configure and manage global controls and settings. Stakeholders can be great strategists. Remember, the statements can change as the environment in and around your company changes. FOREWORD The thesis demonstrates the student's ability to understand. The industry analysis carries a price, but also provides many benefits. Our strategies for education aim to enrich the learning experience for students as well as enhance their language proficiency to develop self-learning skills, lifelong learning commitment and competencies that will make them both innovative and entrepreneurial to flourish inand contribute toa globally competitive and rapidly changing environment. Some performance indicators can go into your strategic plan, but you might want to set other goals for your organization. These steps can help you with this process: 1. This is such a useful guide. Performance indicators are not always financial, but they must be quantifiable. Writing a winning proposal means writing for the client and providing a clear, valuable solution to their problem. Select From Our Collection of Small Business Plans, Non-Profit Business Strategic Plans, One-Page Healthcare Education Plans, School Department Budget Plans, and Many More. The company description should include the history of your company, the major products and services you provide, and any highlights and accomplishments, and it should accomplish the following: Highlight what makes your company unique. It often can be helpful to have a really good facilitator to organize and pursue strategic conversations, says Professor John M. Bryson, McKnight Presidential Professor of Planning and Public Affairs at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota and author of Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. Package your entire business program or project into a WorkApp in minutes. Guide to writing a Strategic Plan Step One - Getting Ready An organization that determines it is indeed ready to begin strategic planning must perform five tasks to pave the way for an organized process: identify specific issues or choices that the planning process should address clarify roles (who does what in the process) create a Planning . Be prepared to adjust. Your entire organization and stakeholders should be able to remember and understand your goals. Capture this in your strategic goals, which should have tactics tied to each . In contrast,the foreword is written by someone else and is meant to endorse the author and their work. At the same time, the United States is confronting a dynamic range of national security challenges, including strategic competition, cybersecurity . Thank you Olaoluwa, were glad you found the post helpful! Strategic planning is often continuous for nonprofits. Write the first paragraph in an engaging manner. Foreword. If you want to know the full process on how to write a foreword you can check out this post. Company core values, sometimes called organizational values, help you understand what drives the company to do what it does. How to develop a winning strategyand put it to work. In some cases, yearly planning might keep you continually stuck in the planning process, while 10 years might be too far out. You can use these foreword samples as a guide to writing your foreword for your own papers or books. Here are seven steps to consider: 1. Writing a foreword can be a lot of work. A foreword is a short introduction paragraph written by someone other than the author of a book or a report. The strategic planning process contains various steps, exercises, and opportunities to develop a culture of alignment and follow-through within your organization. Below are questions to ask your team as you craft your vision statement: What impact do we want to have on our community and industry? The strategic planning process will differ based on your organization, but the basic concepts will stay the same. Joseph J.Y. Hi Cassandra, Im glad youve found our site helpful! Objectives are the turn-by-turn directions of how to achieve your goals. The vision statement explains what your company wants to achieve in the long term and can help inspire and align your team. After you introduce yourself, share how you got to know the author. Manage campaigns, resources, and creative at scale. One tip: Try to avoid jargon and generic terms; for example, words like maximize and succeed lose their punch. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. A foreword is a short introductory portion of a non-fiction book, typically written by someone other than the author. This dynamic perspective encourages openness, innovation and a preparedness to change. Who is collecting that data, and how will they do it? Team leaders need to take care of these troubles before they get out of hand. I would like to thank, in particular, the Council for approving the Strategic Plan and taking up the responsibility for overseeing and monitoring its implementation. Write in a style similar to that of the book. As a research-led university we shall continue to engage in cutting-edge research, especially in those interdisciplinary areas identified as our strengths, not only to make an intellectual impact internationally but also to benefit humankind in addressing challenges and societal needs locally, regionally and globally. Every KPI must have some sort of measure. Instead, it should cover why the book is a must-read. In this column, let's focus on how we request Forewords, Prefaces and Endorsements from allies to complete an upcoming book. the thesis serves as a bridge between student and working life. Using the information you discovered during your SWOT and mission statement process, come up with goals that align with your values. It establishes the direction a company is going to take by considering its goals and objectives. Overcoming adversity is one way for companies to grow. Estimated Duration. For a nonprofit, the strategic plans purpose is mainly how to best advance the mission. The answers to this question help you identify your goals for the future of the business and assess whether your current trajectory is the future you want. List down all the key factors that can affect the effective implementation of the nursing strategic plan. I wanted to see the examples as well but they were unavailable. View your strategic as being locked in an intimate tango with your key stakeholders. You will learn that the reader's wants and needs come first - before your need for self-promotion. Once you write your vision statement, communicate it to everyone in your company. You can communicate your plan to stakeholders in the following ways: Hold a meeting to present the plan in person. The HR team and senior management would bend over backwards to identify what would satisfy staff. Assess the business Evaluate the business and its current performance using proven assessment tools. But, if I have just one single line, I would say: 6. Although most people asked to write a foreword already have a strong platform, assume that not every reader will know who you are. There is no set time period for a strategic plan, but five years can be a sweet spot. Your strategic plan will identify what resources you need for your project and how you will get them. I am sure you came up with a strategy based on several tested frameworks or concepts. By writing a foreword, a person expresses their approval or support for the research and its author. Om Shanti !! In this section, youll learn a lot about your company and the people who work with you. Creating a strategic plan isnt only for businesses. It should encourage and inspire employees while setting your companys direction. Preparing to Write Your Strategic Plan covers the pyramid's foundation, steps 1 to 4. Stockmal explains that many organizations often focus too much on the future and reaching their goals that they forget what made them a strong company in the first place. 17 0 obj Some writers describe their first meeting, or their first impression of the author. xMo@s\d!Nm,P@l@lEv/"a1rzG)eSSPB;G:s1_L5Bm. Say what you do, who you do it for, and why it is valuable. Vision statements should accomplish the following: Look at and project about five to 10 years ahead. That is, what the organization wanted from employees. Toyota and McDonalds are two that I deal with that fall into that category. Continue with Recommended Cookies. More than one objective can support one goal. A strategic plan is for the big picture, not for a particular project for an organization. Stockmal also says performance indicators cannot focus on only one thing at the detriment of another. The preface is the front matter written by the author to introduce the book, usually explaining their motivation and inspiration for writing the book. Leadership Summary ABC Company is a web application that provides PDF templates to the users. Get in front of employees and present the plan [to get everyone involved]. Hofmeyer explains his research has shown that people stay with companies not always because of money, but often because they buy into the organizations vision and want to play a part in helping it get where it wants to go. The key is to include what is important to you. The areas above the red dotted line are the strategic parts of the plan. It offers some insight into both the author and paper, either via the writer's personal or professional relationship with the author or through the writer's connection to the topic or area. Here are the top six key components for building a killer strategic plan for your business. endobj In the context of changing global trends and increasing competition in higher education, we considered it a priority to further strengthen our academic development and research as well as student development. I. Nor is KPMGs target mid-size firms with limited budgets. I like the idea that the real plan is not the output format, but what's supposed to happen, and why, and when, and how much money. So when Franziska told me about her motorbike journey along the Silk Road, I was intrigued. This form of planning includes: a) Taking a wide look around at what's going on outside the organization and how it might affect the organization (an environmental scan), and identifying opportunities and threats b) Taking a hard look at what's going on inside the organization, including its strengths and weaknesses (perhaps doing a SWOT analysis) There are three areas to look at when setting priorities in your plan: Current situation: Think about which aspects of your business are doing great, and which aspects need improvement. endstream Byson says the facilitator can be in-house or external, but they need experience. Strategic Planning Committee and its Sub-Committees, Foreword from the Vice-Chancellor and President. 13 0 obj Were glad you found Yens post helpful, Oberlene. Write in a style similar to that of the book. 3 Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020 Foreword . Before you even start writing the book, it is important that you ask the . Thanks for reading! In any case, describe the book and why the author is the best person to write this book. The mission provides items to act upon, and the vision offers goals to aspire to. Take out jargon like world class, best possible, state of the art, maximize, succeed, and so on, and cut vague or unspecific phrasing. Wrap up with a conclusion about the importance of the work. Strategic Planning first made a significant appearance on the radar screen of managers in the early 1970's. However, when it first appeared as an organizational technique, the concept of strategic planning was received with considerable skepticism from some corners. Dont lose what makes you good, he says. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. And, the best way to do so is through the process of planning. <> The answers to this question help you outline the many routes you can take to achieve your vision and match your strengths with opportunities in the market. Let me take this opportunity to thank all of them for giving us so much food for thought during the process of consultation and drafting of the Strategic Plan. Too often, organizations simply throw out words that they think will sound good in a glossy marketing brochure but have little relevance to the real world. 1. Performing this analysis will help you figure out what you do best and how you compare to your competition. Include the plan in new employee onboarding. All Rights Reserved. While many organizations have both mission and vision statements, its not imperative. Develop the Strategic Plan A foreword is a brief introductory piece in a book that is usually written by someone other than then author (but can be written by the author himself). Note the data source where you will get your information to measure and track. I am in the process of working to get my fathers autobiograpy published and the book designer I have been working with suggested I write a foreward to explain myself; First, why I am publishing his book and second who I am. Writing a strategic plan for a school can be difficult because of the variety of stakeholders involved, including students, teachers, other staff, and parents. This has really helped me as I have been struggling to do this for a very good friend. Using these terms, strategies describe an approach or method you will use to achieve an objective. These are the key decision-making criteria that stakeholders use when interacting with your business. Many people mistake this word as forward. But the word foreword has the root the word fore, meaning before. The foreword is the section in a book that comes before the body of the book. :) Were you unable to view the foreword excerpts for The Courage Map and Bridal Intercession? Maximize your resources and reduce overhead. The writer of the foreword offers his or her integrity and credibility to the author, convincing others to read the book. ASPs Stockmal has some questions for you to ask yourself about picking performance indicators. Try Smartsheet for free, today. Looking too far ahead can be daunting, especially for a new or changing company. Planning Team and Executive Team. Some funding sources have finite beginnings and endings. I was buried in the enterprise.. This helps transform your goals and objectives into a reality. Additionally, remember that there are many terms for the same object in strategic planning. For some managers, this seems initially like putting the cart before the horse. A tactic is a specific activity or project that achieves the strategy, which, in turn, helps achieve the objective. How to Introduce Your Book to the World, Parts of a Book: The Basic Anatomy of Book Design, How to Write the First Chapter of a Book: A Checklist for Novelists, How to End Your Book: 5 Steps to Writing a Fantastic Final Chapter. Ill let you in on the six-step technique I have developed over many years, working with clients and in teaching my public seminars on strategic planning. 1. It can even involve immersing yourself in the stakeholder experience by going through it, e.g. This is the output of strategy planning and may be developed at the level of an organization, department or team. Outline the recommended solution. endobj The third step requires you to work out what your organization wants from each key stakeholder group for your organization to prosper. In any case, long-term thinking needs to be an essential ingredient of . At its best. The facilitators also need to be able to handle conflict and diffuse situations by separating idea generation from judgement. Dont feel pressured to put anything and everything into this section executive summaries should only be about one to two pages long and include the main points of the strategic plan. 1 0 obj Because you need to know your companys goals and objectives to create an accurate vision statement, you might need to wait until you have more information about the companys direction to write your vision statement. The Strategic Planning Cycle. It was a national distributor of milk and other dairy products and in it, farmers occupied two roles. Below the red dotted line are the implementation pieces. A strategic plan is essential for every business. endobj endobj Organize, manage, and review content production. Were so glad you enjoyed Yens post :). You need to find the balance between the process and the final product. During such a process, a school outlines sets of strategies and the project action plans that would likely sustain the business in 3 year's time, more or less. Strategic planning is a prompt or a facilitator for fostering strategic thinking, acting, and learning, says Bryson. Each section of a book has its own purpose and goals, from the front matter to the appendix. I was asked to write a foreword for the Design and Construction Manual authored by the Development Committee of our HOA, and this was an excellent resource. A summary of it should go into your strategic plan. Its the reason you exist or what you do.. focussed on delivering the Government's strategic agenda and meeting community needs, with the agility to deliver consistently, responsively and sustainably. Happy writing :). Step 1: Write a letter to the reader. Copyright 2016 Lingnan University. But be careful to not create too many goals. The areas above the red dotted line are the strategic parts of the plan. The vision is the highest-ordered statement of the desired future or state of what you want your business to achieve, McNerney explains. Many companies values sound like meaningless jargon, so take the time to figure out what matters to your company and push beyond generic language. The goals can be broad, but dont forget to include action items and timeframes to help you reach your goals. Step one is to recognize your dependencies, i.e. Mission 3. So, while selecting a writer for a foreword, an author seeks to choose the best person to introduce them and their work. For example, if a vision statement is No child goes to bed hungry, the accompanying mission would be to provide food banks within the city limits. A SWOT analysis on yourself will give you some honest feedback if you let it. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. The values are the core of how you operate [and] how you treat your people, both internally and externally. Highlight the plan in a company newsletter. :), Your email address will not be published. Many strategic plans arent strategic, or even plans. Breaking down the process further, some strategic planners use the terms strategies and tactics to label ways to achieve objectives. Your values should align with your vision statement and highlight your strengths while mitigating weaknesses. Here are some tips to help you write an effective foreword: Stay honest. Are you in control of the performance measure? If something does not fit within your personal mission, you shouldnt do it. By writing a foreword, a person expresses their approval or support for the research and its author. 8 0 obj Thank you for this helpful post. Deliver project consistency and visibility at scale. &*d8Egz\co/{G This planning assures a deep consideration of the audience, the most effective structure, and persuasive content. This is shaped by the objectives youve set for your organization and the knowledge youve gleaned about your stakeholders current and future needs on strategic factors. Remind people of your companys mission, vision, and values to reinforce their importance. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. devoid of strategy, and often not even a plan. Another way to look at it: Verb (action) + adjective (description) = noun (result). In this book, Tim explains how to build your plan around a core (he calls it the "heart") strategic combination of market, identity, and focus. Now I can see the way forward. Part of this initiative includes leveraging our wealth of experience in liberal arts education and our research excellence to collaborate with eminent universities, offer more distinct degree programmes, provide research opportunities for outstanding students across the world, and elevate our reputation in the international arena. Actuaries lay claim to analytical skills that help decision-makers take good account of risk and uncertainty. What You Will Learn 1. Whether you are a nonprofit, a school, or a for-profit entity, strategic plans will look at where you are and how you will get to where you want to go. The following sections walk you through how to write common sections of a strategic plan. They are set in statement and purpose with no ambiguity about whether you achieve them or not. This can come from a variety of sources including: in-depth interviews of stakeholders, listening to stakeholder stories about their experience with you and the competition, feedback via your complaint and suggestion systems, focus groups and even casual conversations with stakeholders. I would spontaneously go about saying how about we do this/how about we do that. Strategic planning terminology is not standardized throughout the industry, and this can lead to confusion. She recommends coming up with a kind of glossary that defines the terms for your team. Why a strategic plan is crucial in any school . If you are a member of your business's decision-making team, such as a manager or team leader, you may help create, update or implement a strategic plan. Instead, be honest about the strengths that you see in the author. But first, let us briefly discuss what a foreword is and why and where we should write a foreword. If you're the one writing it, a clear step-by-step process makes it even simpler. Get expert coaching, deep technical support and guidance. But then you become aware that some of the employees are also owners, and the complexity grows. After extensive consultations with various stakeholders of the University, a new Strategic Plan for 2016-2022 has been formulated. Strategic planning, also called strategy development or analysis and assessment, requires attention to detail and should be performed by someone who can follow through on next steps and regular updates. For example, phrases like delivering a wonderful experience could apply to many industries. For instance, budgets are finite and it's important to know who is going to pay for the project. If your mission statement could define many companies in your line of work, it is not a good mission statement. The process of formulating a new Strategic Plan at CUHK has given us the opportunities to take stock on past successes and failures, to determine our visions and future goals in the light of challenges ahead, and to put forward strategies for our developments not only in response to changing needs but also as an active and participating agent to drive intellectual, social and economic changes. Team troubles can also occur when one or more members does not think the plan is important or does not buy into the process. Privacy Policy | Advertising Disclosure | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions. Sign your name at the endbecause the foreword of a book is essentially a letter of endorsement written to the reader!

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how to write a foreword for a strategic plan