ocie army regulation

hb```,@( 700-84 and AR 710-2 will incorporate the guidance in this memorandum AR 710-2 and AR 735-5 contain the Army policy for property accountability and responsibility. %%EOF Update PSG wrote up a hand receipt from me to him in order to take the brunt of it all. In a endstream endobj 406 0 obj <>stream Personal clothing and organizational clothing and individual equipment. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. SROTC cadets that leave the ROTC As Soldiers PCS and out WEATHER SUPPORT FOR THE U.S. ARMY {AFI 15-157 (IP)}, INSTALLATION GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION AND SERVICES, PARTICIPATION IN JOINT SERVICE RESERVE COMPONENT FACILITY BOARDS, RETENTION IN AN ACTIVE STATUS AFTER QUALIFICATION FOR RETIRED PAY, SERVICE OBLIGATIONS, METHODS OF FULFILLMENT, PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS, AND ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS, APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OFFICERS OF THE ARMY (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-13), APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT BRANCHES (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-4), READY RESERVE SCREENING, QUALIFICATION RECORDS SYSTEM, AND CHANGE OF ADDRESS REPORTING, PROMOTION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND WARRANT OFFICERS, RESERVE COMPONENT GENERAL OFFICER PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, ACTIVE DUTY FOR MISSIONS, PROJECTS, AND TRAINING FOR RESERVE COMPONENT SOLDIERS, ORDER TO ACTIVE DUTY AS INDIVIDUALS FOR OTHER THAN A PRESIDENTIAL RESERVE CALL-UP, PARTIAL OR FULL MOBILIZATION, INCAPACITATION OF RESERVE COMPONENT SOLDIERS, ENTRY ON ACTIVE DUTY OR ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAINING (ROTC OFFICERS) (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), ASSIGNMENTS, ATTACHMENTS, DETAILS, AND TRANSFERS, INDIVIDUAL MOBILIZATION AUGMENTATION PROGRAM, TRAINING AND RETIREMENT POINT CREDITS AND UNIT LEVEL STRENGTH ACCOUNTING RECORDS, ARMY RESERVE LAND AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, SENIOR RESERVE OFFICERS` TRAINING CORPS PROGRAM: ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND TRAINING, ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, OPERATION, AND SUPPORT, ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND OPERATION, MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC SUPERVISION {OPNAV 11200.5D; AFI 31-218(I); MCO 5110.1D; DLAR 5720.1}, OBTAINING INFORMATION FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, ENEMY PRISONERS OF WAR, RETAINED PERSONNEL, CIVILIAN INTERNEES AND OTHER DETAINEES {OPNAVINST 3461.6; AFJI 31-304; MCO 3461.1}, ABSENTEE DESERTER APPREHENSION PROGRAM AND SURRENDER OF MILITARY PERSONNEL TO CIVILIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, PHYSICAL SECURITY OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES, CARRYING OF FIREARMS AND USE OF FORCE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SECURITY DUTIES, BIOLOGICAL SELECT AGENTS AND TOXINS SECURITY PROGRAM, ARMED FORCES DISCIPLINARY CONTROL BOARDS AND OFF-INSTALLATION LIAISON AND OPERATIONS {OPNAVINST 1620.2A; AFI 31-213; MCO 1620.2D; COMDTINST 1620.1E}, PROTECTION OF FEDERAL WITNESSES ON ARMY INSTALLATIONS, SECURITY OF UNCLASSIFIED ARMY RESOURCES (SENSITIVE AND NONSENSITIVE), INTERCEPTION OF WIRE AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES, SECURITY OF NUCLEAR REACTORS AND SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIALS, U.S. ARMY CORRECTIONS SYSTEM: PROCEDURES FOR MILITARY EXECUTIONS, THE ARMY CIVILIAN POLICE AND SECURITY GUARD PROGRAM, DESIGNATION AND PROTECTION OF HIGH RISK PERSONNEL, THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND SPECIAL AGENT PROGRAM, USE OF CONTINGENCY LIMITATION .0015 FUNDS FOR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITIES, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY POLYGRAPH ACTIVITIES, PERSONAL COMMERCIAL SOLICITATION ON ARMY INSTALLATIONS, REAL PROPERTY MASTER PLANNING FOR ARMY INSTALLATIONS, SUPPORT FOR NON-FEDERAL ENTITIES AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE ON DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY INSTALLATIONS, VENDING FACILITY PROGRAM FOR THE BLIND ON FEDERAL PROPERTY, BASIC POLICIES AND PRINCIPLES FOR CARRYING OUT AN ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM, MILITARY MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION PROGRAMS AND NONAPPROPRIATED FUND INSTRUMENTALITIES, NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS INSTRUMENTALITIES PERSONNEL POLICY, CIVILIAN NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS AND MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES, ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE OPERATIONS {AFI 34-211(I)}, ARMY UNIT STATUS REPORTING AND FORCE REGISTRATION-CONSOLIDATED POLICIES, DESIGNATION, CLASSIFICATION, AND CHANGE IN STATUS OF UNITS, OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND OPPOSING FORCE PROGRAM, MANAGEMENT OF ARMY INDIVIDUAL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS AND RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT OF DEFENSE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING, ARMY FOUNDRY INTELLIGENCE TRAINING PROGRAM, POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT FOR TRAINING AIDS, DEVICES, SIMULATORS, AND SIMULATIONS, UNITED STATES ARMY OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL, SMALL ARMS COMPETITIVE MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM, PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS OF THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, INTER-SERVICE TRAINING {OPNAVINST 1500.27G; AFI 36-2230(I); MCO 1580.7E; COMDTINST 1580.1}, FOREIGN DISCLOSURE AND CONTACTS WITH FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES, ACQUISITION AND STORAGE OF INFORMATION CONCERNING NONAFFILIATED PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS, ARMY SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM, SAFEGUARDING AND CONTROLLING COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY MATERIAL, CLASSIFICATION OF FORMER CHEMICAL WARFARE, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE, AND NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION SURVIVABILITY INFORMATION, SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAMS (SAPS) AND SENSITIVE ACTIVITIES, THE CONDUCT AND OVERSIGHT OF U.S. ARMY INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES, INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT TO CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT, THE ARMY HUMAN INTELLIGENCE (HUMINT) COLLECTION PROGRAM (U), NON-STANDARD MATERIEL POLICY AND INTELLIGENCE PROCEDURES (U) (ONLY AVAILABLE ON SIPRNET), ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY AND INTERESTS THEREIN (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2), FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE JURISDICTION (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), MANAGEMENT OF TITLE AND GRANTING USE OF REAL PROPERTY, ENGINEER TROOP UNIT CONSTRUCTION IN CONNECTION WITH TRAINING ACTIVITIES, ACQUISITION AND SALE OF UTILITIES SERVICES, U.S. ARMY CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS PROGRAM, SOFTWARE REPROGRAMMING FOR CYBER ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTIVITIES, SPECIAL MISSION BADGES AND CREDENTIALS (U), ARMY MILITARY DECEPTION (MILDEC) PROGRAM (U), ARMY ARMS CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION AND COMPLIANCE POLICY, EVACUATION OF U.S. CITIZENS AND DESIGNATED ALIENS FROM THREATENED AREAS, ARMY GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AND GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION AND SERVICES, PROCESSING REQUESTS FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM AND TEMPORARY REFUGE, ACQUISITION AND CROSS-SERVICING AGREEMENTS, REMISSION OR CANCELLATION OF INDEBTEDNESS, UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM OR CONDUCTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS (FLAG), LINE OF DUTY POLICY, PROCEDURES, AND INVESTIGATIONS, PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING AND STRENGTH REPORTING, IDENTIFICATION CARDS FOR MEMBERS OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES, THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE PERSONNEL {AFI 363026_IPV1/AR 600814/BUPERS INST 1750.10D/MCO 5512.11E/COMDTINST M5512.1B/NOAA CORPS DIRECTIVES, CHAPTER 1, PART 5/COMMISSIONED CORPS MANUAL 29.2/INSTRUCTIONS 1 AND 2} (CERTIFIED CURRENT BY ARMY ON 10/21/2020. The largest single part of the FAR is Part 52, which contains standard . Now he has moved back, but he is stating that the Army had 6 months to recoup the equipment otherwise it's to be written off as a loss. Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-809, Civilian Survivor Assistance, March 20, 2019:This instruction prescribes the procedures to follow when a civilian employee dies. Soldiers will acquire items used specifically for arctic, Do keep all TA-50 items together except when items are needed for exercises. . Is there a way to pull OCIE turn-in information from my old unit, 5 years after I left? This site is solely for testing and approving site pages before they are released to the general public. Marine Corps Order 6320.2E, Administration and Processing of Injured/Ill/Hospitalized Marines, Nov. 1, 2007:This order publishes instructions for the provision of prompt and complete administrative assistance to injured, ill and hospitalized Marines. Please login directly: Self-Service:. Manages, coordinates, and performs assigned areas of the logistics program, to include Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, Direct Reporting Units and customers involved in logistics support of OCIE. Anybody receive HIV Vaccinations in the 2000-2003 time frame? Posted 12:00:00 AM. A#T9AML'|Utw execute a phased implementation plan to gradually transition initial The mission of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade Stuttgart Central Issue Facility (CIF) is to operate issue/turn-in points for Organizational Clothing and Equipment (OCIE) in support of all tenant units within the Stuttgart Joint military community. Appendix A, B, or C. Assist Soldiers in finding employment via temp-agencies and job . It gives us another means to protect our Soldiers and their belongings from opportunity theft and crime," she said. Someone got booted from the Army, but never turned in their OCIE. The first installment of the new IPPS-A Demo Series. Each soldiers OCIE should be inventoried quarterly. Replaced Items, page 16 K. Documents Required for Change Requests, page 16 Supporting Tables Table B-1: Clothing Allowance Zones, page 8 Table B-2: Army Clothing Allowance Zones Map, page 8 1.b. Each soldier's OCIE should be inventoried quarterly. Additionally, the FLO must What army regulation covers Flipl? An Unofficial Blog of the United States of America Army National Guard, Date Published: 28 Jan 21 Provides leadership with feedback on OCIE Direct Ordering (ODO) Program . The wear out date for the UCP ACU is 30 September 2019. b. will return OCIE items when they leave the Army for the Individual Ready BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ARMY AND AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE {AFI 34-203 (I)} JOINT TECHNICAL COORDINATING GROUP FOR MUNITIONS EFFECTIVENESS (JTCG/ME) PUBLICATIONS {AFJI 10-411; NAVMATINST 5600.23; MCO 5600.43B} The items are seemingly minor. AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. Inspection and Repair of OCIE 4-6 9 . 1 1 0 Someone got booted from the Army, but never turned in their OCIE. Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) Accountability procedures for OCIE are established in AR 710-2 and PAM 710-2-1. The Maneuver Center of Excellence shall determine the list of OCIE required for all Soldiers to perform Warrior Task Training. Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) Accountability procedures for OCIE are established in AR 710-2 and PAM 710-2-1. Army Regulation 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions, 16 May 2019. b. Department of the Army Pamphlet 290-5, Administration, Operation, and Maintenance of Army Cemeteries, May 1, 1991 (updated Oct. 21, 2020):This pamphlet describes the procedures and policies for the administration, operation and maintenance of Arlington National Cemetery, the Soldiers and Airmens Home National Cemetery, 25 Army post cemeteries and the West Point Post Cemetery. U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Scorecard 4-8 10 . For IG School questions, please use our . What is a DD 200? The system functions through insulation, which resists the transmission of heat, traps air, and wicks moisture away from the body; layering, which increases air space and allows easy adjustment to. d. Instructions for Appendix C: Military Occupational Specialty SECNAV Instruction 1770.4A, Secretary of the Navy Traumatic Injury Service Members Group Life Insurance Implementation Guidance and Appeals Process, Feb. 11, 2019:This instruction establishes procedures, responsibilities and an appeals process for the implementation of the TSGLI Program within the Department of the Navy. Disposal or disposition of the items are at the Soldier's MMVj0qG~;Ps. PARTICIPATION IN A MILITARY OR CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT SAFETY INVESTIGATION {OPNAVIST 3750.16C, COMDTINST 5100.28, AFI 91-206} HTTPS://WWW.SECNAV.NAVY.MIL/DONI/DIRECTIVES/ THE NAVY IS THE LEAD PROPONENT FOR THIS REGULATION. MOS items are specific OCIE items Military programs are governed by federal law, Defense Department policy and policies specific to the branches of service. Either we're both blind or it's not in there. Army Regulation 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program, July 13, 2021:This regulation prescribes policies for the care and disposition of the remains of deceased personnel for whom the Army is responsible. Your commander, who will have. 25th ID Policy Letter 04 - Retention Program. Bureau of Naval Personnel Instruction 1770.3, The Navy Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) Manual, July 10, 1995:This instruction provides guidelines for assisting relatives of sailors who are deceased, temporarily unaccounted for or injured. Log-into AKO links ( https://www.akolinks.com ) 2. The DD Form 200 is used to document the financial liability process for lost, damaged or destroyed Government property. Department of the Air Force 36-3028, Benefits and Entitlements for Family Members of Retired Air Force Deceased, Oct. 3, 2002:This pamphlet provides general information about most federal benefits and entitlements available to eligible family members of deceased retired Air Force personnel and explains the application process. A charger, a cable, and a small RCU (the most important training piece). Examine unit maintenance and supply activities and processes to ensure compliance with applicable Army regulations, field manuals, technical publications, and FORSCOM policies. Standard Clothing Replacement Allowance begins after 3 years of active duty, and is paid at the end of the service members anniversary month.Clothing Replacement Allowance. b. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. Army Training and Doctrine Command and each Center of Excellence, OCIE deemed excess and unserviceable due to fair wear and tear (FW&T) will (MOS) Retained Issue. Department of the Air Force Policy Directive 34-1, Air Force Services, Oct. 11, 2018:This directive provides policies for the identification, care, disposition and military honors for the deceased, and the retrieval, protection and disposition of the deceaseds personal property during the sensitive time following a death. OCIE without a TAG requires a Damage Statement to turn in. endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>/Metadata 25 0 R/Outlines 32 0 R/Pages 399 0 R/StructTreeRoot 39 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 403 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 404 0 obj <>stream Soldiers who are deploying or have an operational need are provided with OCIE items in the Operational Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern, also known as OEF-CP. This regulation updates sup-p l y p o l i c y b e l o w t h e n a t i o n a l l e v e l throughout the U.S. Army. How and Where to Replace Missing OCIE, TA50, and Army Equipment. The ACU in the operational camouflage pattern (OCP) is a daily work, utility, and field uniform (see fig 4-1). Automated OCIE records/DA Forms 3645 / 3645-1, are used to record OCIE transactions of issues, turn-ins, and Performed weapons repair up to Direct and General Support Level of Current U.S. Army Small Arms. If the Soldier is being investigated for misconduct under a Commanders Inquiry or Law Enforcement Investigation, then no. Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) Accountability procedures for OCIE are established in AR 710-2 and PAM 710-2-1. This Common Table of Allowances (CTA) is an authorization document under the provisions of AR 71-13 and AR 700-84 providing flexible basis, of issue, which may be used to acquire clothing and individual equipment. Violations will be reported to Soldiers commands, the police chief said. Ensures the CIF's OCIE Property books are accurately maintained in ISM. Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-3002, Casualty Services, May 11, 2018:This instruction describes procedures for the Casualty Services Program for all levels of command and all Air Force organizations. Clarke said personnel will be hit with a violation of post policy. `wX/w/9)q Z0m">N{|dv;&O57RZHO$i %i*8`xX`,@^_Fpq'sJ+@)! What army regulation covers civilian clothing allowance? Marine Corps Order P3040.4E, Marine Corps Casualty Procedures Manual, 1. Officers will return OCIE items when they leave the Army for the Individual Ready Reserve or resign their commission. (Only corrections to documents in the Performance folder) You could not forlorn going . rL>2Lc&HF3mNZ vvl';dUxS{t` 8F U.S. Army Garrisons :: U.S. Army Installation Management Command 6. The CIF will The person conducting the inventory will enter the words "Inventoried by" print rank and name (pencil entry) in the signature and date block of the form, sign and date the appropriate column. Logout. 1125 0 obj <>stream Find programs and services at your local installation. 7. Soldiers Army Regulation 290-5, Army Cemeteries, Sept. 1, 1980:This regulation states the authority and assigns responsibilities for the development, operation, maintenance and administration of Arlington National Cemetery and the Soldiers and Airmens Home National Cemetery. Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 1770.1A, Casualty Assistance Calls and Funeral Honors Support (CAC/FHS) Program Coordination, September 2018: This instruction makes known the commands coordination of responsibilities for the CAC/FHS Program. Thieves often break latching mechanisms on internal storage compartments to look for other items to steal. From who initiates, and why (your CDR). OCIE Central Issue Facilities (CIF) Central Issue Facility (CIF) 0800-1630 Mon-Fri 9200 First Division Rd, Bldg 9055 Phone: (706) 545-7179 - or - Phone: (706) 545-8413 - or - DSN: 835-8410 Fax:. Appendix A Soldier OCIE retained issue no later than 1 October 2022. e. Instructions for Appendix D: SROTC Retained Issue. hbbd```b``a@$S d>&{"d2XLl`)L7$'@*7# Dn ` r< In an automated supply operation, this regulation is used in conjunction with the appropriate automated procedural pub-lication for the system being used. <> The Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army | The Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army Release 3 is Live for all component users!! The principal audience for TC 7-21.13 is all Soldiers of the Army Profession, but primarily those from ranks of PVT thru SPC. Army Regulation 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, 28 March 2008 b. Soldier Self Service (Detailed information) Records Correction for upcoming Promotions / Selection Board s Board Correction Form Email the form to: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.iperms-board-support@army.mil. SECNAV Instruction 1850.4E, Department of the Navy (DON) Disability Evaluation Manual, identified in Army Regulation AR 710-2, Inventory Management Supply Policy. "It's our duty within DES to identify the means of more preventive measures, so we can be more proactive instead of reactive with any criminal activity. Using the CTRL+F search method on AR 725-50, I found nothing pertaining to OCIE. require a basic level of cold and wet weather protection at all times. "High-value and easily pilfered items should not be left in plain view in a car. (u) department of army pamphlet 670 -1, . Integrated Product Team, will review and update this appendix as It can be found at www.apd.army.mil. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. C, and remove items from the record that are not recoverable (i.e. Proudly powered by WordPress | for all applicable personnel to follow. Current Soldier/Total Force transition. ==OPp=GN8W" Oo!% :8:FG` 3D#":::8@zU#:a # l% +j,(<41W pQ)!&_FwtAg76orv 3'3e`VtH:`4!: |;@[0 3UHs10DZ> G necessary each calendar year and submit changes to the Office of the The update will discuss policies for permanent change of Regional items will not be 1116 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6BEB3CFD9B86E94996CF49CA756B81B7>]/Index[1097 29]/Info 1096 0 R/Length 97/Prev 356298/Root 1098 0 R/Size 1126/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Army CVR Users, Congratulations! 1100 and 1230 1530 monday friday, 2 the stockage of ocie in the cifs is assigned within army regulation 710 2 1 prescribing mandatory minimum . Normally I'm ok with a FLIPL but when helping some ncos for 5 minutes (tops) the gear was ratfucked and I could not sub hand receipt it out. ARMY REGULATIONS. Fort Benning has adopted an Army policy prohibiting service members assigned here from storing gear known as TA-50 in vehicles parked on or off post.

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